Minor Bugs (Sorry)

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Bob Hegwood
Posts: 1048
Joined: 19.10.2003
With us: 21 years 4 months
Location: Germantown, Ohio - USA

Minor Bugs (Sorry)

Post #1by Bob Hegwood » 29.11.2003, 20:01


On my system (see below) the program takes sooo long to initialize and to open the display that by the time I can see Io (my starting location), the logo has disappeared. Can you cause it to remain on the screen for just a bit longer? This is probably just due to my machine, but I thought you'd like to know about it. This may be why others haven't seen the logo too.

Also, I'm encountering *lots* of strangeness with the stars display. If I am using the "fuzzy disk" option, sometimes all of the stars will simply disappear from my screen. At other times, they will assume different colors. If I have just looked at Mars, for example, then move on to jupiter or some other location, the fuzzy disks appear red. If I'm moving from Uranus to Venus, they'll assume a blue appearance.

When I simply use the "Stars as Point" option, none of this occurs.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks again for the *stunning* program. My wife thinks I'm chatting with a girlfriend now since I spend so much time on the Shatters Net Forum. :oops:

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood
Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution
Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU
Intel 82815 Graphics Controller
OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build
Celestia 1.4.0 Pre6 FT1

Posts: 1059
Joined: 20.08.2002
With us: 22 years 6 months
Location: London, England

Post #2by Darkmiss » 30.11.2003, 11:22

Hello Bob
There are three things i have found to slow down the startup of Celestia

1: starting Celestia in full screen, rather than windowed.

2: using the large stars database file (stars.dat 2072873 stars )

3: using large textures for the planets read by the start.cel

Does any of these apply to you ?
CPU- Intel Pentium Core 2 Quad ,2.40GHz
RAM- 2Gb 1066MHz DDR2
Motherboard- Gigabyte P35 DQ6
Video Card- Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS + 640Mb
Hard Drives- 2 SATA Raptor 10000rpm 150GB
OS- Windows Vista Home Premium 32

Topic author
Bob Hegwood
Posts: 1048
Joined: 19.10.2003
With us: 21 years 4 months
Location: Germantown, Ohio - USA

Post #3by Bob Hegwood » 30.11.2003, 13:28

Darkmiss wrote:Hello Bob
There are three things i have found to slow down the startup of Celestia

1: starting Celestia in full screen, rather than windowed.

2: using the large stars database file (stars.dat 2072873 stars )

3: using large textures for the planets read by the start.cel

Does any of these apply to you ?


I'm running Celestia in a maximized Window. I am using the 2.68 Meg stars.dat file, and all of my textures are at the 1024x512 resolution.

I'll play with it some more to see if I can improve the speed. Thanks for the tips.

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU

Intel 82815 Graphics Controller

OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build

Celestia 1.4.0 Pre6 FT1

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