I host my works in the download section.
Have fun with Celestia

Following screenshots...
selden wrote:Make sure you've enabled Galaxy viewing.
Too often I forget that myself and spend several minutes trying to figure out why I can't see a Nebula.
alphap1us wrote:Hello Duck and thank your for making these new add-ons.
I will include them in the next revision of my catalog.
If I might make a small request, could you post more info about the changes to add-ons you have modified from other peoples staring work? it is always nice to keep track of what has changed becasue there are a lot of 'mystery" files floating around out there. Also maybe you could indicate that you haven't changed anything and are just "mirroring " someone else's add-on by adding something like [Mirror] to the listing. This should prevent everyone from instaling duplicate add-ons and aloow people to keeep improving add-ons as much as possible. Cheers,
maxim wrote:I LIKE your addons!
It's a hard bit of work to get those DSCs cleaned from all the (unneccesary) stars, and most other addons available are only rectangular pics of some telescope photographs. I'm going to see forward for more of them
One small critics only:
Some of your work seems to look color reduced for some kind of reason. So you might consider doing the cleanup on a 4x oversized in a broader colorspace and then applying some smoothing filters before reducing it again to original size. That might help to gain even more quality.
Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your work.
Veil looks a bit blocky - but that might be due to the original photograph.Duck wrote:M45, of course, hasn't color reduced, and Veil nebula is too slim to be "a rock in the eye".
Duck wrote:Do you think their visual impact are correct in Celestia?
maxim wrote:Veil looks a bit blocky - but that might be due to the original photograph.Duck wrote:M45, of course, hasn't color reduced, and Veil nebula is too slim to be "a rock in the eye".Difficult to answer without a telescope view comparision. They don't look wrong to me. But maybe one of the telescope owners in this forum may answer that more precisely.Duck wrote:Do you think their visual impact are correct in Celestia?