Planetary magnitudes Calculator - update

All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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Post #21by scalbers » 24.11.2005, 21:28

Nice to see your script on the web. The syntax is understandable enough so that I could almost add to it. In my code, the V(1,0) for almost all known satellites are included from recently updated web pages by the JPL Solar Systems Dynamics group. I assume phase functions using something like the following strategy - icy satellites use the ones given for Ganymede or Callisto, rocky satellites use the ones given by Mercury or the Moon. A body like Titan perhaps could use a similar phase function as Jupiter or another gas giant.

Would a script such as this be usable in the core Celestia software when it displays the info about the target object (along with size, temperature, etc.)?

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Post #22by Malenfant » 24.11.2005, 21:39

scalbers wrote:Nice to see your script on the web. The syntax is understandable enough so that I could almost add to it. In my code, the V(1,0) for almost all known satellites are included from recently updated web pages by the JPL Solar Systems Dynamics group. I assume phase functions using something like the following strategy - icy satellites use the ones given for Ganymede or Callisto, rocky satellites use the ones given by Mercury or the Moon. A body like Titan perhaps could use a similar phase function as Jupiter or another gas giant.

I guess we could use the phase functions for existing satellites for some others (eg Europa's for the icy moons of Saturn, or for Triton?), but I'd be wary of this. For example, IIRC Uranus' satellites are a lot darker than those of Jupiter or Saturn (and they're a different composition too - more methane and ammonia ice iirc?) so their functions may be quite different.

I wanted to just use the values that we knew for certain (well, as best as we can find out anyway) rather than guess at others we don't know.

Would a script such as this be usable in the core Celestia software when it displays the info about the target object (along with size, temperature, etc.)?

I asked Toti about this and he basically thought it would be nice to include someday. I think this code could certainly be included in Celestia's core if the display could show up in place of the star magnitudes when looking at these specific planets, but I wouldn't really like to see it generalised just yet...
My Celestia page: Spica system, planetary magnitudes script, updated demo.cel, Quad system

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Re: Planetary magnitudes Calculator - update

Post #23by symaski62 » 05.05.2009, 17:19

Planetary magnitudes Calculator

:cry: zut ! planetary.celx
windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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