Request for a Wormhole script

All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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Request for a Wormhole script

Post #1by ziggy » 11.03.2004, 00:34

Hi all,
Would anyone fancy having a go at a script that shows a trip through a wormhole. I 've had a go, using mostly existing models etc, but with an embarrassingly poor and jerky result. I had - trip out to blackhole at 61 Cyg A-orbit and hover a bit- into Blackhole-swirly and completely un-scientific (but who could say?) time- tunnel effect-emerge from twin blackhole at another location-look back- return to Earth (in time for tea)
I would like to see a slick production from one of you aces out there,

Posts: 1709
Joined: 12.07.2003
With us: 21 years 7 months
Location: Colorado, USA (7000 ft)

Post #2by don » 12.03.2004, 02:14

That's one I did a while back, and can't find now. :(

However, if you have Windows Media Player (for .wmv) -or- anything that can play a .MPG file (video), I have both version on my Celestia web page...

-Don G.

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