Bob Hegwood wrote:Andrea, If you have the location names displayed, then you're NOT running the script as it was designed to be exceuted. Simply turn OFF the location labels before running the script. Press SHIFT and & to do this.
Thank you Bob, it works.
Bob Hegwood wrote:I didn't use the preloadtex command because I have no need for it on my humble, 1024x512 Windows XP display. I also LIKE it when the goto command takes a while to get you to the appropriate location. It seems to work in a more pleasing (at least to me) manner thay way.
OK Bob, it's a matter of taste and needs, you prefer so and it's OK for me too, obviously.
Bob Hegwood wrote:By the way, if you have so many ideas on scripting these tours, WHERE are YOUR scripts?

Seems to me that you have all kinds of advice for me, but I haven't seen anything from you yet.

Feel free to show me how it SHOULD be done..
Excuse me Bob, but I need to clarify this.
You made a very nice work with .cel scripts, and you distributed it freely to the Celestia community.
So, why do you feel so strange that one or more of your "happy, free customers" have some opinion on eventual possible improvements to your creations?
If I could be you, I would be happy to receive new ideas (just like I do in my job), and later I should decide if to use such ideas or not, as I prefer.
Mine was neither an "advice", as you say, nor a request, but only a kind and polite suggestion, nothing else.
I'm using Celestia for shows to the school children (6-18 years old) in our Obdservatory, with some success, so I'm used to understand what is and what is not appreciated and expected by them, and be sure that some of them has already seen on some photo the satellites shadows on Jupiter, and will ask me why I'm not showing them.
And the same for the Lowell's Mars Channels, obviously.
There are about 11 hundred Celestia signed people, and I think that about 90% of them read posts, use new textures, ask for help, and so on. The remaining 10% creates software, textures, add-ons, scripts, and so on. I think that this is the right percentage, and I don't think that all of us should be programmers or artists to join Celestia. Everyone makes, and must make, only what he is able to do and wishes to do, nothing more.
Moreover, please consider that all the posts, as the wonderful Celestia Scripting Guide by Don, take a lot of time to be read and understood by a not English speaking man like me, and this is slowing a lot my approach to scripting. By the way, I needed almost two hours to write this message!
Another thing: the continuous changes in Celestia has a bit modifyed my approach to the scripts: I mean that what I produced for version 1.3 is no more good for the following ones, or better, it's lacking a lot of possibilities that now I find in the latest version, and so on.
Moreover, my .cel scripts were needing one full Celestia installation for each of them, modified as needed with textures, .ssc files and so on, and this has a bit demoralized me to go on along this way.
Up to now, because yesterday's very good news by Selden have changed this scenary.
Bob Hegwood wrote:No problem though... Saturn is next on the list.
Take care, Bob
Thank you Bob, I'm sure it will be worth the time to be waited to see it.
Bob, I wrote this very long message surely not to start a war between us, but only to clarify that I think (but I may be wrong, I know) that it's better to present my own ideas to the original creator of the script, instead of modifying it as I wish, without contacting him.
I think it's more ethic, don't you agree?
My best wishes for a Happy New Year, Bob, to you and your family, and to ALL the Celestia people.