Er, that's not right, then (I gave the TLE, but didn't install it). That's what happens when you use a TLE from the wrong epoch, I guess. An orbit that low would be essentially IN the atmosphere, and not at all stable.
When Skylab was operational, it was in a 268.1x269.5 mile (431.5x433.7 km) orbit, according to NASA. That was in 1973, and the TLE I gave was for 1979, so apparently the orbit decayed pretty quickly. Fortunately, I know where to get older TLEs.
(These are the actual TLEs for the lab, not the Apollo CSMs that carried the astronauts up)
Launch was on 14 May's the TLE from 15 May...
1 06633U 73027 A 73135.30828343 .00050000 퍍0 퍍0 00027
2 06633 050.0459 024.3850 0009421 272.0174 087.9670 15.44172945000092
It's in the old format, but the second line is the same and it's all that Celestia needs.
Skylab 2 (1st manned mission) was launched on 25's 26 May
1 06633U 73027 A 73146.11491442 .00030714 4 퍍0 00115
2 06633 050.0371 329.5361 0007618 323.8544 036.1864 15.44261313001768
Skylab 3 (2nd manned mission) was launched on 28 July...
1 06633U 73027 A 73209.64835188 .00003303 흏5 퍍0 00427
2 06633 050.0425 006.4831 0012008 209.5953 150.4293 15.44614935011606
and finally, Skylab 4 (last manned mission) was launched on November's the 19th
1 06633U 73027 A 73323.28583330 .00003421 퍝6 퍍0 0 01015
2 06633 050.0379 148.2353 0010544 321.3613 038.6556 15.45458031029160
As you can see (easier if you can read TLEs) the orbit was pretty perturbed even over this few month period. Here's a SSC using the TLE for the last mission(Nov 19th)
Code: Select all
# Skylab model created by Shrox --
"Skylab" "Sol/Earth" {
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "skylab.3ds"
Radius 0.015
Beginning 2441817 # 14 May 1973
Ending 2444066 # 11 Jul 1979
EllipticalOrbit {
Epoch 2442005.78583330
Period 0.06470574
SemiMajorAxis 6808.162
Eccentricity 0.0010544
Inclination 050.0379
AscendingNode 148.2353
ArgOfPericenter 321.3613
MeanAnomaly 038.6556
Obliquity 23.45 # Sun-synchronous orientation
RotationPeriod 8766.15265008 # by Matt McIrvin
RotationOffset 191 #
Albedo 0.10
This gives a 430x437.2 km orbit, and is accurate for late 1973. Sorry my earlier post was so useless.

Thanks for trying to use it, tho.
**blatant SGP4 plug**