Hi . I am newbe here.
Three questions:
1) I want to draw lines between to points defined by their coordinates, using the current coordinate system(follow/lock/chase,etc..).
The idea is to "materialise"(visualize) particuliar alignements or even particular planes defined by objects of interest ,at a particular moment
(during an eclipse for exemple)
Is there a command for such a "drawline(A,B)" or "drawline(A,B,color)"...
It would be so usefull for educational purpose !
Can some one help me?
2) is there a command (function) which retrieves (return) the coordinates of any object, relative to the current coordinates system?
3) is there a command (or function) which displays on screen (or return )the coordinates of the observer, relative to the current coord. system?
Thank for your help
howto draw lines with coordinates, relative any coord system
Topic authorRjp buisson
- Posts: 31
- Joined: 18.03.2002
- With us: 22 years 11 months
- Location: Paris France
Re: howto draw lines with coordinates, relative any coord sy
Sorry, this isn't available. But I guess that would be a good feature...Rjp buisson wrote:Is there a command for such a "drawline(A,B)" or "drawline(A,B,color)"...
Rjp buisson wrote:2) is there a command (function) which retrieves (return) the coordinates of any object, relative to the current coordinates system?
3) is there a command (or function) which displays on screen (or return )the coordinates of the observer, relative to the current coord. system?
Thank for your help
Lua-scripting can do that - so this is the position of the observer relative to the current frame-of-reference (retrieving positions of objects is similar):
Code: Select all
obs = celestia:getobserver()
pos = obs:getposition()
frame_of_reference = obs:getframe()
relative_pos = frame_of_reference:to(pos)
x = relative_pos:getx()
y = relative_pos:gety()
z = relative_pos:getz()
l = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
celestia:flash("x: "..x .. "\ny: ".. y .. "\nz: "..z.."\nlength: "..l, 100)
Copy this in a file ending with ".celx", and open it from celestia (version 1.3.1-1 needed).
The unit is microlightyears - multiply with 9466411.842 to get kilometers.
Topic authorRjp buisson
- Posts: 31
- Joined: 18.03.2002
- With us: 22 years 11 months
- Location: Paris France
Re: howto draw lines with coordinates, relative any coord sy
Thanks Harry
Thanks a lot Harry!
I just discovered the Lua existence and the Summary of Lua-language you published on your site while I was awaiting an answer to my questions...
Great! You made a great job.
I sure will put my hands on That! It looks like a object oriented language, does'nt it?
Yes indeed! Is there a way to "suggest" such implementations of "abstract graphic overlays " in Celestia to the Authors of Celestia? This would makes Celestia an extremely powerfull Educational tool, giving us comprehensive viewpoints,hints and representations, to the already exceptionnal rendering of the universe...[Is there a command for such a "drawline(A,B)" or "drawline(A,B,color)"?]
Sorry, this isn't available. But I guess that would be a good feature...
Lua-scripting can do that - so this is the position of the observer relative to the current frame-of-reference (retrieving positions of objects is similar):
obs = celestia:getobserver()
pos = obs:getposition()
frame_of_reference = obs:getframe()
relative_pos = frame_of_reference:to(pos)
x = relative_pos:getx()
Thanks a lot Harry!
I just discovered the Lua existence and the Summary of Lua-language you published on your site while I was awaiting an answer to my questions...
Great! You made a great job.
I sure will put my hands on That! It looks like a object oriented language, does'nt it?
Re: howto draw lines with coordinates, relative any coord sy
Rjp buisson wrote:Yes indeed! Is there a way to "suggest" such implementations of "abstract graphic overlays " in Celestia to the Authors of Celestia?
I think the best way would to ask about it in the celestia-forums. Errrr.... yes, just like you did.
Actually I wanted something similar for some time, but never really looked at the code needed for that. I will have a look at it when I am done with the stuff I currently work on, hoping someone else wrote it until then
