Haze Density

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Haze Density

Post #1by Dollan » 22.07.2005, 16:08

Is haze density a parameter for the atmosphere as seen from the surface of a planet, or will it visually effect the planet as seen from orbit as well?

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Post #2by selden » 22.07.2005, 18:05

Here's a comparison of the haze used for Saturn.
The images on the right show the default Celestia haze setting of 0.25.
The images on the left have a haze setting of 0.1.


The upper images are seen from orbit. The lower images are on the surface after a Ctrl-G.
As you can see, the haze density setting affects both.


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Post #3by t00fri » 22.07.2005, 18:16

Haze is not functioning for the more recent rendering paths including OpenGL 2.0.

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Post #4by Dollan » 22.07.2005, 18:18

Hey Selden...

Thanks. That certainly explains why my planet I'm working on makes me feel like I need glasses! I had thought to make it a hazy world from the surface due to a massive amount of particulates, so I gave it a value of 0.95! Thought I was going blind there for a minute!

"To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe..."
--Carl Sagan

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