Suggestion: Compass when on earth surface

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Suggestion: Compass when on earth surface

Post #1by LarsS » 04.11.2003, 21:34

Hi, I thought it could be a nice feature if Celestia, will get some kind of a compass availability , when using CRTL-G + Y (sync orbit) for going to earth surface.
The compass feature could eventually could just be a cross as a sight (that can be switched on and off), where degrees for direction (N,E,S,W) + angle from earth surface going from 0-90 degrees. I guess this is called azimuth angle?

Best regards
Lars S

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Post #2by ElPelado » 04.11.2003, 22:47

Just one thing: when pressing Ctrl-G you dont need to press Y, when you press ctrl-g celestia auomaticaly puts you in sync-orbit mode.

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Post #3by JackHiggins » 04.11.2003, 23:47

Ok, I think if we're going to add in a compass function, we should go the whole way & set up a proper Alt/Azimuth reading too. If you need one, then you will probably need to use the other sooner of later too...

The only way to enable it would be pressing Ctrl + F (Altazimuth mode!)

A small digital reading down in the corner (In red maybe, so you could differenciate it from the rest of the readings) would just display something like:

Code: Select all

Alt: 55 Az: 135 (SE)

And maybe another small display below that could read

Code: Select all

Lat: 52.5 (N) Long -8 (W)

just so that you know where on the globe you're actually placed. (So you don't have to constantly keep the earth selected and go into the "GoTo" menu option.)
Also handy for when you're not on the earth!

Maybe i'm pushing it a tad here, but an option for 000.000 vs 0[deg sign] 0" 0.0' would be another nice detail!!
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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Post #4by LarsS » 05.11.2003, 08:46

Jack, thanks for your response. When can we expect these features added?

regards Lars


Post #5by Guest » 06.11.2003, 06:29

If you have plans to add both then might I suggest another: rotate to rotate parrallel and perpendicular to the horizon. Too much mucking about otherwise when changing direction from west to north etc.

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Location: People's Republic Of Cork, Ireland

Post #6by JackHiggins » 06.11.2003, 23:25

If you have plans to add both then might I suggest another: rotate to rotate parrallel and perpendicular to the horizon
Ctrl + F does that remember!

LarsS wrote:When can we expect these features added?

Dunno- i'm not one of the developers! I think chris is on holidays at the moment...
- Jack Higgins

Jack's Celestia Add-ons

And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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