Cormoran wrote:With no disrespect to the inestimable Bruckner, the asteroid belt generator I developed allows the modification of the primary, inner/outer limits, Max and min size of body, number of bodies, maximum eccentricity, maximum inclination etc.
Anyone who wants it can have it, but they'll have to port it from the source code.
Its there if you guys want it...
I definitely can vouch for what a great job this generator does, as you said! And though I don't have the capability to port it, I have a friend here who might. Would I be able to get it? And if so, how large is it?
Note: I know nothing about source codes, which is why I would need to take it to my programmer friend.
At any rate, at least having it might be a good idea, since I'm noving so slowly in regards to my systems. It might well be months until I need to generate another asteroid belt, and (heaven forefend!) one never knows if you or I would have access to the 'Net at that time!