New User... I need Help please...

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New User... I need Help please...

Post #1by elie » 22.09.2005, 17:18

Im a new user and facinate by Celestia.......

but a problem : at any time, the system STOP... it means, im for instance travelling to a planet, or turning over the moon, or approaching the sun.... and my PC Stop completly... the picture, the mouse and the rest cannot move anymore... the only possibility i have is to shut down the computer with the on/off button... i canno't try to shut down celestia for instance... nothing is usuable, mouse or Ctrl or ALt or Supp.. its TOTALY bloc ........... WHY???????

It would be so helpfull to advise me.... im a bit lost in that celestia system... and would be so disappointed to arridacte that Celestia because it doens't run with me .......

my PC :
Dell Portable Pentium 4
3,00 GhZ Intel processor
512 RAM
ATI Radeon 9700 (128 M)

also, if you have anu usefull links for a debutant personn in that world ... thank you so much :roll:


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Post #2by elie » 22.09.2005, 17:20

also ... i use the last version of Celestia, the 1.3.2.
i haven't make add-ons for now
if my system works, whats the best to begin ?????
thank you in advance,

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Post #3by selden » 22.09.2005, 21:00


The first thing to do is to download and install the latest ATI graphics drivers.
They're available for free from ... olderID=27

Documentation about Celestia is available at ... ation.html

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Post #4by elie » 23.09.2005, 01:09

Thanks you for your answer!

yes i have read and try to follow ... i try to add driver but these a lot.... also i have add and now its better...some many stars !!!!! thats great.... its doesn't stop as before.... I CAN Use it :D :D :D
but some time, still that stop... maybe becuse PC is coming hot!! dont know.....

also, i cant see new surface that i ADD... :? for instance, a venus map, i add, put on texture carpet and after ????????? where ????

its... a big program!!!! my pc turing half capacity and using aroung 300Megs Ram :o

thx for advising me at this starting.... with that new stars dating, its so.... perfet....

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Post #5by elie » 23.09.2005, 02:39

ok... i found to add venus map!!!!!!!!
thats great!!!! but... would prefer to put as alternate surface...... how we do ?????????
thx for advise.... :roll:

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Post #6by Andy74 » 23.09.2005, 13:30

elie wrote:ok... i found to add venus map!!!!!!!!
thats great!!!! but... would prefer to put as alternate surface...... how we do ?????????
thx for advise.... :roll:

You may find answers in ... intro.html

These documentation sites are provided by Selden Ball.

Good luck :)


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Post #7by elie » 24.09.2005, 15:19

ok...... thx for that lick... even if before posting, i hav had read those informations..... maybe a bit lost in all that information!!!!!!!

i understood how to replace but : for instance i have download maps from earth, the program of the earth that shown it 18 000 years ago... these is just DDS program and some textures. I kept just those in 2K... and doesn't see that new texture on Celestia..... i have to replace something ??? changing a name ??? or need a SSC ????

also, for the ISS (International Station), i put the ISS textures in textures folder.... changing also the SSC program for ISS but in Celestia, the is not the texture..... why???? what i have to do more ????
for Mars map, i download a program and its work perfectly, with surface textures... but in the folders, theres is a ssc program and after the textures..... so do i need a ssc program to charge for instance the erath maps from 18 000 years ago????

maybe be my question are simply for advances persons... sorry for that... i try just to understand how to manage Celestia... and dont understand all the system even if its better now :roll:

thx for advising..... after charging Celestia 1.3.2 , i put those several addons :
-2 millions stars
-Small sun ..... i dream about the entery version......
-some several galaxia
-some several nebula
-satellits orbit earth with Hublle, terrier, Integral, Voyager... and ISS where i canno't see new texture.... :(
-Mars maps
-earth maps form 18 000 years ago... but canno't see them ..... :(
- and of course the 10?° planet of our system

i don't know if someone can advise of what its interesting to download ????
of course, now its taking a bit more time to charge Celestia.... or others links to developp more each planet ??????
Is the big version of Sun run good ...... ??????

thanks you in advance for yours kindly advise !

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Post #8by elie » 24.09.2005, 17:22

i have also problem to see new craft on stars wars system ...... i have charge the version with tatooine, ender and death star... also i have corusant..... but i cant see the several craft that i charge... i dont know if i miss something... i put that addon on extra folder from stars wars ssc .... ?????? somethong else to do to see these space craft ?????

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Post #9by selden » 24.09.2005, 17:24

elie wrote:ok...... thx for that lick... even if before posting, i hav had read those informations..... maybe a bit lost in all that information!!!!!!!

i understood how to replace but : for instance i have download maps from earth, the program of the earth that shown it 18 000 years ago... these is just DDS program and some textures. I kept just those in 2K... and doesn't see that new texture on Celestia..... i have to replace something ??? changing a name ??? or need a SSC ????
It depends on how you want to look at it.

Part of your trouble may be that you're using the wrong words. This may cause you to read the wrong documentation.

For example, DDS is not a program. It's a texture (picture) format.

Here are three different ways to look at the picture of the Earth's surface of 18 000 years ago:

1. If you have only the one alternative surface texture, the simplest way to use it is to put the texture in Celestia's folder \Celestia\textures\hires\ and rename it
Then you can look at it by selecting hires surface textures: type a capital R several times.

2. If you are going to have several different pictures of the Earth's surface, then you should create an Addon folder for them. You also will need to create a new SSC file in that Addon folder that defines each of your surface pictures as an AltSurface.

3. If you want to see that picture wrapped around the Earth when you set Celestia's date to 18 000 years ago, that is the most complicated:

a. Create an Addon folder for it, containing the folder \textures\medres\

b. Create an SSC file to Modify Celestia's Earth definition with a Beginning directive so that Celestia's current Earth texture starts being drawn ~ 17 000 years ago.

c. In that SSC file, create a definition of Earth that draws the 18 000 year old surface up until ~17 000 years ago. It would have an Ending date that is the same as the Beginning date for Celestias current surface texture.

also, for the ISS (International Station), i put the ISS textures in textures folder.... changing also the SSC program for ISS but in Celestia, the is not the texture..... why???? what i have to do more ????

Which textures? Which ISS model? There are many different ones.

You need to put the new ISS textures in the folder \textures\medres\ that is in the same Addon folder that is used for the new ISS model. Different models almost always use different textures for different pieces. Textures for one model usually cannot be used for another model.

for Mars map, i download a program and its work perfectly, with surface textures... but in the folders, theres is a ssc program and after the textures..... so do i need a ssc program to charge for instance the erath maps from 18 000 years ago????
That is one way to do it. See above.

I hope this helps a little.

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Post #10by elie » 24.09.2005, 19:36

ok Selden, Thx a lot for your explanation and to take the time for that... i begin to understand ... :P even if i don't know how to edit new ssc for instance to use the several maps of the earth.. so for now i just change the name when i want to see it.... but would prefer to use it as alernative surface ......

for ISS, the one with several stage on the website of addons celestia.... i download the complete stage... these a carpet with several textures.. on the basic version 1.3.2 there is some textures of basic iss but with the new one, there is much more... i have to make change name also maybe??? but which one ???? why for instance the us flag it doesn't charge it as a basic textures because doesn't exit in the basic 1.3.2 celestia program ???? i don't know if i have clear explanation ... :oops:

i can't see also the several craft of stars wars system... i have the planet and death star but canno't see addon craft.. i have to edit something ????

well, even if u canno't answer or u think that u have done with your answer, selden, i would understand.

again, thx for your answer and advising.... i just see that i cant download the big sun... i think that with my card (ATI Radeon 9700 128Mega) i can just see 2K ...... :( :( :(

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Post #11by jestr » 24.09.2005, 20:38

Bonsoir Elie,where have you put the Star Wars ships?If I remember correctly they need to be inside the Star Wars (planets etc) folder.Also I think Frank Gregario has put all the ships and the planets together in one download,here
But if you download this you should delete the Star Wars stuff you have already,all the best,Jestr

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Post #12by selden » 24.09.2005, 21:50

elie wrote:ok Selden, Thx a lot for your explanation and to take the time for that... i begin to understand ... :P even if i don't know how to edit new ssc for instance to use the several maps of the earth.. so for now i just change the name when i want to see it.... but would prefer to use it as alernative surface ......

Here are the fields you would use when defining a simple AltSurface in an SSC file:

Code: Select all

AltSurface "Name of Surface" "path to body"
      surface texture map declarations

Here are the codes you can use for some of the textures Don provides in the 18KBCE Addon.


Code: Select all

AltSurface "18000BCE" "Sol/Earth"
{ Texture "Earth18kBCE-4k.*"
    SpecularTexture "18kBCE-SpecMap4k.*"
    Bumpmap "Earth-18K-BCE-Bump4k.*"

for ISS, the one with several stage on the website of addons celestia.... i download the complete stage... these a carpet with several textures.. on the basic version 1.3.2 there is some textures of basic iss but with the new one, there is much more... i have to make change name also maybe??? but which one ???? why for instance the us flag it doesn't charge it as a basic textures because doesn't exit in the basic 1.3.2 celestia program ???? i don't know if i have clear explanation ...

Put the new ISS in its own Addon folder:
1. Create the folder Celestia/extras/Addons/ISS/

2. Put the 3D model isscomplete.3ds in

3. Put the textures in

4. Create a new ISS.ssc in

Copy the original definition of the ISS from Celestia/data/spacecraft.ssc
and change it slightly. Having a complete SSC with a complete ISS definition will let you add several more versions of the ISS so you can watch it change.

Code: Select all

#Terminate Celestia's model when your models start

Modify "ISS" "Sol/Earth" {
      Ending "2009 06 01"

# other ISS versions will go here before ISS-Complete

"ISS-Complete" "Sol/Earth"
   Class "spacecraft"
   Mesh "isscomplete.3ds"
   Radius 0.040

       Beginning "2009 06 01" #guess of date of flight STS-141
# see
# no ending date scheduled

# same orbit as Celestia's ISS
   EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.064176392
      SemiMajorAxis   6767
      Eccentricity    0.0016886
      Inclination      51.5684
      AscendingNode   343.1518
      ArgOfPericenter 346.2476
      MeanAnomaly      13.8216
      Epoch           2452028.18381755

   Obliquity 51.5684          #
   RotationOffset 90           #orientation corrections by Matt McIrvin
   EquatorAscendingNode 343.1518 #

   Albedo        0.10

(Jestr answered your Star Wars question)

again, thx for your answer and advising.... i just see that i cant download the big sun... i think that with my card (ATI Radeon 9700 128Mega) i can just see 2K ...... :( :( :(

You should be able to see it fine. Celestia cuts up large textures when it puts them on its internal spheres. The Sun is a sphere. It does not try to cut textures used on 3D models, though, so you can't use textures larger than 2K on 3D models.

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Post #13by elie » 25.09.2005, 15:18

ok !!!
Thanks a lot Selden, your information are really good for a new user like me ... :roll: even if i dont manage 100% !!!

Jestr, so great for your lick about stars wars... :D thanks a lot! if you have others interesting addon licks, i would take also :D

Selden, can i may ask you few question about ISS ... :oops:
- does i have to copy your code for ISS, entery... thats mean also the first line ??? (#Terminate Celestia's model when your models startl) ???
-In celestia, now can i right click on earth, i have 2 ISS : ISS the first and ISS complete .... for now they are still the same.... supid question but i do : do i have to downlad the several addons, the several level, to have at the end the complete ISS view ???? fisrt i have add all but i couldn't see, so i wrote on the forum and i delate all, i kept just the last one named the complete version.... so maybe now, after doing what u told me (creating folder, puting textures, copy iSS field in spacecraft.ssc, i copy just ISS code and replace all by your code you gave me ... thats good ????)... maybe now i shall dowload the different level ???

- also, i have still some time the first problem i have had using celestia, that was why i creat this topic : some time, celestia STOp... it mean nothing else is running and i cannot use crtl or Alt or Supp... nothing is working and i just have to do on/off button.... most of the time, its happening when i turn aroung an object or a planet doing click mouse right and going on left or right with the mouse... may i have still a problem of drivers ???? at the begenning it was happening when i wanted to see "view option" in celestia, begeniing changing somethong and all stop... now its happen when i click mouse right and mouve mouse to turn aroung manualy....... do you think about something??? or its a global problem of how is turning celestia on my pc ??? or drivers ??? but which one to dowload, these a lot for ATI (my computer is from january 2005).

-well of course, more i used and more questions coming ... so i would understand selden thats you have other thing to do to answer again... but knows that with your explanation, i just begin to see how we can create own planet or other... even for now, i need to manage first what you told me ... thx a lot for the code. :D

-for what you told me about the big sun, i told you that i have an ATI card 128 Mega.. so if i understand, for textures i can 2K and no more... but for spheres as sun its ok... can u developp a bit please ??? in concret, maps of planets i can just in 2K but for which program and design i can download in better defenition.... galaxia?? nebula ???? i dowload some in 2K... i think its in 3D models, so i cant .... ????? :oops:

ok, i will try for downloading the big sun... its a huge program even i hav Adsl but it doesn't go very fast for adsl !!!!

well, thx a lot jestr for the great lick!!!!!!!
and thx a lot selden to help me for begenning!!

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Post #14by selden » 25.09.2005, 17:06

elie wrote:- does i have to copy your code for ISS, entery... thats mean also the first line ??? (#Terminate Celestia's model when your models startl) ???
When Celestia sees a #, it ignores the rest of that line. So, no, you don't have to include that line.
-In celestia, now can i right click on earth, i have 2 ISS : ISS the first and ISS complete .... for now they are still the same.... supid question but i do : do i have to downlad the several addons, the several level, to have at the end the complete ISS view ????
No, you don't need them all if you only want to look at the complete version.

However, if you include them all and put in correct Beginning and Ending dates, you can watch the ISS grow.
fisrt i have add all but i couldn't see, so i wrote on the forum and i delate all, i kept just the last one named the complete version.... so maybe now, after doing what u told me (creating folder, puting textures, copy iSS field in spacecraft.ssc, i copy just ISS code and replace all by your code you gave me ... thats good ????)
Yes. You will need to put in correct Beginning and Ending dates for each one.
... maybe now i shall dowload the different level ???
Yes, if you want.
- also, i have still some time the first problem i have had using celestia, that was why i creat this topic : some time, celestia STOp... it mean nothing else is running and i cannot use crtl or Alt or Supp... nothing is working and i just have to do on/off button.... most of the time, its happening when i turn aroung an object or a planet doing click mouse right and going on left or right with the mouse... may i have still a problem of drivers ???? at the begenning it was happening when i wanted to see "view option" in celestia, begeniing changing somethong and all stop... now its happen when i click mouse right and mouve mouse to turn aroung manualy....... do you think about something??? or its a global problem of how is turning celestia on my pc ??? or drivers ??? but which one to dowload, these a lot for ATI (my computer is from january 2005).

You should download and install the most recent driver from ATI. New systems do not always come with the newest drivers.

Your problem sounds to me like something is wrong with the graphics card. It could be a hardware problem or it could be a bug in the driver. Updating the driver is the easiest thing to try.
-for what you told me about the big sun, i told you that i have an ATI card 128 Mega.. so if i understand, for textures i can 2K and no more... but for spheres as sun its ok... can u developp a bit please ??? in concret, maps of planets i can just in 2K but for which program and design i can download in better defenition....
You can use large textures for Planets. Planets are made using Celestia's spheres. Very large textures will make your system run very, very slowly.
galaxia?? nebula ???? i dowload some in 2K... i think its in 3D models, so i cant .... ?????
The galaxies you can download are Nebula objects. Nebula objects are made using 3D models. You can use 2K textures for Nebula objects. 4K textures won't work for you.

ok, i will try for downloading the big sun... its a huge program even i hav Adsl but it doesn't go very fast for adsl !!!!
Good luck!

well, thx a lot jestr for the great lick!!!!!!!
and thx a lot selden to help me for begenning!!

You are very welcome.

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Post #15by elie » 25.09.2005, 17:31

ok selden, very great!!!!!!
yes now ... my system is a bit more slow.... its using all my ram or nearly ... for my suppose driver, i will download some and will see that!!!
also i haven't try for earth maps but i will see that also and now i think a begin to understand and also begin to see how to create an entery system>.... but will need more time and more application to understand all!!!!

thx for you help selden and if you have any advise, thx!!!

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Post #16by elie » 25.09.2005, 21:13

well.. i see that i have add more than 300megas in few days .... so question : how i do if i dont want to charge for instance stars wars system and use celestia with not all addon ???? shall i change program place ??? programs names so that will not charge ?????

selden, if for instance i want to create for begenning a new system... i can try to copy so elements of celestia for the sun and 3 planetes for instance... just that, no more, and definded others textures... well reproducing as the model but changing all..... is that a good way to do ??? or better explanation in some licks .... ?????? :oops:

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Post #17by elie » 25.09.2005, 22:02

welle Selden.... i have done what u told me... well i think... for ISS program... and still doen't see Textures of Isscomplete... :oops:
now in my ISS folder, i have the new iss.ssc with your new code (i copy from spacecraft but didn't change the spacecraft.ssc and i keep just the ISS part... is that ok?)... in celestia there is the 2 ISS now... but the complete without new textures.... in my folder where there is the new iss.ssc, there's a folder model with the isscomplete.3ds and there is the one with textures........ but i cant see on celestia new textures... may I missed something ???? or doing something wrong ???? i have change the time also...... but nothing .....
thx for advanced!!!

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Post #18by elie » 25.09.2005, 23:36

well.... selden
i added alternate surface again from 18000BCE.... try to do you what wrote me ... i have the alternate surface when im on Celestia... but ITS comes all WHIte.. as a white planete with nothing..... i have create a ssc for alternate surface for earth... as i have now for mars i took example.... but nothong, its white the planete but the is the anternate surface .... I missed something ????

for ISS... still dont see textures.... even if i've done what u told me .. also i took exmple from the bigHubble that i have add... i try to replace ISS than modify so that i have just 1 ISS on ... but still dont see textures ..... ?????? i missed also something......

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Post #19by selden » 26.09.2005, 13:16


Did you put the textures into the folder \textures\medres\ ?

All 3D models require that their textures be in the \medres\ folder.

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Post #20by elie » 26.09.2005, 20:38

ok Selden, i didn't creta a merdres folders.... so that is Perfect now!!!!
Thx a lot!!!! for iss its perfect too !! :D :D
:D :D :D

great and now.. i have discover cassini and huygens :D will see some addon :D

for the sun... i have do... so if i understand, i have a "poor" graphic card for big and realistic texture even if i can load did... but for VT, whats the best ????????? how much Mega is begenning much more interesting for seeing VT ????

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