Silly HD209458 problem

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The Singing Badger
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Silly HD209458 problem

Post #1by The Singing Badger » 03.02.2004, 20:29


I read a report recently on the extrasolar planet HD 209458b, which orbits very close to its star. It seems that the planet's atmosphere is being 'blown off' by the star's solar wind and is streaming away from it like a big comet. I thought it would be fun to try to simulate this, but I hit a snag.

I thought the simplest thing to do would be to change the planet's class to a comet, so that it would then have a 'tail'. So I simply added the words Class "comet" to its details. However, this doesn't seem to work. There's no tail.
I wondered if perhaps tails don't appear when the body is too big, so I tried making Halley's comet as big as Jupiter. This worked fine - it looked ridiculous, but it successfully gave Halley a vast tail.
So why doesn't it work for HD209458b? Any theories? There may be more important things in life, but it would look very groovy... :?

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Post #2by ElPelado » 03.02.2004, 20:48

Someone did this sometime ago... I think he added a small comet class body and put it in the same orbit or something like that...

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Post #3by ajtribick » 04.02.2004, 16:22

I did post in a thread an add-on that gave HD 209458 b a cometary tail. Or at least the illusion that it did.

Anyway here's a tweaked version. Loads fastest if you get the "empty.3ds" file - sorry can't remember where from...

Code: Select all

"b Atmosphere Evaporation" "HD 209458"   # V376 Peg

   Class "comet"
   Mesh "empty.3ds"
   Radius 0.42         # to get the comet tail the right size

   InfoURL ""

   EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.0097
      SemiMajorAxis   0.044103
      Eccentricity    0
      Inclination     71.7
      AscendingNode   325.1
      ArgOfPericenter 205
      MeanAnomaly     148

   Albedo 0

Save this in a .ssc file in the "extras" folder e.g. I use the file name "hd209458_evaporate.ssc"

Hope that helps.

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Post #4by granthutchison » 04.02.2004, 18:41

chaos syndrome wrote:Loads fastest if you get the "empty.3ds" file - sorry can't remember where from...



Topic author
The Singing Badger
Posts: 125
Joined: 18.12.2003
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Post #5by The Singing Badger » 05.02.2004, 20:19

Thanks, that looks awesome! :D

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