1) I've discovered that locations don't seem to be working correctly. In order to view the locations on the Moon or the Earth, for example, you have to select not cities, not maria, not terrae, not any of the selections except "Other Features." Even though the SSC file I'm using (i.e. - "moon_locs.ssc") has defined the Moon locations as being of different types, they only show up when I check off the "Other Features" option. Same with the features of the Earth, although I don't recall seeing a TYPE element anywhere in the "earth_phys.ssc" file. In short, I cannot see *any* location labels unless I select the "Other Features" option from the render locations menu. Without this option checked NONE of the locations will be displayed.
2) Also, I have the addon M4 installed... This is simply an STC file which displays the stars in a nice globular cluster. When I first view the display, it appears as it should. However, when I right-click and move my perspective around, the stars turn to a sickly green color.
Just thought I'd let you know. Selden? It's ME again...

Sincere in my appreciation for your troubles with me thus far, Bob