New Tour of Mars Script.

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Bob Hegwood
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New Tour of Mars Script.

Post #1by Bob Hegwood » 28.11.2003, 02:12

Hi all...

I've just posted a new Tour of Mars script on my website at:

This is a major revision to the script which Alan Federman and Mr. Selden Ball had made available previously. I have put a lot of effort into this script, so I hope you enjoy it. 8)

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood
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Post #2by Bob Hegwood » 28.11.2003, 02:56


I probably should have posted a direct link to the files. It is as follows:

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

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Post #3by selden » 28.11.2003, 03:28


I suspect you're just yanking my chain, but you really could leave off the "Mr." :)

On a more substantive note, I noticed a couple of typos in the "lecture notes" -- "it's" used when the possessive "its" was meant.

Good work!

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Bob Hegwood
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Post #4by Bob Hegwood » 28.11.2003, 06:30

"Lecture Notes?"

What lecture notes? Presumably, you mean the cel script. If that's the case, you were absolutely correct and it's already been repaired.

Thank you sir. It's been a pleasure, but it's a real pain to have to re-upload a script just because its properties have been grammatically incapacitated. :wink: If that's the best you can do, then I'll consider the script a resounding success. 8)

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Intel 82815 Graphics Controller

OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build

Celestia 1.4.0 Pre6 FT1


Good Job Bob!

Post #5by Guest » 28.11.2003, 12:45

Took your Mars Tour, loved it!. We need more scripts like this! The only problem I have is the need for a faster pc so I can use the high res Mars textures :-) I'm still a beginner in the scripts, but hope to produce something just as good one day.

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Post #6by JackHiggins » 28.11.2003, 21:46

Sweeeet... 8)

I'm letting it run through once to load all the VT tiles, then i'll run it while watching. Must get RAM...
- Jack Higgins
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Re: Good Job Bob!

Post #7by Bob Hegwood » 28.11.2003, 23:08

Anonymous wrote:I'm still a beginner in the scripts, but hope to produce something just as good one day.

I'm just a beginner too... :) All that really means is that we can think *outside* of the accepted norms for experienced users. :wink:

Glad you like the script.

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Post #8by Bob Hegwood » 28.11.2003, 23:11

JackHiggins wrote:Sweeeet... 8)

High praise indeed from YOU Mr. Higgins... Thanks for the appraisal.

Believe it or not, I worked on that script for more than a month. Whew! 8O

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Post #9by JackHiggins » 29.11.2003, 00:46

Bob- like selden said- no need for the Mr!! :D :lol:

Thanks for the thanks for the appraisal!
- Jack Higgins

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Re: New Tour of Mars Script.

Post #10by ANDREA » 29.11.2003, 01:38

Bob Hegwood wrote:Hi all...
I've just posted a new Tour of Mars script on my website at:
This is a major revision to the script which Alan Federman and Mr. Selden Ball had made available previously. I have put a lot of effort into this script, so I hope you enjoy it. 8) Take care, Bob

Bob, a very very nice work, thank you very much, and thanks to Alan and Selden :D .
I'm using the 16k Mars texture and 2k Phobos and deimos, and believe me, it's a pleasure to use this script (the 'Face' on Mars is clearly visible) :D . Moreover, I will add some more information on Mars atmosphere, sandstorms etc., and I'll try to end the voyage with a descent up to see the Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner :wink: .
I'll show the results, if any.

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
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Post #11by Bob Hegwood » 29.11.2003, 04:07


Now you've gone and DONE it to me...

You can see the Face on Mars with the 16k texture? Sheesh! My poor machine can only use the 8k texture after I resize it to 1024x512 so that's why I can't see it. :(

Sorry, but that's all the resolution I can use at this point. At any rate, I'm glad you liked the script. I'll be working on Jupiter next.

By the way, I downloaded the icons from your website... Cool...

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Post #12by ANDREA » 29.11.2003, 13:49

Bob Hegwood wrote:Andrea, You can see the Face on Mars with the 16k texture? Sheesh! My poor machine can only use the 8k texture after I resize it to 1024x512 so that's why I can't see it. :(
Bob, I'm the happy :D owner of a Nvidia GeForce4 4600 Ti with 128 Mb, and this is the reason why I'm going closer when showing features :wink: .
Here the Happy Face on Mars, as I see on my monitor:

Bob Hegwood wrote:Sorry, but that's all the resolution I can use at this point. At any rate, I'm glad you liked the script. I'll be working on Jupiter next. By the way, I downloaded the icons from your website... Cool...Take care, Bob

I'm happy that you enjoyed the icons :D .
Waiting to have Jupiter news 8O .
By soon

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
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Post #13by Bob Hegwood » 29.11.2003, 18:54

Man you just have WAY too much imagination. There AIN'T no face in that image. I don't care HOW many pretty lines you put on it. :(
Sorry, but I'm just a miserable old geezer, so don't let my observations spoil yer fun. :wink:

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Post #14by TERRIER » 30.11.2003, 21:46

Nice one Bob, I really like the 'X marks the spot' feature, although I've changed the colour of mine to white so that it shows up better if I have the location labels switched on. I'm also wondering if it's worth marking the location of the face?

It looks as if there's a face in just about every crater if you look hard enough! However I'm wondering if the face mentioned in this script is the famous feature photographed by Viking 1 in 1976, which has since been photographed in much higher detail and no longer looks like a face........much!!!

Here's the NASA site link about the face, including a hiking route for climbing it, if any of us will ever be so lucky!

1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:

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Bob Hegwood
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Post #15by Bob Hegwood » 30.11.2003, 23:43

TERRIER wrote:I'm wondering if the face mentioned in this script is the famous feature photographed by Viking 1 in 1976, which has since been photographed in much higher detail and no longer looks like a face........much!!!

That's the one, Terrier... Thanks for the link, but I still like the Viking I pictures better. :wink: Now you've gone and taken *all* of the fun out of it. :(

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Post #16by ANDREA » 30.11.2003, 23:43

TERRIER wrote:It looks as if there's a face in just about every crater if you look hard enough! However I'm wondering if the face mentioned in this script is the famous feature photographed by Viking 1 in 1976, which has since been photographed in much higher detail and no longer looks like a face........much!!!regards TERRIER

Terrier, it is a joke! :wink:
Using the original .cel script, when in Cydonia Region, I went much closer, and found very close to the given position the crater that I have shown :o .
I know that it's NOT the real Face on Mars, but it was appearing as a smiling Emoticon, so I worked on it with yellow paint to show the Face.
Nothing more than a joke, sorry. :cry:

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
HP Omen 15-DC1040nl- Intel® Core i7 9750H, 2.6/4.5 GHz- 1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD+ 1TB SATA 6 SSD- 32GB SDRAM DDR4 2666 MHz- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB-WIN 11 PRO

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Post #17by TERRIER » 01.12.2003, 12:40

That's the one, Terrier... Thanks for the link, but I still like the Viking I pictures better. Now you've gone and taken *all* of the fun out of it.

Well at least there's still the Nicholson Crater :lol:

1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:


Post #18by arcturus » 01.12.2003, 12:49

Isn't the crater Galle (on the rim of Argyre) the 'classical' Happy Face on Mars ?


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Post #19by JackHiggins » 01.12.2003, 23:49

arcturus wrote:Isn't the crater Galle (on the rim of Argyre) the 'classical' Happy Face on Mars ?

32k Flat Surface and NormalMap from DBrady, Mars Odyssey in foreground.
(Must get the cloud texture on some day too...)

How sweet does that look? 8)
- Jack Higgins

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Re: New Tour of Mars Script.

Post #20by don » 03.12.2003, 15:22

Bob Hegwood wrote:I've just posted a new Tour of Mars script on my website

Howdy Bob,

Just getting back to the forums after the holiday ...

Very nice script modifications!

Some suggestions for further modification:

* Set a date/time for each observation. Some of them were totally in the dark for me.

* Higher ambient light might help in the dark spots.

* Since you included a locations file, I used it. Turn location labels on (&) and watch out for overlapping text. You should be able to zoom in a bit more, or modify the SSC file to eliminate these.

* When location labels is on, the white text displayed by the script is difficult to read at times because it conflicts with the green text. You might want to try positioning the text in between location labels.

Keep up the great work Bob!!!

-Don G.

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