Can't go near planets!

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Can't go near planets!

Post #1by Guest » 15.01.2004, 06:46

I can?t go near planets with atmosphere! At 9000 km Celestia collapses with the error that it can?t read from an address! There is no problem with other objects!

I have a Gforce 3 Ti 200, 512 Mb of RAM, and CPU at 1600.

PS. Can someone tell me were can I find the Nvidia drivers with Microsoft signature on them because with the drivers found on the nvidia site my windows crashed (windows 2000 Workstation ServicePack4), after giving me that worning with the ?Microsoft signature?? thanks.

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Post #2by ogott » 15.01.2004, 12:44

[...] error that it can?t read from an address!

could you please tell us what the error message says? it's quite hard to help you without any clue.


p.s.: nvidia-drivers: what warning message?


Post #3by Guest » 15.01.2004, 15:36

Ok so the error code is:

Celestie: celestia.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x00decddd" referenced memory at "0x0ddc6000". The memory could not be "read"

And sometimes the instruction "0x00ded25d" but the memory referenc is the same.

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Post #4by Rassilon » 19.01.2004, 20:50

This was happening to me a while back when I approached an emissive planet (one that has no darkside) I figured mostly it was because I was fooling with the sourcecode...It did happen once before I started editing celestia's source and thought it was due to a corrupt texture...or a texture on a bad sector of the harddrive...I deleted the image and recopied it from a fresh source also defragmenting my jharddrive that night...needless to say I never got that error again...

That error is generally caused when a pointer tries to read corrupt information...or information that was not allocated or information that goes beyond the scope of the memory block...I am guessing in this case its corrupt information...
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Post #5by maxim » 19.01.2004, 23:45

I'm dealing with this error for quite three weeks now.
I haven't posted it yet because I didn't get a real idea what caused it. It came and went. :?

First time after I included lot's of Alternate Surfaces for Earth, I couldn't approach Earth, Moon and Mars anymore. I could reproduce it and I had the Idea that it had to do with the amount of AltSurfs in the context menu. But 'continental drift' did it with 200 ones without problems. I removed some of the bigger VT's and it worked again. The next time when I was testing the 'Fading Suns' mod, it happend when I tried to approach the main planet. And since two days, after I installed Rassilons 'gateway kokaubeam' it happens again. Always reproducible, always on certain planets, and not on others, always the same error:

Access violation - Program terminated!

followed by a memory dump. The dump log always shows the same procedure call as responsible.

My actual idea about a possible cause by now is due to the fact that the only common thing about the three seems to be, that my volumes free disk space was always nearing my memorys size at that moment, that means < 800-1000 MB. I had the feeling that it usually happend when the system was loading new textures or starts trying to swap in that situation. Perhaps someone could validate this?

The system is: XP2200+/W2KSP4/.75GB/GF4MX440/64MB


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Re: Can't go near planets!

Post #6by don » 23.01.2004, 07:44

Anonymous wrote:I can?t go near planets with atmosphere! At 9000 km Celestia collapses with the error that it can?t read from an address! There is no problem with other objects!

Did any of the messages help?

Did you un-install Celestia and re-install it, in case one of the files was corrupt on your hard drive?

-Don G.

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Post #7by selden » 23.01.2004, 10:58

I could imagine a memory allocation failure might cause this symptom.

What you've described is consistant with your system using a dynamically allocated paging file (which is the default). If your disk fills up, then when Celestia needs to allocate more memory to load a new texture, it won't get it because the paging file can't be extended. It can't even generate an error message, because that I/O operation needs to allocate buffer memory, too.


Post #8by Guest » 23.01.2004, 14:57

I've copied the Celestia 131 exe to the celestia 130 directory and it seams it is working, but with the old celestia data files! Thenks! If the problem is still there i'll let you know!

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Post #9by don » 23.01.2004, 20:49

Anonymous wrote:I've copied the Celestia 131 exe to the celestia 130 directory and it seams it is working, but with the old celestia data files!

This sounds like a corrupt data file (possible bad spot on the disk). As a suggestion, I would seriously consider performing a backup, running scandisk with the thourough option selected, run defrag, then re-install the 131 version. Yes, a lot of time, but it will help stop other files on the disk from becomming corrupt also.


-Don G.

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Post #10by maxim » 23.01.2004, 20:54

selden wrote:What you've described is consistant with your system using a dynamically allocated paging file (which is the default). If your disk fills up, then when Celestia needs to allocate more memory to load a new texture, it won't get it because the paging file can't be extended. It can't even generate an error message, because that I/O operation needs to allocate buffer memory, too.

That's what I am thinking too - my pagefile allocation is dynamic.
So the cause may be an non existing or unsufficiently reacting error handler. Instead of freeing some memory by deleting older textures it only tries to display an error message.


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Post #11by selden » 23.01.2004, 21:01

It would seem that it's time to upgrade the disk or add another one!

Celestia doesn't have to be on the same disk with the operating system.
Allocating a large, fixed-size paging file and having it on a disk different from the one where Celestia is can help performance, too.

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Post #12by maxim » 23.01.2004, 22:20

Yes, that's of course what finally has to be done (it's simply a problem of enlarging the partition here).
But a clean message from celestia according to this problem would help to avoid puzzling around about the cause from the beginning. I was just checking out how to set symbolic links with NTFS, so it's not done yet.

I will now set up a test scenario 'before/after' during the move of the extras-folder, to verify that the error could reproducable be fixed that way.


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Post #13by maxim » 21.02.2004, 22:56

Unfortunately cleaning up and enlarging the partition had absolutely no effect on this error. It's coming and going, and it's becoming quite worse now. I can't even go near stars anymore. It's crashing Celestia about every five minutes, and sometimes destroys the whole system, so I have to hard-reset.

I start to loose fun with celestia on that. :( :( :(

maxim :(

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Post #14by selden » 22.02.2004, 00:48


I'm sorry to say that it sounds to me like you are starting to have intermittant hardware failures. It could be that something is overheating, for example: your graphics card or the CPU or the disk drives. Check to make sure all the fans are running at high speed and that you can feel warm air coming out of the system box. Feel the temperature of the disk drives, if you can. They should be just barely warm, not hot.

If only Celestia is having problems, I'd suspect the graphics card. 3D cards run much hotter when they're actually displaying 3D graphics. You may recall Don Edwards' woes with a card that had dried-out thermal coupling compound. The heat sink wasn't actually conducting heat away from the chip, and it cooked.

If you haven't already, I'd certainly suggest downloading a disk diagnostic from the company that makes your disk drives. You can run it in read-only mode to check that the drive is completely readable.

Some motherboards have built-in test points that report the temperature and voltages at various places. There are several free and shareware programs available that can read them.

You have my sympathy.

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Post #15by maxim » 22.02.2004, 09:21

I've expressed myself inexactly (in my frustration).
It's only Celestia that has problems. When they're there, they are reproducible. There's just no way to state what causes them being there and what causes them being not there. The application is stopped by the system because of an access violation. The system does a memory dump and makes a log entry. But sometimes the system isn't fast enought...

Often (but not always) Celestia is working fine when starting the computer from scratch (a new days morning). Often (but not always) it doesn't work, after I've worked on other tasks with a couple of other programs for some hours. (Scattered memory problem ???) .

As long as I stay away from planets/stars everything is ok. But it's unavoidable to accidentally approach objects, especially when a goto command causes a flythrough of an object that is in the way. Having enough experience in the meantime, I usually know that the next zooming step of the mousewheel will cause the crash. But sometimes I'm missing and then .... oh, no !!!
As I said, during testing things, that happens about every five minutes.

I have a huge amount of installed and active addons (about 2.5 GBytes) and I'm suspecting that Celestia could have a problem with this, but that's also just a guess. I could deactivate severals of them, but this wouldn't avoid restarting Celestia, because it's shure that always the one I want to look at right now is an inactive one.

maxim :(

PS: My S.M.A.R.T. disks report constantly good conditions, so does my system diagnostics.

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Post #16by selden » 22.02.2004, 13:28


When you wrote "enlarging the partition" did you mean that you had changed the size of the partition where the virtual memory allocation happens?

Does it now use a large fixed pagefile or is it still using dynamic allocation? A fixed pagefile will be more reliable, I think.

Have you watched to see how much memory Celestia is using?

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Post #17by don » 22.02.2004, 20:36

Howdy maxim,

If you are trying to run Celestia with ALL 2.5 GB of add-ons active at the same time, this may very well be causing a problem.

I have a 3.06 GHz processor with 1 GB of memory and a graphics card with 128 MB of memory and I started running into problems with the virtual texture for Earth after adding 8 or 10 nebula, the 2 million star database, and a couple of other hi-res textures for other planets. I can't imagine what would happen if I tried to run it with 2.5 GB of add-ons being active.

If 5 or 6 add-ons appear on-screen (even if out of sight), all of them must be loaded into graphics card memory. However, if you happen to be at a place where too many add-ons to fit into memory need to be loaded in order to display the scene, then I would imagine a crash would happen.

To determine if this is the problem, and if you have enough free-space on your disk drive ...

1. Download the latest final or pre-release version of Celestia (1.3.1 final or 1.3.2 pre3).

2. COPY everything from the celestia root directory (including all sub directories) to a new directory (ie. /Old_Celestia). You need to COPY these dirs versus MOVing them, because you need to let Windows un-install the active dirs and files. You can RUN this "old version" anytime, by navigating directly to the celestia.exe file in this directory and double-clicking it (or define a shortcut to it). By using this method of copying a celestia directory and all of it's sub-dirs, you can have multiple installations of Celestia anytime you want them (ie. one for nebulae, one for VTs, etc.).

3. Uninstall Celestia through Add-Remove Programs. This should leave all of your add-on directories and files right where they were. Since you COPIED these dirs and all files in step #2, DELETE the originals now (not the copy).

4. Install the newly downloaded version of Celestia. Do not add any add-ons.

5. Run the newly installed Celestia and test it. Do you still get crashes?

If you cannot make it crash, then it is the amount of add-on you had active in the old version that was causing system problems. Try to build a version without so many *active* add-ons.

Good luck!

-Don G.

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Post #18by selden » 22.02.2004, 21:38


for what it's worth, I've never found it necessary to do all the file copying that Don mentions.

Here's my procedure.

It works because I always install new versions of Celestia into the same directory (named Celestia). I rename the directories that contain older versions.

When I'm about to install a new version, I make sure that no programs are accessing the directory Celestia. (A reboot might be the easiest way to ensure this, but normally isn't necessary.)

1. Use the "right-mouse-button" menu item RENAME to change the name of the old directory to be Celestia-### (instead of ###, specify the version number of the Celestia.exe that's in that directory)

2. Run the new Celestia installation script and let it install Celestia into the same directory name (Celestia).

Since the new directory and program filename specifications actually are the same as were being used before, the URL and softlink associations wind up being the same as before -- they're by filename, not by fileID. (I just leave the previous program and directory shortcuts on my desktop. They've been unchanged for a very long time now, through many releases of Celestia.)

After the new version is installed, you can move (not copy) whatever Addons you want from the old directory into the new ones. (I usually have only 1 or 2 active Addons, although there are 124 Addons occupying 3GB in my "holding" directory.)

Since older Celestia executables are still available in the directories named Celestia-###, you can run them at any time. You just have to remember that URL associations will run the copy of Celestia that's in the directory named Celestia, and not one of the others.

Switching back to using one of the older versions is trivial: rename the directory Celestia to be something else, and rename the directory containing the old version to be Celestia. URLs and shortcuts then will access that older version.

No deinstallation is necessary. So long as you let the installation program use its defaults, the same entry (Celestia) is reused in the "Add/Remove Program" database whenever a new copy of Celestia is installed.

I hope this isn't too confusing.

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Post #19by don » 22.02.2004, 22:37

Thanks Selden!

This tired old mind sometimes forgets the EASY way to do things. :oops:

-Don G.

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Post #20by maxim » 23.02.2004, 18:21

Ok, lots of answers. This will require some divided reply. Here's the first:


there is now enough space on the partition. The pagefile was set to flow between half and full memory size. I've fixed it to full memory size now, although I don't know if this will help much.

selden wrote:Have you watched to see how much memory Celestia is using?

Usually every bit it could get. But the error occures also with non-full-usage.

I have little hope, but there may be a very small chance that a developer will read this, so here is an example of what's written into the memory dump log (it' in german, sorry) - I can't recognize much (apart of that it happens during a mov-command), but the error is always at the same position on all those entries inside the log, and even the memory adresses always seems to be the same:

Code: Select all

Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
        Anwendung:  (pid=2576)
        Wann: 21.02.2004 @ 23:24:14.049
        Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)

*----> Systeminformationen <----*
        Computername: FILESERVER
        Benutzername: Administrator
        Prozessoranzahl: 1
        Prozessortyp: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1
        Windows 2000-Version: 5.0
        Aktuelles Build: 2195
        Service Pack: 4
        Aktueller Typ: Uniprocessor Free

*----> Taskliste <----*
   0 Idle.exe
   8 System.exe
 256 SMSS.exe
 284 CSRSS.exe
 304 WINLOGON.exe
 332 SERVICES.exe
 344 LSASS.exe
 672 svchost.exe
 700 spoolsv.exe
 728 msdtc.exe
 836 Apache.exe
 852 Apache.exe
 872 DKService.exe
 892 svchost.exe
 904 Apache.exe
1144 Apache.exe
2168 LLSSRV.exe
2200 mysqld-max-nt.e.exe
2268 nvsvc32.exe
2296 regsvc.exe
2316 mstask.exe
2372 slserv.exe
2412 stisvc.exe
2448 WinMgmt.exe
2524 dfssvc.exe
2660 svchost.exe
2652 explorer.exe
2808 InCD.exe
2832 CloneCDTray.exe
2840 rundll32.exe
2852 internat.exe
2592 PRINTS~1.exe
2876 rundll32.exe
2860 ApacheMonitor.e.exe
2576 celestia.exe
2500 DRWTSN32.exe
   0 _Total.exe

(00400000 - 0055B000)
(77880000 - 77901000)
(77E70000 - 77F36000)
(77E00000 - 77E65000)
(77F40000 - 77F7C000)
(76B00000 - 76B3F000)
(63180000 - 631E5000)
(78000000 - 78045000)
(79350000 - 793B2000)
(77D20000 - 77D91000)
(71710000 - 71794000)
(77580000 - 777CE000)
(77A40000 - 77B37000)
(77540000 - 77571000)
(747E0000 - 747F6000)
(773E0000 - 773F3000)
(6A770000 - 6A790000)
(693A0000 - 69467000)
(6F9F0000 - 6FA10000)
(51000000 - 5104D000)
(72810000 - 72816000)
(10000000 - 10017000)
(00230000 - 0023D000)
(68010000 - 68017000)
(665A0000 - 665A7000)
(6E330000 - 6E336000)
(75DF0000 - 75E0A000)
(04A70000 - 04B45000)
(68F30000 - 68F3B000)
(76680000 - 76687000)
(77810000 - 77817000)
(75940000 - 75946000)
(69470000 - 69499000)
(779A0000 - 77A3B000)
(054A0000 - 054C5000)
(69500000 - 69862000)

Statusabbild f?r Threadkennung 0x2b0

eax=010303e4 ebx=00d800c0 ecx=000002d2 edx=00000044 esi=062f7000 edi=00000876
eip=00e644c0 esp=05836ec8 ebp=4ce93ed2 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000202

Funktion: <nosymbols>
        00e6449d 2bfa             sub     edi,edx
        00e6449f c1e712           shl     edi,0x12
        00e644a2 8d343d00380040   lea     esi,[40003800+edi]     ds:00000876=????????
        00e644a9 8930             mov     [eax],esi              ds:010303e4=3ef15aea
        00e644ab 83c004           add     eax,0x4
        00e644ae 8b0c24           mov     ecx,[esp]              ss:05836ec8=0000021f
        00e644b1 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00e644b4 8b357490d800     mov     esi,[00d89074]         ds:00d89074=062f4e28
        00e644ba 8d3c49           lea     edi,[ecx+ecx*2]        ds:000002d2=????????
        00e644bd 8d34be           lea     esi,[esi+edi*4]        ds:00000876=????????
FEHLER ->00e644c0 8b3e             mov     edi,[esi]              ds:062f7000=????????
        00e644c2 8b6e04           mov     ebp,[esi+0x4]          ds:06b10ee6=00210000
        00e644c5 8938             mov     [eax],edi              ds:010303e4=3ef15aea
        00e644c7 896804           mov     [eax+0x4],ebp          ds:0184a2ca=????????
        00e644ca 8b7e08           mov     edi,[esi+0x8]          ds:06b10ee6=00210000
        00e644cd 897808           mov     [eax+0x8],edi          ds:0184a2ca=????????
        00e644d0 8b359090d800     mov     esi,[00d89090]         ds:00d89090=0581ea7c
        00e644d6 8bf9             mov     edi,ecx
        00e644d8 c1e704           shl     edi,0x4
        00e644db 03f7             add     esi,edi
        00e644dd 8b3e             mov     edi,[esi]              ds:062f7000=????????
        00e644df 89780c           mov     [eax+0xc],edi          ds:0184a2ca=????????

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
4CE93ED2 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <nosymbols>

*----> Raw Stack Dump <----*
05836ec8  1f 02 00 00 d3 02 00 00 - 20 02 00 00 d4 02 00 00  ........ .......
05836ed8  21 02 00 00 d5 02 00 00 - 22 02 00 00 d6 02 00 00  !.......".......
05836ee8  23 02 00 00 d7 02 00 00 - 24 02 00 00 d8 02 00 00  #.......$.......
05836ef8  25 02 00 00 d9 02 00 00 - 26 02 00 00 da 02 00 00  %.......&.......
05836f08  27 02 00 00 db 02 00 00 - 28 02 00 00 dc 02 00 00  '.......(.......
05836f18  29 02 00 00 dd 02 00 00 - 2a 02 00 00 de 02 00 00  ).......*.......
05836f28  2b 02 00 00 df 02 00 00 - 2c 02 00 00 e0 02 00 00  +.......,.......
05836f38  2d 02 00 00 e1 02 00 00 - 2e 02 00 00 e2 02 00 00  -...............
05836f48  2f 02 00 00 e3 02 00 00 - 30 02 00 00 e4 02 00 00  /.......0.......
05836f58  31 02 00 00 e5 02 00 00 - 32 02 00 00 e6 02 00 00  1.......2.......
05836f68  33 02 00 00 e7 02 00 00 - 34 02 00 00 e8 02 00 00  3.......4.......
05836f78  35 02 00 00 e9 02 00 00 - 36 02 00 00 ea 02 00 00  5.......6.......
05836f88  37 02 00 00 eb 02 00 00 - 38 02 00 00 ec 02 00 00  7.......8.......
05836f98  39 02 00 00 ed 02 00 00 - 3a 02 00 00 ee 02 00 00  9.......:.......
05836fa8  3b 02 00 00 ef 02 00 00 - 3c 02 00 00 f0 02 00 00  ;.......<.......
05836fb8  3d 02 00 00 f1 02 00 00 - 3e 02 00 00 f2 02 00 00  =.......>.......
05836fc8  3f 02 00 00 f3 02 00 00 - 40 02 00 00 f4 02 00 00  ?.......@.......
05836fd8  41 02 00 00 f5 02 00 00 - 42 02 00 00 f6 02 00 00  A.......B.......
05836fe8  43 02 00 00 f7 02 00 00 - 44 02 00 00 f8 02 00 00  C.......D.......
05836ff8  45 02 00 00 f9 02 00 00 - 46 02 00 00 fa 02 00 00  E.......F.......

Statusabbild f?r Threadkennung 0x8b8

eax=77d2dcf3 ebx=001463e0 ecx=00000001 edx=00000000 esi=00146298 edi=00000100
eip=778839c7 esp=055cfe28 ebp=055cff74 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000202

Funktion: NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
        778839bc b8ac000000       mov     eax,0xac
        778839c1 8d542404         lea     edx,[esp+0x4]          ss:05de9d0f=359fd00c
        778839c5 cd2e             int     2e
        778839c7 c21400           ret     0x14
        778839ca 8b4710           mov     eax,[edi+0x10]         ds:00819fe6=????????
        778839cd 8b483c           mov     ecx,[eax+0x3c]         ds:78547bd9=????????
        778839d0 f6400801         test    byte ptr [eax+0x8],0x1       ds:78547bd9=??
        778839d4 7502             jnz     RtlCreateProcessParameters+0xd (77883cd8)
        778839d6 03c8             add     ecx,eax
        778839d8 894de4           mov     [ebp+0xe4],ecx         ss:05de9e5a=e7ac0c35
        778839db 8b4710           mov     eax,[edi+0x10]         ds:00819fe6=????????
        778839de 668b4038         mov     ax,[eax+0x38]              ds:78547bda=????
        778839e2 668945e0         mov     [ebp+0xe0],ax              ss:05de9e5b=ac0c
        778839e6 668945e2         mov     [ebp+0xe2],ax              ss:05de9e5b=ac0c
        778839ea 53               push    ebx

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
055CFF74 77D2D9DB 77D2DD59 00146298 40145D94 00000070 ntdll!NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
055CFFA8 77D2DD0B 001448F8 055CFFEC 77E7987C 001463E0 rpcrt4!RpcBindingSetOption
055CFFB4 77E7987C 001463E0 40145D94 00000070 001463E0 rpcrt4!RpcBindingSetOption
055CFFEC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 kernel32!SetThreadExecutionState

Statusabbild f?r Threadkennung 0x9c0

eax=00130110 ebx=00000102 ecx=0000010d edx=00000000 esi=77889153 edi=056cff74
eip=7788915e esp=056cff60 ebp=056cff7c iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000206

Funktion: ZwDelayExecution
        77889153 b832000000       mov     eax,0x32
        77889158 8d542404         lea     edx,[esp+0x4]          ss:05ee9e47=c53ecc0b
        7788915c cd2e             int     2e
        7788915e c20800           ret     0x8

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
056CFF7C 77E8AC79 0000EA60 00000000 77A50216 0000EA60 ntdll!ZwDelayExecution
00007530 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 kernel32!Sleep

*----> Raw Stack Dump <----*
056cff60  a5 ac e8 77 00 00 00 00 - 74 ff 6c 05 68 c4 e8 77  ...w....t.l.h..w
056cff70  f0 89 14 00 00 ba 3c dc - ff ff ff ff 30 75 00 00  ......<.....0u..
056cff80  79 ac e8 77 60 ea 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 16 02 a5 77  y..w`..........w
056cff90  60 ea 00 00 70 e9 a7 77 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 a4 77  `...p..w.......w
056cffa0  f0 89 14 00 ec ff 6c 05 - f0 89 14 00 2f e9 a7 77  ......l...../..w
056cffb0  dc 86 a8 77 19 3c a4 77 - 7c 98 e7 77 f0 89 14 00  ...w.<.w|..w....
056cffc0  dc 86 a8 77 19 3c a4 77 - f0 89 14 00 00 c0 fd 7f  ...w.<.w........
056cffd0  50 90 14 00 c0 ff 6c 05 - 50 90 14 00 ff ff ff ff  P.....l.P.......
056cffe0  b4 f0 e8 77 60 d3 e7 77 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ...w`..w........
056cfff0  00 00 00 00 15 e9 a7 77 - f0 89 14 00 00 00 00 00  .......w........
056d0000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - ff ff ff ff 10 00 00 00  ................
056d0010  0c 0c 6d 05 cc 0f 6d 05 - 10 00 00 00 21 00 00 00  ..m...m.....!...
056d0020  03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - e0 02 6d 05 00 00 00 00  ..........m.....
056d0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 21 00 00 00 31 00 00 00  ........!...1...
056d0040  b0 65 a1 04 10 01 6d 05 - b0 65 a1 04 24 00 00 00  .e....m..e..$...
056d0050  e1 00 6d 05 04 00 00 00 - 1f 00 00 00 90 00 6d 05  ..m...........m.
056d0060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 31 00 00 00 21 00 00 00  ........1...!...
056d0070  24 00 00 00 b1 00 6d 05 - 02 00 00 00 1f 00 00 00  $.....m.........
056d0080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 21 00 00 00 21 00 00 00  ........!...!...
056d0090  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 70 00 6d 05 00 00 00 00  ........p.m.....

maxim :(

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