Altitude Bug?

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Altitude Bug?

Post #1by Guest » 17.11.2003, 21:18

I read about the space elevator again today and that the platform will float at around 36.000 km distance from the earth's surface. So I loaded Celestia and wanted to check the view at the planet from that distance but something seems to be wrong. If I set it to 36.000 the program goes up to 42.377 km which is quite a bit off. Looks like every value above 19.134 km results in a wrong distance. I hope it's going to be fixed.

Way to go, Celestia rocks!

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Post #2by granthutchison » 17.11.2003, 21:28

I can't reproduce this. When I use Goto Object I hit 36km on the nose in 1.3.1pre11.
What version of Celestia are you using? What operating system? How are you setting your altitude?



Post #3by Guest » 17.11.2003, 21:30

Oh, I get it. 19.134 km is the maximum altitude value. Exceeding this value results in the display of the distance to the planets center, which is why exactly 6.378 km (earth's radius) is added. Never mind then, 19.134 is and odd number in my opinion, though.

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Post #4by granthutchison » 17.11.2003, 21:36

Ah. You're using a point as a thousands separator - I read 36km when you wrote 36 thousand km. Not a style I've run into before - where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

BTW, 19134km is exactly three Earth radii, so it's not such an odd choice.

Last edited by granthutchison on 18.11.2003, 01:41, edited 1 time in total.


Post #5by Guest » 17.11.2003, 21:40

Austria, common writing here.

Thanks for the pre11 info, just updated to this version and everythings fine now, had an older 1.3.1 version which had this thing messed up. :wink:

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Post #6by maxim » 17.11.2003, 22:04

General european writing I would say. :)

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Post #7by don » 17.11.2003, 22:25

Yes, Chris changed the Altitude / Distance combination display to be ONLY Distance, in one of the more recent pre releases.

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Post #8by granthutchison » 17.11.2003, 23:59

maxim wrote:General european writing I would say.
Interesting. I could have sworn that, long ago, when I learned German, I was told that the thousands separator was a space. Same in French. But maybe I'm getting confused with the Syst?me International convention.


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Post #9by TERRIER » 18.11.2003, 00:57

Just as a matter of interest, how do you guys represent a number with a decimal point? Is it with a comma "," ?

1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:

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Post #10by jamarsa » 18.11.2003, 01:36

maxim wrote:General european writing I would say.

Yes, the same here in Spain.

TERRIER wrote:Just as a matter of interest, how do you guys represent a number with a decimal point? Is it with a comma "," ?

Exactly that, we use a comma. It is slightly annoying when all the keyboards come with a point in the numeric keypad, and the tools you use (Visual Foxpro, for example) insist in that you have to type a comma for achieving the decimal digits. I am forced to install a small utility (only in windows, of course, Linux is customizable) to have a comma in that place. But it leads to other problems, as I'm discovering currently.

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Post #11by don » 18.11.2003, 01:49

Howdy Javier,

Have you tried:

* Start button
* Settings
* Control Panel
* Regional and Language Options (displays a dialog box)
* Regional Options tab
* Click Customize button
* Enter the characters for decimal, etc.

-Don G.

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Post #12by maxim » 18.11.2003, 10:47

granthutchison wrote:I could have sworn that, long ago, when I learned German, I was told that the thousands separator was a space.

Well it's possible to use the space for better reading in common text. But sientifical correct is the point separator:

(EU)123.456,789 :== (USA)123,456.789

Funny enought there are other 'exchanges':
(EU-Keyboard)Z :== (USA-Keyboard)Y
(EU-Keyboard)Y :== (USA-Keyboard)Z

So using 'A' & 'Z' for convenient control on US-Keyboards causes Europeans to make a 'long hand' :wink:

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