Learning to do virtual textures

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
Posts: 338
Joined: 10.02.2004
With us: 21 years

Post #21by Toti » 21.03.2004, 00:22

(Good description!)
What you need is a Rubbersheeting Tool (the correct term in geographical jargon). This is exactly what you are looking for.
This utilities are usually bundled with very sophisticated -and expensive- software like GIS (geographical information systems).
Maybe you can find a free rubbersheeting-only application, or a lite/free test version of a bigger software package.

Bye :)

Posts: 1036
Joined: 13.11.2003
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Post #22by maxim » 21.03.2004, 10:38

Yeah, that's exactly where I came from. While investigating I found that the leading GIS tools have that possibility. I took a look at Idrisi, Erdas Imagine and the ArcGIS tools like ArcView and ArcMap. Software that is only affordable for companys. And not one single test- or freeware version that contains a rubbersheet function.

I examined common graphic tools, but they can only morph or stretch linear. And I hadn't found a way to get to the results I want with the capacity of these functions.

I fact I'm having a problem with a robinson projection. That's a non mathematical projection that is derived from tranformation tables. So usual reprojection tools don't contain that projection type.
So I have to look on.

maxim :)


Post #23by Kolano » 21.03.2004, 18:14

Its been a while since I used Adobe Illustrator, but might it be able to do something like this?

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