This is GOOD news! Thank you for your update.
I just e-mailed you the neptune.jpg file from my "basic" install. Hope the add-on *looks* different, so this answers that question also. But if this is the case, then one would logically ask, "which one is right?"
Three good lessons, indeed <smile>.
Adding a couple more lessons that I learned...
4. Keep your lines of text short enough so they will display properly on an 800 x 600 resolution window (or a little shorter) ... because the text will run off the edge of the display without wrapping (won't be seen).
5. Don't print text when a yellow sun is taking up the display screen. White text does not display on a yellow sun. Probably not blue either.
6. It REALLY PAYS to have others test your script to see if they get the same results you do.
7. If you want to modify someone elses script, be prepared to spend 3 times as much time on it as you thought it would take, and plan on learning some lessons along the way.

8. If you want *REALLY* precise distance values, ask Bob Hegwood, the distance expert!

-Don G.