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Post #1by WildMoon » 20.10.2005, 00:32

I wanna know about some of ya'll just to know ya'll better, and I'm sure others could benefit from this as well. If you have any questions you'd like to ask other forum members, post your question here.

My questions:

1. @r3 y0(_) 1337? (Are you leet?)

2. What shows do you watch?

3. What books do you like?

4. Can you spell that big word that Mary Poppins always says? (word at bottom, if you know what the word is then write it down then check to see)

5. Where do you live? (for those that have put somewhere other than on Earth on their profile)

6. How old are you?

7. Wassup?

8. Do you like Japanes shows and/or manga and/or other stuff?

9. Are you a computer guru, nerd/geek/dork, or dunce?

10. Is your refrigerator running?

11. If so, shouldn't you go catch it?

12. Hehe, sorry, had a great urge to ask that joke. Was it stupid or actually funny though?

13. Have you discovered how fun it is to throw paper balls at your friends 'till they pummel you with paper balls or threaten to eat you?

15. Do you have any pets?

16. Lastly, do you have any fuuny stories to tell about things that have happened to you?

Sorry if anything here is stupid and not funny. Just my attempt to make something that could be a bit boring funner and funnier._______________
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #2by WildMoon » 20.10.2005, 01:08

1. | @m n07 1337. W?€y w0?µ1d y0?µ 7?€|nk | w@5 1337 0r ?µ53d 13375p3@k?

2. Star Trek (all the different star trek shows), Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Ghost Hunters, Maximum Exposure (Max X), many different Japanese shows, The Simpsons, Futurama, anything on the science channel and animal planet, and Monty Python.

3. I have 1000 books that I really like. Pick one. 8)

4. It's supercalifragileisticxpalidocius, I think.

5. My profile already says.

6. 13

7. Nothing but the ceiling. :lol:

8. Heck yeah

9. I'm a computer grand-poobah!!! j/k I'm a computer guru in various areas of the computer.

10. Yes.

11. No, it's just doing it's daily exercises. (man, my jokes stink worse than rotten eggs. :cry: )

12. 'Twas a stupid joke.

13. :lol: Yes, it is VERY funny to throw paper balls at your friends! Especially my two friends Caleb and Aston. :lol: :lol: :lol:

15. Charlie, he's a ?? labrador retriever and a ?? something else. Then there's Lucky, a lazy bum cat that thinks she's queen of the house. Then there's Rocky who used to hunt small animals but stopped for some reason and is now a scaredy cat. Then there's Rusty, an orange shorthair cat who's very silly.

16. I gots ton I can tell later if anybody's interested.
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #3by Bluespace » 20.10.2005, 13:39

Micheal Jakson's - songs, lyrics, videos, are all great :) it's sort of a inspiration (neva mind current issues)

1 ) 4ge7 i7, | @m n07 1337

2) Tom and Jerry

3) Computer Security, Networking related

4 ) W |-| 0 |s Mary Poppins, but here is one

:arrow: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

5) HOME-Kochi->Kerala->India->Asia->the rest u guys know :)

6) 22

7) cool

8 ) no idea

9) maybe a GURU

10 ) I have tied it to the wall with a rope (its trying to run)

11 ) I have tied it to the wall with a rope

12 ) Funny

13) first paper ball then a pen, then the instrument box, and finally the whole bag


14) 1 Dog, 10 Cats

15) Know more about me at http://www.bluespace4u.com (okay,i am spaming :)

:) :) :) :)

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Post #4by WildMoon » 20.10.2005, 22:13

I intentionally skipped number 14. :D

I was going to have a joke about that, but I forgot it...oh well.

Since you're in India I not really surprised you've never heard of Mary Poppins.

Also nice to see someone thinks my frigerator running joke is funny. 8)

From what I can tell, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis means:
pneu = I forgot, I know it, but I forgot it.
mono = one
ultra - micro - scopic = very small
silico = silicon
volcano = mountain that blows up and spews lava everywhere
conio = umm...uhhh...dunno
sis = process

ok ummm...is it something like some single-celled silicon based microscopic organisms in volcanoes doing something?
Ok, what does it mean?
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #5by Tanketai » 21.10.2005, 03:05

Nice one wildmoon; nearly there. Check this out:

"There's nothing beyond the sky. The sky just is, it goes on and on, and we play all of our games beneath it."

Rocket Man
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Post #6by Rocket Man » 21.10.2005, 19:10

1.) 1337, that was one of my old home addresses. sorry, but whats leet?

2.) I like to watch cartoons, NASA TV, Science and Military Channels.

3.) Umm, me read, yeah right.


5.)<<---Please read location under 'Rocket Man'

6.) 15

7.) http://www.ozonelayer.noaa.gov/science/atmosphere.htm
or http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_1_1.htm or google it.

8.) Not really, but like to watch it.

9.) Some areas.

10.) Yes.

11.) I maybe give it a head start first.


13.) Well not paper balls, but I did throw chalk erasers across the classroom, fun untill teacher came in.

15.) I have one dog, I used to have a bullfrog and crayfish.

16.) The best I can think of is, A friend of my brother's came out walking her dog so we talk for a bit untill I felt warm liquid running down my ankles.

I kinda laugh for stupid jokes, so I answered Moo.

Why not volconic Lung disease? RM.
"Knowledge is truth of reality, Wisdom is the reality of the truth."
-Rocket Man

Hunter Parasite
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Post #7by Hunter Parasite » 23.10.2005, 12:31

yay wildmoon!

My questions:


2.Stargate Sg-1/Atlantis, Ghost Hunters, Survivor, MXC, The most extreme, Sonic X.

3. Any Harry potter book, The science of the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Any hitchhikers guide to the galaxy book, Tom clancy.

4. Supercaluflagolisticexpealudocious

5. Connecticut

6. 13

7. Nothing

8. I like the games but nothing else!

9. computer guru.

10. maybe....

11. I don't know.

12. Stupid/cliche

13. Very fun!

15. 2 dogs, 2 cats

16. Well, I go up to a cabin in Maine every summer, and I go hikking with my step dad. Now there are these massive holes that you can get stuck in, i fell in one, he turns around and he only sees my head!

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Post #8by WildMoon » 11.11.2005, 23:49

lol Nice stories and bios!

Awhile ago I was going to post a story but the blasted power flickered and I decided to do it later. I would do it now but I'm getting tired of typing...

Come on everybody! Post! You can ask questions too, you don't have to just answer. This topic is so everyone can know each other better.
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #9by PrinceScamp » 19.11.2005, 04:44

1. @r3 y0(_) 1337? (Are you leet?)

2. What shows do you watch?
Simpsons, Chilly Beach, Royal Canadian Air Farce, This Hour has 22 Minutes, and any toher news or shows that look good or are good but I don't often watch due to schedule or memory conflicts.

3. What books do you like?
Um, a lot of books, mostly Fantasy, Robert Jorden, Mercedes Lacky, etc.

4. Can you spell that big word that Mary Poppins always says? (word at bottom, if you know what the word is then write it down then check to see)
supercalidociuos, *looks it up* wasn't too wrong, super-cal-i-fra-ga-listic-ex-pa-al-i-docious!

5. Where do you live? (for those that have put somewhere other than on Earth on their profile)
Northern-ish Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada,

6. How old are you?

7. Wassup?
Not much, um *I say what I'm doing, eg waiting for the bus*, you?

8. Do you like Japanes shows and/or manga and/or other stuff?
MEh, it's kind of old now, if some cool spaceships are blowing each other up then I might watch it.

9. Are you a computer guru, nerd/geek/dork, or dunce?
Average. Just play on the computer a lot and have not much of a social life, but I am average and am starting to hate it.

10. Is your refrigerator running?
YEs it is.

11. If so, shouldn't you go catch it?
lol, no, it isn't gonig anywhere.

12. Hehe, sorry, had a great urge to ask that joke. Was it stupid or actually funny though?
Worth a good chuckle.

13. Have you discovered how fun it is to throw paper balls at your friends 'till they pummel you with paper balls or threaten to eat you?
Actualy I have wanted to have some of those people, 'removed'. There is a time and place for everything, throwing your socials notes you jsut wrote at other people in class while the teacher is talknig just to prove what a stupid f***ing pothead you are isn't it.

Where's 14?

15. Do you have any pets?
Yes, a 14 year old lazy female (spaded) cat named Spunky (wich is an apt name even though i named her when I was 2). A pecostamus named Pepper, I didn't know they lived for 7+ years. I also have a rabbit named Doris who i am currentely hoping to give away soon, due to certain events I decided not to keep her.

16. Lastly, do you have any fuuny stories to tell about things that have happened to you?
Lots, but none I can think of right now.
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Post #10by WildMoon » 19.11.2005, 20:28

Like I said earlier I intentionally left out #14. :lol:

I don't write notes on the paper balls actually. Look I'll tell the story, just take note I have ADHD and take medication before I goto school.

Ok, one day at school I was sitting in a group with my friends Caleb and Aston doing some work on our laptops (school owned ones). Caleb said he was feeling mad that day for some reason. So I just said "Would it make you happier if I threw a paper ball at Aston?" and Aston goes, "If you throw a paper ball at me I'm gonna eat you." Then Caleb says, "I don't know...I do have this really hard one..." and he pulls it out hands it to me and I throw it at ASton, hitting him right in the forehead. He looks over the laptop lid and stares at me with a funny look then grabs the paper ball throws it at me and misses. At that point, I get hyperactive (if something happens that is really funny my hyperactivity "overrides" my medication) and the "Paper Ball Wars" begin...then ended...'cept now Caleb keeps whackin' me on the head so I'm still throwing them at him sometimes (though I think my aim is getting bad now for some reason).
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #11by Smacklug » 20.11.2005, 01:19

If you ever use leetspeak again I swear I will burn down your house.

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Post #12by WildMoon » 20.11.2005, 01:41

Wow, I see you REALLY hate leet. How come you hate it so much?

Besides I almost never use it. Easier to type normally.
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #13by Malenfant » 20.11.2005, 01:53

WildMoon wrote:Wow, I see you REALLY hate leet. How come you hate it so much?

Well I hate it because it's a plague on literacy. So many people just can't be bothered to spell properly because they think it's cool to talk in numbers or as if they're paying by the word as if they were typing a text message on a cellphone, so you see 'r u coming' or 'cu l8r' or some such garbage.

And all the while I see people with college educations talking online, and more often than not their spelling and grammar are worse than those of 10 year olds. It's ridiculous.
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Post #14by WildMoon » 20.11.2005, 02:06

I don't see why people would spell like that though.

You have to pay by the word on cell phone text messaging? Sounds like a rip off and that just talking would be a better deal. You could text message on the computer all the heck you want for free.
Pi does not equal 3.14159265, it equals "yum!"

A world without Monty Python, gnomes, news crews that make a big deal out of a celebrity breathing, Star Trek, & Coca-Cola? That is impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!

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Post #15by Malenfant » 20.11.2005, 03:20

WildMoon wrote:I don't see why people would spell like that though.

I don't either. Yet they do. Take a look on the forums for some of the big computer games (eg World of Warcraft) and see how bad it is.

You have to pay by the word on cell phone text messaging? Sounds like a rip off and that just talking would be a better deal. You could text message on the computer all the heck you want for free.

You used to have to pay for it by the word at first IIRC (bear in mind this was in the UK. In Europe we seem to be way ahead of North America in terms of adopting technologies - we had text messaging for several years before it came to America. Same with front-loading washing machines - we've had those for decades yet they're still treated like something amazingly novel in America. The US really is not on the forefront of technology).

Now I think about it though, IIRC the reason these stupid abbreviations started was that you had a 150 character limit per message, and typing something out was really awkward because you have to hit each button on the phone a certain number of times to cycle through to the right character you wanted. So to avoid doing that, I think this abbreviated language evolved.

Now though it seems to have taken a life of its own and moved beyond that. Now, it seems that people just can't be bothered with any kind of punctuation, grammar or spelling at all. I've seen plenty of forum posts where people don't even use capital letters or commas or even full stops or paragraphs, that are damn near impossible to read. And if people can't be bothered to go to the effort of making their posts legible then I sure as hell can't be bothered to read them.
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Hunter Parasite
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Post #16by Hunter Parasite » 20.11.2005, 14:02

Malenfant wrote:
WildMoon wrote:I don't see why people would spell like that though.

I don't either. Yet they do. Take a look on the forums for some of the big computer games (eg World of Warcraft) and see how bad it is.

You have to pay by the word on cell phone text messaging? Sounds like a rip off and that just talking would be a better deal. You could text message on the computer all the heck you want for free.

You used to have to pay for it by the word at first IIRC (bear in mind this was in the UK. In Europe we seem to be way ahead of North America in terms of adopting technologies - we had text messaging for several years before it came to America. Same with front-loading washing machines - we've had those for decades yet they're still treated like something amazingly novel in America. The US really is not on the forefront of technology).

Now I think about it though, IIRC the reason these stupid abbreviations started was that you had a 150 character limit per message, and typing something out was really awkward because you have to hit each button on the phone a certain number of times to cycle through to the right character you wanted. So to avoid doing that, I think this abbreviated language evolved.

Now though it seems to have taken a life of its own and moved beyond that. Now, it seems that people just can't be bothered with any kind of punctuation, grammar or spelling at all. I've seen plenty of forum posts where people don't even use capital letters or commas or even full stops or paragraphs, that are damn near impossible to read. And if people can't be bothered to go to the effort of making their posts legible then I sure as hell can't be bothered to read them.
Japan is the forefront of technology. and stupid cartoons.

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Post #17by Malenfant » 20.11.2005, 17:40

Hunter Parasite wrote:Japan is the forefront of technology. and stupid cartoons.

Actually, Japan churns out a mixed bag of anime - on one hand they produce the most intelligent cartoons around (Serial Experiments Lain, or the Ghost in the Shell movies and series, for example). On the other hand they do also churn out some that aren't so much "stupid" as just plain incomprehensible (and I don't mean because of the language. I just don't understand what the heck is going on in them) - though most of those ones are there to support toy lines like Beyblade or Yu-Gi-Oh or something.

Plus the more mature japanese cartoons you usually see on TV are either hacked to bits for the american audience (because western TV executives still think that cartoons are only for kids) or horribly dubbed into English.
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Post #18by selden » 21.11.2005, 01:47

In the past year or so Disney helped get released on DVD in the U.S. several feature length anime movies which had been produced by Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki. The ones I've seen are all excellent. Although I don't understand Japanese, as best I can tell the dubbing on the English sound track is excellent.

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Post #19by Malenfant » 21.11.2005, 04:56

selden wrote:In the past year or so Disney helped get released on DVD in the U.S. several feature length anime movies which had been produced by Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki. The ones I've seen are all excellent. Although I don't understand Japanese, as best I can tell the dubbing on the English sound track is excellent.

The english dubbing of anime released in cinema tend to be better... ISTR Princess Monoke had some big name actors (Minnie Driver and Gillian Anderson I think?). And Spirited Away's dubbing was pretty good too.

But for series it ranges from just about bearable to utterly terrible. The 'serious' anime series tend to have the same voice actors for each studio, and most of the time they really can't capture emotion to save their lives. And for the kids anime (ie toy tie-ins) they just don't bother at all, but then the standards are lower there because kids don't mind so much ;).

The sub(title) vs dub debate is one that rages perpetually among anime fans ;) - I'm a sub fan myself, I'd rather hear the original japanese voice actors and read the english subtitles.
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Post #20by GlobeMaker » 21.11.2005, 17:46

a My age is 9 modulo 11
b My age is 1 modulo 13
c My age is 2 modulo 17

You can calculate my age using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
The calculated answer can be posted on request.

1. @r3 y0(_) 1337? (Are you leet?) I do not no.

2. What shows do you watch? AI, Bad Day at Blackrock, Alien vs. Predator.

3. What books do you like? "The Meaning of Relativity", So Long and Thanks for All The Fish.

4. Can you spell that big word that Mary Poppins always says? (word at bottom, if you know what the word is then write it down then check to see)

5. Where do you live? (for those that have put somewhere other than on Earth on their profile) In a Redwood Forest on the West Coast

6. How old are you?
a My age is 9 modulo 11
b My age is 1 modulo 13
c My age is 2 modulo 17

You can calculate my age using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
The calculated answer can be posted on request.

7. Wassup? sky

8. Do you like Japanes shows and/or manga and/or other stuff? Mothariah Mothra.

9. Are you a computer guru, nerd/geek/dork, or dunce? Nerd

10. Is your refrigerator running? No

11. If so, shouldn't you go catch it? Yes

12. Hehe, sorry, had a great urge to ask that joke. Was it stupid or actually funny though? Stupid

13. Have you discovered how fun it is to throw paper balls at your friends 'till they pummel you with paper balls or threaten to eat you? Yes

15. Do you have any pets? Wasp nest near my door. They visit me on warm days.

16. Lastly, do you have any fuuny stories to tell about things that have happened to you? Yes.
Your wish is my command line.

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