THE solution to the (big) textures and servers problem

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.

Post #41by Malcolm » 23.08.2002, 00:07

Troy wrote:I understand and agree completely.

We cannot go on meeting and agreeing like this ! :) Else we will have no thread left :?

So,,, I dissagree that we need a full-blown site, although it would be nice !
No, really, if Chris or you or one other of "the gang"/playmates were to have a link to a file that would then say to me "I tried it, worth a look, see if you like it also".
but some anonymous p2p download is quite another matter, even a search on your particular file name would not ensure that I got your file even :(
I suppose if I knew your IP address (and if that was not dynamically assigned) that would be a start, but it wouldnt surprise me if some gnutella hacker managed to subvert that even :(
me paranoid ? what makes you think that !

Which all goes to make me wonder if this is possible/desirable :-
A lot of forums (fora?) have a place to go just to chat about "things arising" in general, like I could address allsorts of comments to you about
Linux and KDE and things but ought not to here because ,,,
but that isnt really for me to suggest cos I have not yet got round to registering ! So many other thngs ,, hey ho, take a memo Malcolm,, must try harder,,,

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Post #42by Troy » 23.08.2002, 02:35

I disagree with your entire post. :wink: :D

I'd love to run a collection site for all these wonderful addons, but my ISP only gives me 10 meg of web space. :(

If anyone is interested enough to put a little money into it, may I suggest I know, I know, but don't let the 'Dixie' fool you. He has the best cheap webspace I've seen. ( I used to work for him and know him well IRL so I can vouch for it's quality ).

Ok, sorry all, I'm starting to get way off topic. :roll:
Troy Corbin Jr.
Member: Triton Tourism Board


Post #43by Malcolm » 23.08.2002, 13:51

I disagree with your entire post.

hehee ! nice one, but I could not possibly,,,, etc
right I think we have floged that into a dead rabbit so I'll shut up now and watch for others postings.

Just to say (!), finally, that my ISP also gives me just 10Mb and
to say thank you for your post about Nvidia drivers in the other area, I have archived it ! Mine is not yet too badly broke (a wee foible in one area of Celestia) for me to risk fixing it at the moment, but when I get my second computer (to try Linux amongst other things) I will then risk having a bash at a driver update, so it is always handy to have the experiences of someone at the sharp end :)


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Post #44by Redfish » 23.08.2002, 21:24

About the kazaa program: Yes it has a function that allows a company in australia, i guess, to use your processor for doing calculations. I've never noticed anything of this. Also the extra stuff that's getting installed on your computer can be removed with ad aware.

I'm using grokster(which has less of these "free" add ons and doesn't have the cpu usage function) simply because the fasttrack network is a lot faster than the gnutella network.

Even though, when you type in celestia on grokster or kazaa, and i'm online, you'll find it!

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Post #45by Troy » 24.08.2002, 09:36

Ok, I've finally got my stuff on WinMX. If you want me to share your stuff too, just send me a private message here and we'll arrange for a transfer. I've also made them available via my web space ( links in the Triton / Neptune's Rings thread ) so others can examine the readme.txt file and filename format I used. ( I used the prefix celestia-pak pending selection of something official. )

Have fun. :)
Troy Corbin Jr.

Member: Triton Tourism Board

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Post #46by Mikeydude750 » 20.09.2002, 00:08

I can put up a temporary site for people to put their creations on, and then distribute them to P2P users. We should have a designated club of people who will leave their p2p programs on all day to share Celestia files. Those people would get sent the files, and they would share them. WinMX does a nice job of multiple file sources, and it is very small. I suggest that to be the p2p client.

So, if anyone would want to download a file, then these people would always be on to download from.

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