What's the difference?
Confused Bob
don wrote:Howdy Bob,
After spending a couple hours testing and debugging, it appears that 1.3.1 p11 has problems with the SetAmbientLight script command and my ATI graphics card. This command is not executed and then the menu-based Ambient Light setting doesn't work either. Celestia has to be exited and re-started for the menu-based Ambient Light setting to function.
I tried your script with a 2-day old CVS version and the brightness is quite bright. So it appears that Chris has located and squashed this bug.
-Don G.
Code: Select all
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars"
Texture "RedMars1k.*"
# Texture "mars8k.dds"
BumpMap "marsbump.*"
BumpHeight 2.5
Color [ 1 0.75 0.7 ]
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.45
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars/Phobos"
Texture "Phobosc1k.*"
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars/Deimos"
Texture "Deimosc1k.*"
selden wrote:Don,
I'm sorry to say that it appears that you've found another bug in ATI's OpenGL drivers.
don wrote:What Render path options do you see when you press Ctrl-v repeatedly? Only Basic? Or maybe Basic and Multitexture?
selden wrote:Bob,
FWIW, I created an AltSurface of the texture maps that you provided. I had to forgo the clouds, of course.
I just checked every planet texture (standard Celestia distribution) with this ambient light setting. The only two that have "lousy" dark sides are Mercury and Mars.Bob Hegwood wrote:Why is this a problem only for the Mars script though? Wouldn't you also have the same problem for the Size Comparison script and the the JupiterTour script? I'm using the same ambient light settings for all of my scripts.
Bob Hegwood wrote:Just thought I'd ask... and just so's I understand you correctly; you think I need to put some text in the script to make ATI card users aware that their graphics cards don't work correctly?
selden wrote:Bob,
Unfortunately, although it does look quite good on its own, the Space Graphics surface texture image has highlights and shadows drawn on the map. This can be confusing, since they're pointing in the wrong direction at sunset.
selden wrote:Bob,
FWIW, I created an AltSurface of the texture maps that you provided. I had to forgo the clouds, of course.Code: Select all
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars"
Texture "RedMars1k.*"
# Texture "mars8k.dds"
BumpMap "marsbump.*"
BumpHeight 2.5
Color [ 1 0.75 0.7 ]
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.45
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars/Phobos"
Texture "Phobosc1k.*"
AltSurface "MarsTour" "Sol/Mars/Deimos"
Texture "Deimosc1k.*"
selden wrote:AltSurface textures have to be selected before they'll be displayed. ... I'm not sure how to do this from a script
Code: Select all
setsurface { name "Name of Surface" }
I guess so if you want to make sure the script runs with that texture, i.e. if you depend on some specific property of your texture.Bob Hegwood wrote:Does this mean that I should write *every* script with a "setsurface" command when I'm including better (at least to me) textures?
AFAIK a setsurface doesn't do harm if the named texture isn't available (but I didn't test that). But some users may prefer their own textures.Bob Hegwood wrote:I don't know, but I think it would be simpler just to tell the user to either use the textures they have, or install the new ones included with the script.
Bob Hegwood wrote:By the way, Chris told me to thank YOU for the new timing of the opening Celestia logo, so THANK YOU. The opening process is a *lot* nicer now.
ANDREA wrote:... I found very important the possibility to "Justify" the script from the center and to the right edge.![]()
I know it's a minor problem, but due to the growing interest that .cel files are obtaining, could it be possible to have this improvement, please?![]()