Don't let us stodgy old geezers intimidate you. So long as you enjoy what you're doing, and it doesn't hurt anyone, keep it up! Practice makes perfect, and I'm sure your artwork will continue to improve. - Selden
Thanks Selden. I created the forum because I thought that it would be fun to make one, and what other forum topic would I choose other than the Lera system? I made a lot of the members there moderators as a reward for being the few to come to the forum, and because it looked empty without them. I plan to extend this forum from what it is now to include future addons that I make, and then it may get more popular.
Again, what's the big deal here? As Michael said, let's try to enjoy the thing for a while. Sheesh! - Bob Hegwood
I think it is a bit strange how people are saying that fictional addons are dominating too much, just look at the list of new addons at the Motherlode, most of them are galaxies, at least that's how it appears to me:
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catal ... addons.php
The fictional addons are even dominating too much in the addons forum either, Runar's sun was near the top of the list for awhile and it's a realistic addon. It may have been more applicable a few months ago when me and Kikinho had a lot of fictional addon posts in there but now there's not that many (I don't think).
And a lot of the realistic, eductional addons are announced elsewhere on shatters.net forums. Such as Fridger's 2K Titan, which has a related post on the Users board.
A lot of the new people who do factual addons don't partcipate as much on the forum, if at all. So I think it is a bit of an illusion that fictional addons appear to be taking over. Here are some not so drastic things we can do that may help:
- Only one announcement per addon rule written somewhere clearly on the Addons Forum, I didn't know you weren't supposed to make more than one, it wasn't written anywhere.
- Encourage people to announce their new addons on the addons board at shatters.net. This could be done by writing a message about it under the upload instructions on the Motherlode. This way a lot of the factual addon people who don't announce their addons on the appropriate board might be inspired to do so, as well as participating in the rest of the forums.
Michael Kilderry