Some basics on Special Relativity (SR) ("Mini-lecture"):
1) Introduction:
I think that much of the confusion in this thread arose because people picked
inappropriate quantities for trying to explain things! I suppose the
implicit reason was that they wanted to stay as close as possible to the more
familiar /non-relativistic/ description of the kinematics of a particle with
mass m. This is indeed approximately possible for quite massive particles, but
for the MASSLESS photon, it will easily lead to disaster

. A photon is NEVER
non-relativistic! According to SR, there is no coordinate system where the
photon is at rest or even travelling with speed v different from c.
non-relativistic mechanics of a point particle of mass m0, we are
used to the familiar formulae for the kinetic energy, E_kin =1/2*m0*v^2 and
for the momentum, p =m0*v. Equivalently we may write in the non-relativistic
by using v= p/m0.
NOTE: All these formulae are /incompatible/ with SR!
I remind you that both for massive and massless particles, the relation between
energy, momentum and the rest mass m0, required by SR is
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E = sqrt((p*c)^2 + (m0*c^2)^2) (2)
The above /non-relativistic/ formulae may only be recovered /approximately/, when
i.e. when the momentum of the massive particle is SMALL on the scale of its
MASS*c. Photons can NEVER satisfy this inequality and thus using the above
formulae for photons is bound to lead to WRONG RESULTS!
If Eq.(3) is satisfied, we may use the Taylor series expansion for SMALL p/(m0*c)
to write Eq.(2) approximately
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E = m0*c^2*sqrt(1 + (p/(m0*c))^2) = m0*c^2 + p^2/(2*m0) +... (4)
We note that the rest mass m0 contributes in the famous way to the total energy
Moreover, by comparison with Eq.(1), we recognize the second term in Eq.(4) as the
/non-relativistic/ form of the kinetic energy!
As I emphasized yesterday already, the /relativistic/ energy-momentum relation
(2) remains valid also for photons, i.e for m0=0, we get E=+-c*|p|, which defines
the so-called
light cone (plot it!).[take just 2 momentum components
p=(p1,p2) for simplicity besides the Energy E and plot E=+-c*sqrt(p1^2+p2^2)
=+-c*|p| in an E vs p1, p2 3d-plot, see the cone?]
The light cone is the geometrical locus in relativistic phase space
(E/c,p1,p2,p3) [or equivalently (c*t,x1,x2,x3) space-time], where massless photons
are allowed to exist/move!
You see that massless photons carry BOTH energy and momentum!
Perhaps it provides some refreshing points of view or even more clarity, if I try below
to expose my favourite approach to SR. Let me do that next:
2) SR viewed as a
In general, a symmetry means that after doing some specific transformations
(here on the 3d coordinates and time), all relevant laws of physics have to
remain unaffected. As we say: observables have to remain /invariant/ wrto the
symmetry transformations.
The great thing about this symmetry approach to SR is that it is intuitive,
mathematically concise and --best of all-- fits beautifully to many similar
considerations within the very general framework of theoretical physics.
The symmetry approach is valid and most convenient in describing applications
of SR from simple relativistic kinematics up to Quantum Field theory!
So here are some respective relevant questions to think about before we get "to business":
1) Why is SR a symmetry?
2) What is supposed to stay invariant under these transformations?
3) What are the transformations respecting this invariance?
4) How do we describe them mathematically?
(to be continued)
Bye Fridger