Another New System - 40 Eridani A

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Another New System - 40 Eridani A

Post #1by Cormoran » 02.08.2003, 23:19

A view from the surface of Vulcan towards its huge primary, T'Khut:


Whole system should be ready for posting soon.

If nothing else the pic shows how beautifully celestia handles atmospheric effects :) :)



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Post #2by Cormoran » 02.08.2003, 23:22

Drat and double drat!! :oops:

Okay, this should work:



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Post #3by bh » 03.08.2003, 00:20

Wow...looks great...Is this real or a 'Star Trek' thing?


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Post #4by bh » 03.08.2003, 00:22

Drink 'Fullers ESB'...really...


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Post #5by selden » 03.08.2003, 00:30


You should consider becoming a Forum Member, then you can edit your posts. You can leave most of the profile info blank if you want.

It looks warm. :)

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Post #6by bh » 03.08.2003, 00:41

Yes.. both yourself and Selden need to drink 'ESB'...

bh...signing off...!

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Post #7by Cormoran » 03.08.2003, 01:03

I am actually a forum member. However, I'm a complete novice at the BB lark lol. Celestia is the first thing I've found that made me creative enough to wanna post anything.

It's kinda a Trek-based system, yes, but I'm trying to work out the right orbital speeds and roche limits etc.

I was gonna post more images, but my ftp server is being a pain. Oh well, it will probably work when I post the zip for the system (thats after I redo all the textures to be DDS and hopefully after someone explains to me how I can embed bump map data in a dds file.) Plus I need to replace the test textures I borrowed from Rassilon's Cluster builder.

'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

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Post #8by bh » 03.08.2003, 01:09

Signing in..and off again...

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A More informative screen shot

Post #9by Cormoran » 03.08.2003, 10:24


The first shot, while very pretty, wasn't too informative[/img]

As you can see from the shot, T'Khut's system of moons is very tight to its primary. This was to make possible a replication of a scene from Star Trek the Motion Picture, which shows the Vulcan skyline, and a huge volcanic moon rising over it, as well as a smaller body in the foreground. The following shot shows at least 2 further moons on the opposite side of the horizon.

It just proves that almost anything can be rationalised :lol:

Maybe it ain't plausible, or even possible, but I don't mind.


'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #10by Evil Dr Ganymede » 03.08.2003, 10:37

I'm just looking at that orbital diagram and trying to imagine what the tidal forces must be like. Eeep! 8O

Oh well... it's Star Trek, it's not like it's realistic ;)

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Tidal forces, realism and eye-candy :)

Post #11by Cormoran » 03.08.2003, 11:13

Yep, I did realise quite early on that the tidal forces would be truly horrific (given what Io is like due to tidal effects from Jupiter AND the other Galilean Moons). Also, I may have underestimated the distances of the orbits, for reasons that others have gone into regarding the amount of sky a given object takes up at a given distance.

Its my first system. Be gentle lol.

On the other hand, no-one thought epistellar giants were possible, until we found one. Personally I take the view that there are weird systems out there....mysteries to be solved etc etc blah blah lol.

On the third hand (metaphorically hehe), maybe some outside agency is at work...


Oh..that would be me, wouldn't it.

Btw, Evil Doctor G, I'm a great admirer of your site...been visiting for years :)


'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

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Another shot

Post #12by Cormoran » 03.08.2003, 17:50


The ring system of Shesh'hin, seen from its moon, Vanuph.

Woohoo..almost ready to post the system zip :)
'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

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Post #13by -Shadow- » 03.08.2003, 19:23

Congradulations :D
You seem to be doing fine with your system. :)
Vulcan looks accurate, it's mostly mountainous, I see the in the screens :D Though The only thing I see is off are those clouds.
There should be 50% less clouds, they should be about 60% more scattered around the planet's surface and The Clouds should be a little darker. As I said the other Planet's look great, Just edit Vulcan like i told you and you'll have it rght on :D *thumbs up*

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Post #14by Rassilon » 03.08.2003, 22:39

Cormoran wrote:I am actually a forum member. However, I'm a complete novice at the BB lark lol. Celestia is the first thing I've found that made me creative enough to wanna post anything.

Its the only thing that keeps me posting!

Very nice work!
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!

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Post #15by Cormoran » 04.08.2003, 06:04

Thanks Rassilon :)

High praise indeed from a Master of the Craft! :)

Mixed metaphor: You're the Yoda to my Slartibartfast, man!


'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

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