Dyson Sphere

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Re: Impossible?

Post #21by ajtribick » 16.12.2005, 14:50

Blaydewind wrote:If a Dyson Sphere had enough mass to collapse in on itself, wouldn't it also have enough mass to have its own gravity twards the outside of the sphere from the inside?

No. The problem is that the gravitational forces from the Dyson sphere cancel exactly for any point inside the Dyson sphere, so the only gravitational forces experienced are from the central star.

This can be shown using Gauss's Law for gravitation. Have fun.

Captain Nephilim
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Re: Impossible?

Post #22by Captain Nephilim » 16.12.2005, 22:24

Blaydewind wrote:2. Although I do agree that any such structure would have to be dynamically supported, what form would that support take?
Hmmmm . . . . magic, maybe?

3. If gravity in a system is always twards the star in any given system, (referencing my first point) how come I havn't fallen into the sun?

Because fortunately, you're wrong!

Gravity in a system is NOT always towards the star. That has nothing at all to do with it.

All matter/mass has the property of gravity. Big things have more than little things. So yes, you're being pulled toward the sun by its massive gravity. But you're also being kept down here in Earth's gravity well by this planet's huge mass.

In fact, you are actually attracting Earth and the Sun toward you a little bit, too. But that effect is too small to notice. It's the same reason that close binary stars appear to orbit around a common point, rather than the smaller one orbiting the larger one. They are both attracting/attracted to each other.

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Re: Impossible?

Post #23by eburacum45 » 17.12.2005, 17:39

Captain Nephilim wrote:
Blaydewind wrote:2. Although I do agree that any such structure would have to be dynamically supported, what form would that support take?
Hmmmm . . . . magic, maybe?

The 'dynamic support' I am supposing for such a dyson shell would be Paul Birch's Dynamic Orbital rings or loops;
here is a paragrapgh in Wikipedia describing the concept.

Dynamic orbital rings are used extensively in OA;
here is a page about the Supramundane and suprastellar shell concept, also one of Birch's ideas,
and here is our page about Dyson shells or swarms in general

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