9/11,Hiroshima,diana,rita,7/7,quakes and alignments

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9/11,Hiroshima,diana,rita,7/7,quakes and alignments

Post #1by Zeus 7of9 » 25.12.2005, 15:33

Time is short, i will only write once and I'm off.... Celestia holds a key to earth human tragedies way into the future, following is the very obvious truth.... I am not delusional... the challenge is for you to see through that and understand what i am, and what I am saying you can become....prophets are always scientific...i am nothing special, just fortunate and very different.... but you need hard facts....please cut n past if you need to..

The events, last years tsunami and 9/11... both indicated by a line of planets. In fact the line of planets indicate a huge humanity moving ripple across the whole solar system... humanity are moved just as rocks do when the earth ripples....minds ripple too...collective consciousness, lets speak with pictures to back this up below..
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... t&id=18436

, i am being monitored by shadow government forces for reasons still quite bizzare to me...but definately unavoidable.... gradually, through the perpetual torture they give me/// i am building a case against them to reveal to the world next year....(bear with this madness. one man can change the world even these days i only use the enemy to destroy themselves, i need no army to fight)....as if i have a tested method at getting governments and satanic organisations to leak secrets to the public... you would only call for a straight jacket if i told you what i have done and can be able to do in the future... for now i gather information and poison the enemy lines...., but the real nasty sensitive types of leakable info can crash whole countries, and definately crash the illuminati plans....see what happens... i bet you i succeed. I was shown by my allies a way to find the location of the next human tradgedy to map the journey to 2012. My allies exist outside this realm, i recieved this message in a dream.........this is a science I identified using Celestia the moment i work up... i was directed straight to the pc to use it with the promise that i would rremember my dream...and I did...i was directed not to give up when all i met were never completely acurate alignments, but always events met the dates....i later learned that alignments are always like that....not completely straight, so with 24 hrs accuracy either way i can use celestia to know when a human tragedy or upliftlment will arrive.........
if you want me to get to the point, then
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... opic=50291
http://www.stargatezero.com/forum/index ... =showPosts
http://eaglesdisobey.org/CMS/modules.ph ... sc&start=0
my enemies have helped to dwindle me down to only 3 forums and i am more interested in destroying them head on next year....

the game/formula is easy enough for even kids to understand... but the principle behind it leadsone into psionics of the quantum variables and the meaning of time....i mean tme....way past my bedtime of ideas really....i am not even an amateur astronomer and though psionic, i don't read into constilations, i read into overlapping crators andthe signals and messages left by the earlier gods.....

simply look for alignments of 3's.. 3 of the inner heavenly bodies which may include the sun.... like the one today, or few this month.... coupled with a time of very close planets we are experiencing a lot of energy on earth.....the feelgood feeling has been strong since the last solar bursts. Only if you meditate will you have noted the subtle changes.. they are expanding through 2006 and signposted by these alignments... disbelieve this now... wait for january and the events htting the news...

No alignments in space are frequently exactily straight lines, so near orbits are what you must look for... as in mars venus mercury today as the 5.2 quake goes off killing nobody in Pakistan.... i am talking of the hands of the gods influencing everything or the matrix programmers leaving behind their signatures and seams in reality... signals and signposts are everywhere...including the pattern of the overlapping crators, existing to reflect much of our overlapping cultures, the language of which is timeless and all time is read in what we see as the surface of a moon when a god may read a moon it as a dipstick in his oil tank....deending on the purpose of a circling chanuk of rock for recording time in one constant moment...
today's quake, as the above forums indicate, you too can be prophetic with celestia......

http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... t&id=19797

check a date... hiroshima.... 9/11.....2012, kennedy assasination, the quakes of this year.... peace declared in bosnia, ww2, Iraq war....vietnam peace and war declarations....

i was waiting since january 2005 for the events of this month.....expecting them to be only a springboard into the massive double alignment Jan 9-17 2006...

One has just got to see the double alignment fitting into place this january... using celestia from December to february on speed time watching out for alignments in mid jan... fantastic....celestia has the speed function to see this magical period unfold.... those who told me about the wild and covert/subtle events of january under the disasters predicted...these creatures were not of this planet... not completely....they hinted at the still ticking pyramids during this January time as well.... But hey, forums have ignored this for months....and i expect nothing from here until after january....

this is no conspiracy forum, nor does it investigate nothing the mechanics of God and the gods., it does however hold insight to the crashing events to come leading us through 2012... The formulae above works every time....it took me months before the 7/7 bombings promted me to the forums...as then i had proof as i expected a big event then....

This period december/january is mostly of positive energy.... a few disasters this year without killing a single person, like quakes in japan, or plane crashes....... this month saw two unusual explosions, the Uk with the largest ever in europe killed nobody...the other in Texas massive and within days, the main event also, today, was also weak and probably also positive to humanity in the long term.... we are hence in a positive wave... the negative waves are to return next year.... so if i sound mad, look at celestia and date any major day that the news reported a global tradgedy or global celerbration....... like tsunami's hurricanes quakes, assasinations, terror attacks, and then hunt the events that changed our world to togetherness, like the declarations of peace, anti nukes anti poisons and freedom by revolutions etc.... they are all marked by alignments of any three heavenly bodies.... as i am to leave the internet and wage a war to leak damning secrets from the vatican... I think it better to leave the evidence here, so people can print and make whatever profit out of it if they can. I have enough witnesses who are studing the facts already....i have a problem about a prodicted nuclear bomb due from the illuminati, the internet saps my energy.. i am leaving to focus my war....so take of this as you feel benefitial......it is only a torch indicating a confirmation on the concept of gods and demi-gods that some people know or suspect may be true.....it was a force of creatures exalted from the realm of the dark lords supressing humanity right now... gods exist in that realm and in the higher ones.. the dark supress knowledge, so only the Light are left....even if nobody can be trusted..., I know for very sharp reasons what i am on about, delusional i am not....nobody wakes up in the morning with laser scars on their arm, or semivisible creature forcing their way into your torso....well, not quite true....a few people actually do, i am one of them, now i'm at war..., or visions of a place where information like this thread perpetuate and flow.....so for the makers of this program.....you have a method to predict the future more than for eclipses and orbits, but for world changing events to come as well... this is seriously flawless as i boasted last night, and recieved a quake this morning... totally accurate as well......

events can be single and sudden positive or negative, like charles and diana marrying or 911/ we have also positive and negative string of events when alignments are numerous within the month... i. the period of Hurricane scares and bali bombing etc.....

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#1 Add to Zeus's Reputation
Old 09-06-2005, 06:31 PM
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basil Fawlty
This was the last distaster.

The next one is between Sept 27 and Oct 10 2005


The first on my research list was 09 11 2001


It was 07 07 2005 that began my interest.


And I can see a majoroccurance from the end of November this year until December 26 or 27-07 2005. Something big will happen during xmas 2005


There are no real 3 in a row planetary alignments and no reason to assume that there are any eclipses, but where one searches for the near 3 in the row alinments, something big happens on earth.
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#2 Add to Theophilus's Reputation Report Bad Post
Old 09-06-2005, 07:35 PM
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Welcome Zeus,

Your links don't exactly work. They take me to the forum, but not the post you want us to see. I did key them in though and saw your planetary charts. Very interesting.

You are not the only one who thinks there will be a major disaster of some sort around that time frame. Others have reached that conclusion also, but by entirely different methods. One by time codes, and one by analyzing linguistic patterns on the internet.


Illigitimus Non Carborundum
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3 into 1 will go

#3 Add to Zeus's Reputation
Old 09-06-2005, 10:32 PM
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basil Fawlty
Default 3 into 1 will go
yeah. Cosmic hash up i recon. Sos.

Fixed now.

Hi Theophilus, how are you?

I fixed the problem, i do apologize for the lack of accuracy in the data, the data is beyond rough, but it repeats significantly. I just am desperate to give a legal and heavy blow at them. You may not hear of me again. Yet the idiots who monitor me only say Shhhhh about this so far. They say it is valid... Don't ask me who monitors me. They are too stupid to be of importance, besides, it might frighten off replies.

The fuck about me, I am nothng, Just look at the near eclipses upon the planets, they really do point at something. Only that they are only a few incidents like these in the calendar year. Every damned time, something big happens on earth, either natural or created. Bear with me until I find qualified help. The data is really accurate give or take 12 hours except for the event coming which is anytime within 2 weeks. I need someone to take the batton from me on this one. i think it is significant.

Do have a good time there.
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#4 Add to Theophilus's Reputation Report Bad Post
Old 09-07-2005, 12:20 AM
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I read your entire thread on the forum where you posted the pictures. I don't think your theory is hard to understand. But lets see if I have it correct.

When 3 planets closely align, a major event happens on earth. Right? (Does earth have to be one of the planets? Let me go back and look at the pix again.) Hmm, apparently not.

So thats a pretty simple theory, and one which should be easy to test. I don't understand why the others on that forum were busting your chops.

Have you gone back further in history to find more examples?

You stated that the times do not match exactly. Have you considered that the effects of events may occur sometime after the event begins. IE: A car bomber loads up his car with explosives on monday, but doesn't actually drive the car to the target until tuesday. I would call that a delayed resolution. Which day is important?

Ok, let us know how this all works out.

Illigitimus Non Carborundum
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#5 Add to Zeus's Reputation
Old 09-07-2005, 12:39 AM
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basil Fawlty
Indeed some events occur after, or the close alignments occur just after e.g. December 24th 2005 being the possible event, dec 27 2005 the alignment. I am glad you have the intelligence to investigate. You must be hungry for knowledge or just astute. The investigation is 3 months old. I have recently realized (/11 and today, 29/08. Yet i have no idea when Katrina struck. All times are GMT and there was a weird one above where George Bush assasination attempt was the only news for days. Perhaps this is not Illuminati prepared, but the Universe. i am not sure how much control the Illuminati hold over all of this. i am seeking someone with the ability in astrology, astronomy and physics to understand why.

Was there any International news regarding the attempt on Bushes life May 10 2005?

http://www.newshounds.us/2005/05/10..._ha ppened.php

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#6 Add to Zeus's Reputation
Old 09-07-2005, 01:54 AM
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basil Fawlty
there are seeminly no special order with the planets chosen on each date. i am assuming that this is why this is not already old news. It is that simple, it stares at you without being seen. i only went to the computer after a dream and i began searching from then. please, pick a date of importance and i will match it.
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#7 Add to Theophilus's Reputation Report Bad Post
Old 09-07-2005, 08:07 AM
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I think the Celestia program is not accurate, or there is a possibility that I am not doing something correctly.

When I put in your dates, I can indeed see the planetary alignments exactly as your graphics show.

However, on 05/05/2000, there was supposed to be a grand alignment of all the planets and the Sun.. When I put in that date, the planets don't line up. Not even close. Definitely not what I expected.

See the article about the grand alignment.

I did find a date close to that which produces a 3 planet alignment of earth, mercury, and venus. Set up for Apr 28, 2000.

So, did any major event occur at that time? I searched but turned up nothing major.

Illigitimus Non Carborundum
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#8 Add to Zeus's Reputation
Old 09-07-2005, 03:33 PM
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basil Fawlty

You are right.

Interestingly on 28 04 2000: http://archives.cnn.com/2000/NATURE...nbul.quake.enn/

But no real evidence of anything of significance on that day.

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Post #2by Zeus 7of9 » 25.12.2005, 16:54

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Post #3by WildMoon » 31.12.2005, 06:39

Wow. This is pretty interesting!!! The chances of alot of major events happening right when there's alignments is. . . incredibly, very, unlikely.
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Post #4by rthorvald » 31.12.2005, 14:25

WildMoon wrote:Wow. This is pretty interesting!!! The chances of alot of major events happening right when there's alignments is. . . incredibly, very, unlikely.

WildMoon, major events is happening in the world every day. Several times each day, in fact - take a look at any international news site. So, major events will neccecarily happen at all planetary alignments, at astrological key dates, at the birthday of my mother??s dog, or at the date that corresponds to the lenght of the longest hall in the Cheops pyramid measured in centimeters. It is utterly unavoidable, since the world is relatively large and has five billion people in it that are doing all sorts of stuff all the time. Not to mention all the room there is for geological or meterological events to happen in...


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Post #5by Zeus 7of9 » 01.01.2006, 23:24

Surely by now i expected skeptical interest.. i suggest you take a look at the sequence jan 9-17... use the speed feature and watch how amazingly a double alignment forms... trully a most beautiful experience to be a part of... Should you find time to do this before the events of this month, then you have become a scientific prophet... I am approaching different groups with the same intent, to show details before the events occur... when you note the days of the alignments, (though celestia is inaccurate for this) you can map the specific days when events occur. I can place any bet that you will be that acurate... real prophets, and thanks shattners, you helped me make real a very odd vision....

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Post #6by t00fri » 01.01.2006, 23:27

WildMoon wrote:Wow. This is pretty interesting!!!

That fuzz above is "killing me softly" ;-)
I can only hope that this will remain in "splendid isolation"...

Bye Fridger

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Post #7by Hunter Parasite » 02.01.2006, 00:55

but the real nasty sensitive types of leakable info can crash whole countries, and definately crash the illuminati plans....

Isnt the illuminati an alien race that made a pact with the grays in the game Area 51? Not the area 51 with the light pistols, the one on Xbox and PS2.

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Post #8by julesstoop » 02.01.2006, 07:00

Lapinism matters!

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Post #9by Hunter Parasite » 02.01.2006, 14:37

Thanks for that. So let me get this straight zeus, you being chased by a bunch "Enlightened ones" because your a scientific prophet. Is there even such thing? a Prophet is a person that carries messages from god. not celestia. Celestia is not a god.

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Post #10by Zeus 7of9 » 17.05.2006, 17:40

No, i am being chased by a load of gouls, but the ones you describe as enlightened I am not sure what they are, perhaps they are me and i come up with weird but accurate data from my sleep. the game is simple. knowledge is always around us. 20 years later i am fortunate to have gained limited access and it is expanding,..

Looking at any heavily cratored rock in space, you can tell much of the synchronicity of events upon its surface. We do this without reference to time, we just look and see. Yet you can see and know stuff without a time machine to explain. Time is explained effortlessly in your assumption. Until you investigate time further. You may never know where that moon has been in our galaxy or what parts of the galaxy indeed landed on it to make those crators.

But we all know how odd our moon is covered with crators. The history of that moon can be picked up via the intuition and other skills people here are too scientific to deal with.

One thing more. a friend and i witnessed mirages of our fellow travellers cross our path, multiple shadows of events that happened earlier that day.

If you wanted to, you could know the answwer to any question, just like that. how is the secret. the answers are always very close to us. So whoever told me to reflect upon the alignments and the global events, was good.

I am glad i confused you with my incoherent writing. as for the topic, i jotted down some notes and dates

the times when we have the concentration of alignments e.g. may 22 - june 6/6/6

or the biggie in august, are the times perhaps for more intense or prolonged activity.

ok enough hog talk... the notes

sol mercury venus march 28-31
mars sol mercury 24/25th april
sol earth jupiter may 5-10
mars sol venus may 22-25
saturn mars mercury sol venus and jupiter earth venus May 31+

venus mercury sol june 6

saturn mars mercury earth june 23 - 29+

Sol mercury earth july 17-24

venus sol jupiter july 17

mars sol mercury august 8

earth mercury venus august 11

venus mercury sol august 22

earth sol mercury aug28 sept 2

mars merc sol sept 8

sol mercury jupiter nov 23

earth )venus( sol mars 19 october- 24

mars venus merc 31 oct

earth merc sol venus jupiter nov 8

mars merc earth dec 3

earth merc mars jupiter dec 7

sol merc mars jup dec 20+

May 2011 jupiter mars venus mercury earth saturn

july august 2011 judgement period between earth jenus love increase and mars mercury war inhibition jupiter and saturn on oposites perhaps signifying imprisonment for ideas of decay, justice and power for all i.e. if you hold the weapon, you will cohabit with the potential of the weapon, if you live with love, you get as you sow

dec 2012 mars is distant as well as venus....

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Post #11by buggs_moran » 17.05.2006, 18:48

When people subscribe to and put any thought into any of this bunk it is surely an indicator of troubles humanity has experienced in the past, now and what we have to look forward to.
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Post #12by t00fri » 17.05.2006, 18:49

Hey Agamemnon,

didn't you promise to be off FOR GOOD after your "splendid introductory remarks" above !??
This is really worse than Spam ;-)
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Post #13by Dollan » 17.05.2006, 18:49

I *knew* the Mayan doomsday date would sneak into this at some point....

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Post #14by PlutonianEmpire » 18.05.2006, 03:36

I wonder if that "nibiru" planet plays a factor in any of this?

On my celestia, I made nibiru reach perihelion on 2012.

Just for fun, anyway. ;)
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Post #15by Malenfant » 18.05.2006, 13:56

This basically proves my idea that the major downside of the internet is that it gives idiots a voice.... :roll:
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Post #16by Dollan » 18.05.2006, 14:14

Always count on Stupidity and you'll never be dissapointed.
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Post #17by Cormoran » 19.05.2006, 18:01

I was biting my tongue on this one out of politeness, but now I just can't...

I read the small novella at the top... didn't understand how such a mass of unrelated data could be synthesised. Liked Runar's thoughts on synchronicity etc.

Tried to read it again... anyone ever had that feeling after intense study or mind-expanding reading of profound clarity that your brain will explode? This made me feel like mine was collapsing in on itself, and I was getting progressively less smart as I read it (dangerous for me, I know)

I would have let the Mrs. read it, but I like her skull the way it is...

We need a page lower than Purgatory.

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Post #18by Dollan » 19.05.2006, 19:09

I believe to be lower than Purgatory, one would need to be in the Underworld....

"To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe..."
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