Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

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Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

Post #1by selden » 04.03.2004, 02:00

The "copy URL" function is broken in Windows Celestia v1.3.2pre5. Ctrl-Insert and Ctrl-C both write binary characters to the clipboard instead of a long string. Here's an example:


Older versions of Celestia still write usable URLs.
The "Load URL" function works still works fine in pre5.

256MB 500MHz P3, WinXP Pro SP1
128MB GF4 Ti4200, Nvidia v53.03
Celestia v1.3.2pre5

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Re: Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

Post #2by Ptarmigan » 04.03.2004, 03:14

selden wrote:The "copy URL" function is broken in Windows Celestia v1.3.2pre5.
I've never been able to get it to work in any version in Windows since the feature was introduced, never mind 1.3.2pre5 :-!(


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Post #3by selden » 04.03.2004, 03:35


I know W98 and W95 don't work, but aren't you running W2K? I would have expected it to work there. Have you tried both versions of the command? Ctrl-Insert and Ctrl-C?

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Post #4by Ptarmigan » 04.03.2004, 03:46

selden wrote:Malcom, I know W98 and W95 don't work, but aren't you running W2K? I would have expected it to work there. Have you tried both versions of the command? Ctrl-Insert and Ctrl-C?
Ah, that might have summat to do with it, no not W2K, only WinME (early version) I dont know where Win98se left off and WinME started. Yes, tried both versions of the command.
So, if it is a win95/98/derivatives problem, is windoze fundamentally flawed then (dont answer that !?) or can we hope for a fix ?


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Re: Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

Post #5by chris » 04.03.2004, 05:33

selden wrote:The "copy URL" function is broken in Windows Celestia v1.3.2pre5. Ctrl-Insert and Ctrl-C both write binary characters to the clipboard instead of a long string. Here's an example:

Thanks for the report. This was another bug that arose during the switch to Visual C++ 7.0--not a compiler bug, just some sloppy code that slipped by the VC++ 6. The fix is committed to CVS now.

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Post #6by selden » 04.03.2004, 06:07



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Re: Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

Post #7by don » 05.03.2004, 01:00

chris wrote:So far tonight: Chris 1, bugs 0


Ya beat me again!

You better give me some code assignments or I'll go batty with nuttin' ta do. :lol:

-Don G.


Re: Cel. v1.3.2pre5: "Copy URL" writes garbage

Post #8by Guest » 05.03.2004, 02:03

chris wrote:
selden wrote:The "copy URL" function is broken in Windows Celestia v1.3.2pre5. Ctrl-Insert and Ctrl-C both write binary characters to the clipboard instead of a long string. Here's an example:
Thanks for the report. This was another bug that arose during the switch to Visual C++ 7.0
Chris : Will this fix it for the win98/ME family as well ?

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