Extrasolar planet add-ons

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Extrasolar planet add-ons

Post #1by THOM » 06.08.2003, 13:27

J'aimerais savoir si vous savez o? se trouve l'add-on commpl?tant les exo-plan?tes et si il eiste une mise ? jour

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Post #2by Darkmiss » 06.08.2003, 14:20

Huh 8O :?:
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Post #3by TERRIER » 06.08.2003, 14:31

I think all of us non-French speakers should now leave this for Darkmiss to translate for us, eh? :wink:
1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:

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Post #4by Psykotik » 06.08.2003, 14:38

Tsss... Darkmiss, can't you recognize french langage :lol:

Thom, t'as de la chance, le forum est hant? par des francophones... t'aurait eu plus de probl?mes si tu ne parlais que su?dois :wink:

Je te conseille un site web francophone, r?pertoriant un paquet d'addons :


Tu trouveras la plupart, pour ne pas dire tout ce qui se fait pour Celestia.

What Celestia lacks; a french to english translator :o

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Post #5by Darkmiss » 06.08.2003, 14:51

Hey don't get me wrong, I recognised it from the "Bonjour "
But i still can't understand the rest :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
CPU- Intel Pentium Core 2 Quad ,2.40GHz

RAM- 2Gb 1066MHz DDR2

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Re: Extrasolar planet add-ons

Post #6by ANDREA » 06.08.2003, 16:27

THOM wrote:Bonjour
J'aimerais savoir si vous savez o? se trouve l'add-on commpl?tant les exo-plan?tes et si il eiste une mise ? jour

Hello. I would like to know if you know where is the add one commpl?tant exo-planets and if it eist an update Merci

My friends, this is the translation obtained free of charge :D , using
and, even if the translation is not so good :( , it's clear enough to make us understand the matter of the request 8O .
Now I'm using the same system to translate this for our French friend, so may be that in the future there will be less problems with non-English writing people.
Don't you think so, THOM :D ?


Mes amis, ceci est la traduction obtenue gratuitement, en utilisant http://world.altavista.com/ et, m?me si la traduction n'est pas aussi bonne, elle est assez claire pour nous inciter ? comprendre la mati?re de la demande. Maintenant j'emploie le m?me syst?me pour traduire ceci pour notre ami fran?ais, ainsi peux ?tre qu'? l'avenir il y aura moins de probl?mes avec les non-Anglais d'?criture. Ne pensez-vous pas ainsi, THOM ?
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Post #7by jamarsa » 06.08.2003, 18:02

Heheh, let's make a try without a translator (nor dictionary, of course):

J'aimerais savoir si vous savez o? se trouve l'add-on commpl?tant les exo-plan?tes et si il eiste une mise ? jour

"I would like to know if you know where is the add-on to incorporate the exo-planets and if exists any update"

I don't speak french, but I can extract a bit of meaning because I speak several 'Romanic' languages. Mmm, and live less than 30 km away from France.... And went skiing to the Alps stations, too... and my city is really full of french citizens these days... :-P

PS: Oops!! forgot the most important part:


"Thank you" :wink:

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Post #8by selden » 06.08.2003, 18:31

Well, now that we know what is wanted, maybe someone should try answering!

Celestia v1.3.0 includes most of the known extra-solar planets.
However, Chris recently posted a list of newly discovered ones which will be added to v1.3.1 (they have been included in v1.3.1pre9).


Here is how Bablefish translates that. I can tell it is not quite right...

Voici comment Bablefish traduit cela. Je peux le dire que n'est pas tout ? fait correct...

Celestia v1.3.0 inclut la plupart des plan?tes suppl?mentaire-solaires connues. Cependant, Chris a r?cemment signal? une liste de nouvellement d?couvert qui sera ajout?e ? v1.3.1 (elles ont ?t? incluses dans v1.3.1pre9).


Regardez en outre ceci: http://www.lns.cornell.edu/~seb/celestia/catalogs.html#3.7.4

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Post #9by jamarsa » 06.08.2003, 18:40

selden wrote: Well, now that we know what is wanted, maybe someone should try answering!

Ah, no... I leave it to you, the expert in astronomy matters! :wink:


Post #10by Thierry_d » 07.08.2003, 20:17

Ma traduction:

Celestia v1.3.0 inclut la plupart des exoplan?tes connues. Cependant, Chris a r?cemment fourni une liste d'exoplan?tes nouvellement d?couvertes (cette liste sera ajout?e ? la v1.3.1 - elle est d?j? incluse dans v1.3.1pre9).


Regarde aussi: http://www.lns.cornell.edu/~seb/celestia/catalogs.html#3.7.4


Commentaire: le tout est de savoir vers quelle ?toile il faut se diriger dans Celestia pour trouver une de ces plan?tes !!! Un coup de bol parait improbable...

Comments: the problem is to find a star with planetary companions in Celestia !!! Luck wont make it...


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Post #11by jamarsa » 07.08.2003, 21:43

Thierry_d wrote:Comments: the problem is to find a star with planetary companions in Celestia !!! Luck wont make it...

Huh?? But that's easy... Use the Star Browser in the Navigation menu... and select "with planets" radiobutton.

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Post #12by selden » 07.08.2003, 22:27

jamarsa wrote:
Thierry_d wrote:Comments: the problem is to find a star with planetary companions in Celestia !!! Luck wont make it...

Huh?? But that's easy... Use the Star Browser in the Navigation menu... and select "with planets" radiobutton.

That's true for the Windows version, but I think that menu is not available (yet) in some of the other versions of Celestia. However, extrasolar.ssc is a plain text file. You can read it with any text editor to see the star names. The planets' names are only single quoted letters, so you can use grep (in Linux or MaxOS X) to find them. For example, in a terminal window you can type these commands

Code: Select all

cd Celestia/data/  # or otherwise go to Celestia's data subdirectory
grep '"b"' extrasolar.ssc

Does this help?

By Bablefish:

C'est vrai pour la version de Windows, mais je pense que le menu n'est pas disponible (encore) dans certaines des autres versions de Celestia. Cependant, extrasolar.ssc est un dossier plat des textes. Vous pouvez le lire avec n'importe quel ?diteur de texte pour voir les noms d'?toile. Les noms des plan?tes sont seulement les lettres cit?es simples, ainsi vous pouvez employer le grep (dans Linux ou MaxOS X) pour les trouver. Par exemple, une fen?tre terminale vous pouvez introduire au clavier ces commandes

Code: Select all

 cd Celestia/data/  # ou autrement aller au sous-r?pertoire des data de Celestia
grep '"b"' extrasolar.ssc

Est-ce que ceci vous aide?

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Post #13by jamarsa » 07.08.2003, 23:47

selden wrote:That's true for the Windows version, but I think that menu is not available (yet) in some of the other versions of Celestia.

The GTK version lacks it (and maybe the Mac one too, although I found a mention to the Star browser in MacOSX users thread), but this option is available in the KDE version too, and with Windows it covers most of the people here (+/- 95%?).

But perhaps you are referring to older versions... the GTK is almost that case, it has not menus at all!! :wink:

PS: Ah, bien, la traduction fran?aise..


Une image est meilleure que mille mots? :wink:

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