HD 12545 wrong size

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HD 12545 wrong size

Post #1by ElPelado » 02.11.2003, 14:14

In today's APOD(Astronomy Picture OF the Day) there is a graph showing that star, and you can see the our Sun on the side, to compare them.
In celestia its says that HD 12545 has 3.97 RSun, but in the picture it looks much more bigger. I am using also Starry Night and it says that the star is 7Rsun... so which is right???

It also says that its binary, but in starry night it says that it isnt... so?

BTW: can someone make a texture for that start showing the huge spot???

Here you have the link(Now Corrected, Thanks Jack!!!):
Last edited by ElPelado on 02.11.2003, 15:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2by JackHiggins » 02.11.2003, 14:56


When you give a link to the APOD site itself, it only works for one day because of the ways it's updated every 24 hours. So.. To get that link to work properly, when you find a cool APOD pic, go back one day, and forward again. Then, you get a link like this: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031102.html which works permanently!

Not sure about who's right about the size of the star though...
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
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Post #3by Brendan » 02.11.2003, 18:08

8O :o I guess that it could be a good idea to allow star textures to be specified so that we could make a texture for stars that have big starspots. Are there any other stars known to have big starspots? What would such spots really look like?


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