Hold off on tearing your hair out for a little while...
Mr. G has opened my eyes to a file association problem that exists on my PC.
It may be that I can cure this problem by un-installing and re-installing Celestia.
I think I'm going to give it a try and see what can be accomplished. I have
three cel associations listed on my system. One for cel files, one for cel" files
(note the quotation mark), and one for celx files.
Methinks the problem lies within *my* system, and NOT in your scripts.
Edit: OH HAPPY DAY... Mr. Maxim, your Pulsar scripts now work PERFECTLY
on my Brain-Dead machine. We can thank Mr. Don G(enius) for the fix. He
suggested that I un-install Celestia and re-install it, and this worked perfectly.
I have *no* idea why the associations were screwed up to begin with, but they
are certainly okay now. I'm a Happy Brain-Dead Bob, now.
Cheers Maxim, and thanks to the G-Man for his undying patience with this old
geezer. The Pulsar Tours are COOL man.
Thanks, Bob