Another call for graticules! -- CODER WANTED (APPLY WITHIN)

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Another call for graticules! -- CODER WANTED (APPLY WITHIN)

Post #1by BlindedByTheLight » 24.07.2005, 22:14

Since there is a renewed push for all things cool in Celestia, I just wanted to post a post touting Selden's AMAZING graticules: ... cules.html

- an incredible tool for helping to visualize the size of the universe. All you coders out there who have been so helpful... check them out! They (or just one) should definitely should be in the Guide section - easily toggle-able within Celestia.

I never know how hard this stuff is to implement... but doctorjoe? You out there? Anyone? If you're not on the development team but can code and can you make a patch, I'll happily throw it in one of my builds (Selden's permission, of course)... and we'll see how people like it...

Steven aka Blinded
Last edited by BlindedByTheLight on 15.08.2005, 01:35, edited 2 times in total.
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #2by ElChristou » 14.08.2005, 18:38

I'm agree with Steven, those graticules are pretty usefull (I have tried to do some others without success :cry:) but they would be much better integrated in the soft at the same level than the celestial shpere...

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Post #3by selden » 14.08.2005, 20:43

Certainly my permission is granted for incorporating any of the graticules, but I suspect that implementing them in Celestia's code wouldn't actually use the CMOD models.

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Post #4by ElChristou » 15.08.2005, 01:33

We just need a coder to help... :?

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Post #5by BlindedByTheLight » 15.08.2005, 01:37

Well, I've changed the Topic Heading... since we lack the relevant skills to actually IMPLEMENT the idea... perhaps my well-developed skill of nudge-ery will suffice... :)
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

John Van Vliet
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Post #6by John Van Vliet » 16.08.2005, 07:33

cool i will have to look in to it , but first i nead to oriante my self to fedora --linux--

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Post #7by ben_o_ » 16.08.2005, 11:06

Selden, your graticules are standard CMOD's, aren't they?

So you just want an option to turn them 'on' and 'off'? I haven't looked into how Celestia handles the render queue for these, but I'd like to cook something up. How about cel scripting similar to - `loadCMOD { cmod = "graticule1" }` ?

Or would you think it would be better as a button-press, i.e. Ctrl-Shift-G (or whatever's free) cycles through the graticules and back to no graticules.

How do you want to be able to use them?


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Post #8by selden » 16.08.2005, 11:19

They're textual CMOD files, yes.

The ones I created are available in three different configurations, intended to display ecliptic, equatorial and galactic coordinate systems.

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Post #9by ElChristou » 16.08.2005, 11:53

ben_o_ wrote:Selden, your graticules are standard CMOD's, aren't they?

So you just want an option to turn them 'on' and 'off'? I haven't looked into how Celestia handles the render queue for these, but I'd like to cook something up. How about cel scripting similar to - `loadCMOD { cmod = "graticule1" }` ?

Or would you think it would be better as a button-press, i.e. Ctrl-Shift-G (or whatever's free) cycles through the graticules and back to no graticules.

How do you want to be able to use them?


Tx a lot Ben,
IMO button-press is better...

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Post #10by ElChristou » 16.08.2005, 16:20


The question is shall we use all of Selden graticules?
Only Selden can enlighten us on this.

Personally I often use a mix of 2 sets (EclipticAU and EquatorialLY); see the pict:


I have duplicated the cmod model and done some few modifs of both models and dsc: difference of color between the 2 sets, EcAU end at 10K and EqLY begin at 1LY to avoid the disturbing intersection of both. As result, we can see the proportion between 10KAU and 1LY.

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Post #11by BlindedByTheLight » 16.08.2005, 18:27

Hey Ben - I think the cycling through would probably be the best bet... b/c there are different reasons/preferences for different people...

Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #12by phoenix » 16.08.2005, 19:07

a question about the graticules. in the current CVS there is no key-binding for toggling nebula-labels so no graticules-lables are drawn either.

i couldn't even find a function in the source code for enabling them... any hints ? ;)
most recent celestia win32-SVN-build - use at your own risk (copy over existing 1.5.1 release)

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Post #13by BlindedByTheLight » 16.08.2005, 19:11

phoenix wrote:a question about the graticules. in the current CVS there is no key-binding for toggling nebula-labels so no graticules-lables are drawn either.

i couldn't even find a function in the source code for enabling them... any hints ? ;)

Well, I'm not exactly sure what "key binding" means (any help with that one, out there?) but in the current version of Celestia I downloaded off CVS, there are menu-pull-down options for Nebula themselves, as well as labels for Nebula (lae?) under DISPLAYS.

I'm on the Mac, but would that make a difference?
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #14by phoenix » 16.08.2005, 19:25

ok i forgot to mention i'm running windows here.

key-binding = keyboard-shortcut

*edit* damn... i'm too fast in asking questions and then find the answers myself...

renderer->setLabelMode(renderer->getLabelMode() ^ Renderer::NebulaLabels);

(my fault was trying NebulaeLabels instead of NebulaLabels)
i also patched my celestia again to 'e' toggling galaxy-labels and 'E' for nebulas ;)
most recent celestia win32-SVN-build - use at your own risk (copy over existing 1.5.1 release)

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