Texture Pack ?

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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Texture Pack ?

Post #1by Thilo » 12.07.2002, 10:00

Okay now, here's my question to all the texture geeks :-)

What are you planning to do with your textures? the way it looks like right now you always get better and higher resoluted textures and will never be quite finished :) .. Are you planning to release some texture pack with celestia soon, or is it going to be single per texture download? You said you could reach decent compression with the gzip format, maybe .bz2 will reduce the files reasonably ...

I think the solution right now with editing solarsys.ssc is a bit unsatisfying .. i mean it would be better to release in the new celestia a solarsys.ssc with the .dds filenames already included in the .ssc, but point to files that are in the highres directories, which are not being used currently. If a user wants the highres textures, he shall download them, and then they will work.

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Texture Pack ?

Post #2by t00fri » 12.07.2002, 13:44

Thilo wrote:Okay now, here's my question to all the texture geeks :-)

What are you planning to do with your textures? the way it looks like right now you always get better and higher resoluted textures and will never be quite finished :) .. Are you planning to release some texture pack with celestia soon, or is it going to be single per texture download? You said you could reach decent compression with the gzip format, maybe .bz2 will reduce the files reasonably ...

I think the solution right now with editing solarsys.ssc is a bit unsatisfying .. i mean it would be better to release in the new celestia a solarsys.ssc with the .dds filenames already included in the .ssc, but point to files that are in the highres directories, which are not being used currently. If a user wants the highres textures, he shall download them, and then they will work.

I have largely finished the rather extensive CGI-Perl-HTML code for my "Celestia Texture Foundry" WEB site on shatters.net already mostly last weekend. However, since then I am essentially waiting for Chris to activate CGI for my account. Everything works nicely on my local ( but unfortunately private) Apache server. Since Chris seems basically unavailable since some days, I am getting into some sort of squeeze now for various reasons...

As I mentioned earlier, I am going to have the relevant portion of solarsys.ssc generated automatically by a Perl script, if a user clicks the help entry for a corresponding texture.

So, my WEB site will not offer a whole package of textures, but is to represent an easy-to-use download interface for individual textures with preview/help features.

Bye Fridger


Texture Pack ?

Post #3by Axel » 12.07.2002, 21:02

Hi everyone,

t00fri wrote:So, my WEB site will not offer a whole package of textures, but is to represent an easy-to-use download interface for individual textures with preview/help features.

However, we have discussed the texture pack issue for quite some while and Frigder gave me his ok to do a texture pack based on his surrent set.

This will take some time for him and me, but it will come.

Take care, Axel

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