MSS taking PUBLIC REQUESTS for Mars Hi-res images!!

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MSS taking PUBLIC REQUESTS for Mars Hi-res images!!

Post #1by JackHiggins » 20.08.2003, 23:37

This is incredible...

Malin space systems (managing the MGS spacecraft) are taking PUBLIC REQUESTS for new areas of mars to be photographed using their high res (1.5M/pixel) mars orbiter camera!!

It's previously only imaged about 3% of mars at this level of detail, and now anyone can suggest a new area to be imaged up close, provided you give a very detailed explanation as to why, and so long as it hasn't been photographed before at hi-res!

This is so cool... :D

If you had a chance, what would you suggest?!

(I say one of the sites of previous mars landers...)
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #2by Evil Dr Ganymede » 25.08.2003, 04:22

I dunno... it's kinda hard to be enthusiastic about an image which will look like every other hires image ever taken of dunes and boulders :)

Now, if it was a medium resolution (couple of hundred metres/pixel) view, I'd be more enthusiastic!

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