granthutchison wrote:Fridger:
Sorry, I was out of comms for the last 24 hours ... fortunately the Cairngorm Massif has yet to be Bluetooth enabled. But it looks like you've managed without me

Specific problems I could see with using the
6th catalog were:
1) Retrieving spectral data for the secondary stars.
2) Retrieving postion data for the secondary stars (necessary to generate a good barycentre for widely separated binaries).
3) Deriving masses for both components in order to generate a barycentre (presumably a look-up table against spectral class).
4) Finding catalogue numbers for the secondaries in order to check that we are not dealing with a trinary system or more: for instance, it cannot be established from within the
6th catalog that Hip 73184 is the primary orbited by the double system specified under Hip 120005.
It's also necessary to parse the star names in the
6th catalog to some extent, to check if we are dealing with the orbit of AB, AC, BC or etc.
Indeed, Grant,
your 4 points match my concerns I went to bed with yesterday;-)
Notably the issue of finding the orbit's barycenter. There is no way out, we need the masses for that!
Do you agree that the coordinates given in the
6th catalog are those of the primary?
In that context, what confuses me a little is this:
Clearly the observations are done in another frame, where the primary is sitting in the origin, the observer is "comoving" and the secondary's position is characterized by (rho, theta), see their ephemeris table. From there, they deduce --by fitting-- all the standard orbit parameters. My confusion refers to the question to what extent barycentric considerations might have been already folded into that analysis somehow?
At least there are very few explanations referring to these delicate issues in the 6th catalog.
Next, we indeed do not seem to have a systematic source for spectral classes of the secondaries, to be exploited on the level of "mass production", i.e. automatization via Perl. Too bad...
Next, unlike the catalog of spectroscopic doubles I was mentioning above, in the 6th, there are no masses given. Full stop.
So you see me ready to complete my script (more than half is already coded...), but what to do with these issues? Clearly in the mass=0 approximation of the seconday, we are almost done...
I also have implemented already the cross correlation with stars.txt to extract the distance.
Bye Fridger