Toti wrote:I see that Don answered many of your questions. I recommend you his Celx_Commands.rtf document,You can add spaces (as many as you want) at the end of the text. The viewer will stay more time at the current location. (I did this in the original script)
You can also add two points with the same exact coordinates and text. Both hacks give different results.
A piece of advice: don't look at the exact center of the planet: it will confuse Celestia (this is related to the way the camera's Up vector is defined)
Hello Toti, I have given a look at Don's document and, YES, I agree with you, it is very clear and the examples help a lot to understand what to do.
I beg your pardon for my many questions, but I'm deeply involved in Astronomy training of students 10 to 18 years old, in our Frasso Sabino Astronomy Museum, and I find that .celx scripts are extraordinary in order to keep the student's (or visitor's) attention locked on the screen.
For this reason, but I don't know if it's possible, and if the answer is YES I'm anyhow unable to do it myself,
I would like to have in .celx tours some capabilities that I find in .cel scripts which, even if exceptionally beautiful, don't have the dinamicity of .celx.
E.g. the text, that I'm used to put in the various zones of the screen, where it can be clearly visible (i.e. where the background is dark, due to the white color of text).
The current code only allows you to tour a single celestial body at a time. It is selected by the line:
Expanding the program so it can tour several bodies one after the other is simple, but a few (visual) issues arise. Bye
This is another very important improvement that I would like to see in .celx, because in your Mars tour the impossibility to give a look to Phobos and Deimos is a bit frustrating.
It's neither a criticism nor a request, it's only a hope to see it in the future!
I'm trying changes and additions, and doing it I found another problem (probably for me only!):
the text appears ONLY if the Render - View Options - Information Text
is set on "Terse" or "Verbose", while it disappears if "None" is checked.
Another little doubt: you say that the positions must be given in pixel positions, using an image editor.
Well, this should make things different with different size textures, but as I'm using the texture, instead of the default one, things work equally well.
Perhaps the program uses a proportional change, depending on the texture dimensions (i.e. if the original program is defaulted for a 2kx1k texture, when it finds a texture 8 times bigger it multiplies the x-y values for the same amount (8x)?
I'm curious on the matter.
By and thank you again