Limiting magnitude on OS X

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Limiting magnitude on OS X

Post #1by Rigel » 01.09.2002, 16:47

Hello !

I am working on a new stars database for Celestia with more than 600000 new stars from the Tycho catalog. All these new stars are between magnitude 7.5 and 11.5 because the Hipparcos catalog is (quite ?) complete for stars below mag 7.5.

And there is one thing I cannot achieve. That's increasing or decreasing the limiting magnitude on the OS X version 1.2.2 of Celestia.

I don't own a PC. Is this function implemented on this 1.2.2 X version ?

I have a 400 MHz G4 with its original card ATI Rage Pro and a french keyboard because I'm french.

Does anybody knows what keys I should press to decrease or increase the limiting magnitude ?

Thank you for your help



Post #2by HankR » 01.09.2002, 17:21


On a US keyboard, you press '[' (to increase) and ']' (to decrease) the limiting magnitude.

I believe on a French keyboard you can type these characters using the SHIFT+OPTION modifier keys with the '(' and ')' keys. I'm not sure if this will work with Celestia.

If not, try using the US keyboard layout. To do this, first go to the International panel in System Preferences and turn on the US keyboard using the checkbox. Then activate the US keyboard using the "flag" menu in the menubar. I believe you would then be able to use the keys labelled '^' and '$' on your French keyboard to input [ and ]. If this doesn't work, use the Key Caps application (in Applications/Utilities) to find the location of [ and ].

Good luck!

- Hank

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Joined: 09.08.2002
With us: 22 years 6 months
Location: France

Post #3by Rigel » 01.09.2002, 17:33

I wish to thank you HankR !

It works perfectly with the US keyboard option and I can now see my additional 700000 Tycho stars !!!

I will this work and new file available to the Celestia users, as soon I am sure of the pertinence of my selection criteria.



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