there is an update of the UNICE earth-locations raw file, 2003-2, that leads to a factor 2 more earth locations with coordinates than what I have made available some time ago! The total number of entries now is 40000 (!), and with lat-long coordinates, there are
before: 5536 locations
now: 11262 locations!!!
However, so far, I have refrained from making the Perl-script extracted new locations available, since people keep complaining that the locations tend to overlap badly

Of course this could be avoided by modifying the Size/Importance parameters adequately. Unfortunately, there is no size info available in the UNICE raw data.
Clearly, with 11262 entries one cannot modify these parameters by hand! An algorithm is urgently needed...
Right now, I am experimenting with the following idea: the raw data specify for each location various number codes:
Code: Select all
1 = port, as defined in Rec 16
2 = rail terminal
3 = road terminal
4 = airport
5 = postal exchange office
[6 = reserved for multimodal functions, ICDs etc]
[7 = reserved for fixed transport functions (e.g. oil platform)]
8 = border crossing
0 = function not known, to be specified
that may occur simulatneously, of course. With my Perl script I may derive an 'importance' estimate by counting the number of simultaneous function codes in the respective code string! The more there are, the more important the place.
Moreover, now I should need a proper international font, since the places are preferably written with all national special 'accents' etc. I could castrate the names to boring english;-), but the national mode would be more fancy.
What do you think. Implementing something like this is again trivial with Perl.
Bye Fridger