Celestia 1.2.4 won't start under XP

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Down with XP

Celestia 1.2.4 won't start under XP

Post #1by Down with XP » 22.05.2002, 19:50

I have celestia-win32-1.2.4 and am running it under Windows XP Home. Every time I try to start it, it crashes immediately, saying "celestia has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Does anyone know how to fix this :?:

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Post #2by Rassilon » 22.05.2002, 21:22

I used Celestia under XP Pro with a GeForce Ti 200...What kind of video card do you have? Do you have Direct X 8.1 instaled? And do you have the latest Win XP graphics drivers for that card?
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Post #3by jliechty » 23.05.2002, 18:44

I'm sorry that I have no idea how to help you, because I have never had any problems with Celestia (aside from general sluggishness) on my 800MHz Duron running Windows XP Pro with a Radeon VE.

fixed :)

Post #4by fixed :) » 23.05.2002, 19:57

Fixed by installing the latest drivers from nVidia's website - I didn't think of that earlier because I got my card quite recently.
Sorry to bother people, great program! :D

Le Baron Noir


Post #5by Le Baron Noir » 26.05.2002, 12:18

Celestia crashed two times yesterday after a few minutes of use under Windows 2000 SP2 and an Athlon 600, geforce 256... It was impossible to do another thing than press "reset"...
S'il y a des francophones ici, ce serait mieux pour la r?ponse


Post #6by dragoon » 29.05.2002, 18:30

I have win XP pro + geforce 4 Ti4400 with the latest drivers
and it crash each time
je suis dans la merde koi !!!!
what is the solution ?

Le Baron Noir

ah toi aussi?/aoh, you too, my son?/tu quoque fili?

Post #7by Le Baron Noir » 29.05.2002, 19:54

Ben je pense que la solution est dans l'open source et l'evolution rapide de la b?te. J'ai aussi les derniers drivers, et finalement, t?t ou tard, il plante.
I think the solution is in the open source and the fast evolution of this program. I have the lasts detonators too and it's crash each time too.

Le Baron Noir


Post #8by Le Baron Noir » 06.06.2002, 19:44

please, help!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


Post #9by dragoon » 07.06.2002, 08:34

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

bon c enervant tout ca, moi qui revait d'avoir un super planetarium sur mon PC
question c normal que celestia soit si leger, ou alors le lien est mort
enfin bon j'espere que je pourrais moi aussi me balader pres sur titan ou partir vers l'etoile polaire

see you



ah, ?a, oui...

Post #10by LeBaronNoir » 09.06.2002, 15:45

Oui, car Celestia est un logiciel libre sous license GPL, et j'ai remarqu? que tout ces logiciels ?taient en g?n?ral extr?mment l?gers, souvent parce que se basant sur divers autres programmes, drivers, API et autres souvent pr?-install?es sur une distribution Linux normale (enfin, je pense, sinon, le manager de RPM ne me dirait pas qu'il faut installer 5 librairies avant de pouvoir installer tel ou tel programme). Du coup, la b?te est tr?s l?g?re, tout en ?tant aussi performante qu'un programme propri?taire classique. Moralit?, si tu sais faire du C++, mets les mains dans le cambouis et envoie les r?sultats ? l'?quipe de Celestia.
Pour plus d'infos sur les logiciels libres et leur philosophie,

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Post #11by t00fri » 09.06.2002, 16:09

Ayant vecu a Geneve/Suisse pendant 7 annees, j'en suis sur que les
Francais ne que pretendent qu'ils ne savent parler l'Anglais ou
l'Allemand. Ils seulement sont convaincus que leur langue est tellement plus
belle... ;-)

Allez les enfants; pensez comme des bons Europeans et bavardez en

Bye Fridger


h?, ho !!!!

Post #12by LeBaronNoir » 11.06.2002, 07:09

Premi?rement, j'ai le regret de t'annoncer que ton "Fran?ais" est assez obscur, voir m?me incompr?hensible.
I'm sorry, I didn't manage to understand your... "french".
Deusi?mment, si je rencontre un Fran?ais ? l'?tranger, je ne vais pas m'emmerder ? lui parler dans la langue locale, surtout si mes notions en la mati?re sont assez moyennes, c'est la m?me chose sur Internet.
If I meet a french in a foreign country, I speak in french with him, not in the local language, it's the same with Internet.
Troisi?mmement, l'Anglais n'est ni ne saurait ?tre LA langue europ?enne parl?e par tous les europ?ens. A mon gout ce serait plut?t l'Allemand, mais enfin, je pense qu'il faut parler et conserver toutes les langues qui existent (sauf, peut-?tre les langues r?gionnales parl?s par 200 000 personnes ? tout casser...). Donc, tu ne vas pas me donner d'ordre en la mati?re.
The English ISN'T THE European language, I think it must be the German and that me must keep all European languages.
On s'?loinge n?anmoins du sujet qui ?tait de savoir pourquoi Celestia plantait ? chaque usage sous win2k/Xp avec les derniers detonators.
But I just want to know why did Celestia crash each time I used it under Win2k/XP and with the lastest detonators.


h?, ho !!!!

Post #13by Guest » 11.06.2002, 07:31

LeBaronNoir wrote:Premi?rement, j'ai le regret de t'annoncer que ton "Fran?ais" est assez obscur, voir m?me incompr?hensible.
I'm sorry, I didn't manage to understand your... "french".
Deusi?mment, si je rencontre un Fran?ais ? l'?tranger, je ne vais pas m'emmerder ? lui parler dans la langue locale, surtout si mes notions en la mati?re sont assez moyennes, c'est la m?me chose sur Internet.
If I meet a french in a foreign country, I speak in french with him, not in the local language, it's the same with Internet.
Troisi?mmement, l'Anglais n'est ni ne saurait ?tre LA langue europ?enne parl?e par tous les europ?ens. A mon gout ce serait plut?t l'Allemand, mais enfin, je pense qu'il faut parler et conserver toutes les langues qui existent (sauf, peut-?tre les langues r?gionnales parl?s par 200 000 personnes ? tout casser...). Donc, tu ne vas pas me donner d'ordre en la mati?re.
The English ISN'T THE European language, I think it must be the German and that me must keep all European languages.
On s'?loinge n?anmoins du sujet qui ?tait de savoir pourquoi Celestia plantait ? chaque usage sous win2k/Xp avec les derniers detonators.
But I just want to know why did Celestia crash each time I used it under Win2k/XP and with the lastest detonators.

Despite your claim that my French was hard to understand (well it's a long time ago that I had a chance to practice it), you demonstrated that my statement was not too far off;-):

You perfectly managed to express yourself in English...

In this /entirely/ international Forum with quite a few Germans among the 250+ registered users, I was never tempted to start making contributions in my own language: German. This clearly would have meant that a /large/ number of other people here would have felt /excluded/ from the discussion...

But this is all up to you, of course. You just have to find enough people who are able to solve your XP problem in French...

Bye Fridger

Le Baron Noir
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Post #14by Le Baron Noir » 11.06.2002, 10:09

Yes, I understand. Now, I'll try to translate in English whenever I speak French to a French.
(oui, je comprend, maintenant, j'essaierai de traduire en Anglais ? chaque fois que je parlerais en Fran?ais ? un Fran?ais).
So, we don't understand why these crash took place when we used Celestia under windows 2000/XP...
Love me two times, baby!

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Post #15by t00fri » 11.06.2002, 11:32

Le Baron Noir wrote:Yes, I understand. Now, I'll try to translate in English whenever I speak French to a French.
(oui, je comprend, maintenant, j'essaierai de traduire en Anglais ? chaque fois que je parlerais en Fran?ais ? un Fran?ais).
So, we don't understand why these crash took place when we used Celestia under windows 2000/XP...

I really do not understand your logics. This thread for example, has been viewed already by 197 people (!). How can you know, how many of those understand a word of your mail if it is in French? If you make your contribution in English, everyone of the 197 can understand it and possibly answer to your problems.

Not more not less...

Bye Fridger

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h?, ho !!!!

Post #16by t00fri » 11.06.2002, 18:40

LeBaronNoir wrote:Premi?rement, j'ai le regret de t'annoncer que ton "Fran?ais" est assez obscur, voir m?me incompr?hensible.

Deusi?mment, si je rencontre un
Fran?ais ? l'?tranger, je ne vais pas m'emmerder ? lui parler dans la langue locale, surtout si mes notions en la mati?re sont assez moyennes, c'est la m?me chose sur Internet.
If I meet a french in a foreign country, I speak in french with him, not in the local language, it's the same with Internet.
Troisi?mmement, l'Anglais n'est ni

After you critisized my French attempts above I thought I might well learn from you a little;-)

I noticed in your mail that you write things in a way that is very "unusual" for me. Did you have a orthographical revision recently in France??

You write: Deusiemment
I would write: Deuxiemement

(note, I am too lazy to sort out the accent grave on my english keyboard)

You write: Troisiemmement
I would write: Troisiemement

So what is correct?

Bye Fridger

Le Baron Noir
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Post #17by Le Baron Noir » 12.06.2002, 10:04

You must have encountered a bug, I didn't write any "^^^^" in my post.
You were right, the right answer is "troisi?mement" I think, but you were false, I think we must write "deusi?mement". Everybodu can make some mistakes, and after two years of scientifics studies, I've forgot this kind of rules...
197 persons viewed that post mean probably that only 50 see really it, because I viewed it 6-7 times in order to answer to you. It is rather smaller than other sites.
Love me two times, baby!

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Post #18by t00fri » 12.06.2002, 11:36

Le Baron Noir wrote:You must have encountered a bug, I didn't write any "^^^^" in my post.
You were right, the right answer is "troisi?mement" I think, but you were false, I think we must write "deusi?mement". Everybodu can make some mistakes, and after two years of scientifics studies, I've forgot this kind of rules...

-)) The ^^^^ was of course done by me to emphasize the two words that you wrote incorrectly in your "French" after you critisized mine;-). You may be assured that I first made sure by means of a dictionary /and/ by asking my French colleague next door that

"deuxiemement" is correct and not the way you wrote it...

If you forget such elementary things already after 2 years, what shall I say ...;-).

Many years ago, I even carried a French passport, grew up 5 Km away from the proper French border and had 13 years of French in school largely by French teachers. At the time, my knowledge of French that you called "ununderstandable" today, was definitely better than my present English;-)

197 persons viewed that post mean probably that only 50 see really it, because I viewed it 6-7 times in order to answer to you. It is rather smaller than other sites.

Sorry, but your argument is really somewhat narrow minded...

Next time you might well make a "hot" contribution that 1000 users would want to read /and/ understand...and cannot, because you used French instead of English. Got it?? The number 197 merely served as a simple illustration of a much more general reasoning.

Bye Fridger

The Clickman
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He ho !

Post #19by The Clickman » 12.06.2002, 16:17

:twisted: Please stop this ! This is not a forum to speak about which language we have to use here. It's about this wonderful program call Celestia !

Please stop speaking about this ! This is NOT the correct place. Thanks.
(Note : I'm French too, and both made mistakes in your french posts !)
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:arrow: So: what is the initial problem : Crash under XP :?:
I have the problem too, using XP/ ATI All In Wonder.
No problem in test on Windows 2000 or Windows 98.
Maybe there is something on any stupid Windows XP DLL which make Celestia failed...

Le Baron Noir
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Post #20by Le Baron Noir » 13.06.2002, 18:19

I think you're right clickman.
Well Celestia crashes each time I used it after 20-25 minutes under windows 2000 and an AMD Athlon 600, geforce 1 sdr and the latest nVIDIA drivers...
I don't know why. I'll try to compile it under Linux after my bachelor.
Love me two times, baby!

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