Location Files -- Size/Importance Definitions

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Location Files -- Size/Importance Definitions

Post #1by don » 28.07.2003, 20:45

* NOTE: This message has been edited. To see the new additions, look/search for the text "[ADDED]". *

Regarding: New Celestia feature -- Locations

If you are interested in (or already are) creating a Celestia Location file, please read this message. Sorry that it's a long one, but it contains a lot of information gathered from many other messages/topics in the forums.

What is a Location file?
Starting with version 1.3.1 pre6, Celestia allows text labeling of "Locations" on planets and moons. Basically, a Location file tells Celestia on what object and where to display Location labels, by using Longitude and Latitude coordinates. The following is an example entry in a Location file:

Code: Select all

Location "Seattle" "Sol/Earth"
{ LongLat [ -122 47.5 0 ]
  Size 10
  Importance 100
  Type "City" }

Size and Importance Values
From Chris Laurel:
Size is the diameter of the location and is used to determine how close to the location the camera needs to be before a label should be rendered. Importance can be used to override size for small locations that you still want visible from a distance, like a lunar landing/crash site.

[ADDED Aug 1, 2003]
Altitude Value
Altitude is specified as the third number value in the LongLat Parameter.

From Chris Laurel:
Altitude is the distance of the location above an object's surface. There are occasions when you might want to label a location that's above the surface of a planet. For example, you could place locations to mark the various rings and gaps in Saturn's rings.


It's my opinion that the Celestia Development Team, along with the current Location file creators, need to "get together" and define a list of Size and Importance values for specific objects, so that anyone who creates a Location file can use this pre-defined list of values to make their Location file consistent (Size & Importance) with everyone elses Location files.

Why would we want to do this? So that when a Location file has a few thousand entries in it, or the user has many Location files of different things (cities, mountains, bodies of water, landing sites, whatever), the user can better control what labels actually get displayed.

From Chris Laurel:
Yes . . . some sort of guidelines need to be established. For planets other than Earth, importance can be omitted so that it defaults to the size. The only exceptions I can think of are spacecraft landing sites, which I think are worth giving high importance.

On Earth, there are more judgement calls involved . . . What importance should be assigned to a city of one million people? A capital city? The VLA radio telescopes?

There definately needs to be some discussion about this BEFORE there are 100 different Location files out there, all with different Size and Location values that will clash with other files.

For an example of why this needs to be done ... using Fridger's Earth Locations file (http://www.shatters.net/~t00fri/earth.ssc.zip), go to Hawaii, and turn Location labels on (& key). You will see that every single Location label on the Big Island is stacked on top of one another, with no way to manipulate the display to see them all (rotate, orbit, set Size value in dialog, etc.). It's just a big green blob <frown>. And yes, every location is properly specified and valid.

By looking at this file, you will see that every location at these coordinates has the same exact Size and Importance values. BUT, even when they don't, the labels are still displayed on top of one another as you move closer to the surface. So, Celestia needs to provide a way to display multiple labels that are defined at the same, or very close, coordinates in a list-like fashion. (I also posted a message in the Bugs forum regarding this "stacking" of text labels: http://ennui.shatters.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2954.

By pre-defining a list of Size and Importance values for Location file creators to follow, all Location files, created by anyone, will be displayed the way the user wants to see them via one set of end-user controls (the Locations dialog box).

Here is Chris Laurel's explanation of how the "Size" slider works in the new Locations dialog box:
Internally, Importance overrides Size when specified in a location definition. I suppose it's misleading to label the slider 'Size' . . . Instead, it should probably just be labeled show less and show more at either end. In any case, it's intentional that the user never sees Importance mentioned explicitly. It's just a device for .ssc creators to make physically small but very significant locations that can be seen from a good distance away.

Below is an example (ONLY an example) of some locations the list we create might contain ...

* Denotes an object that is currently recognized by Celestia 1.3.1 pre-release 6.

- Denotes an object that is not recognized, but could be defined simply by using a specific Size value:

Code: Select all

  Object                         Size   Importance  Example
------------------------------  ------  ----------  -----------------------------
* Observatory ................     100              Kitt Observatory
* Landing Sites ..............     200              Apollo missions to moon
* Crater .....................     300              Take your pick
* USGS Surface Features ......       ?              (see list at bottom of msg.)
* Other ......................       ?

Personally, I think Chris & team should consider changing "Seas" to "Bodies of Water", which would then include Seas, as well as the following additional types of water bodies.  I would also choose to give Oceans the highest Size and Importance since they are the largest objects (at least on Earth):

  Object                         Size   Importance  Example
------------------------------  ------  ----------  -----------------------------
- Bodies of Water
  - Rivers ...................     500              Nile River
  - Deltas ...................    1000              Mississippi Delta
  - Lakes ....................    2000              Lake Geneva
  * Seas .....................   10000              Red Sea
  - Oceans ...................   30000     Highest  Pacific Ocean

There may be some good reasons, but why give Mountains, Valleys and Cities their own object classification?  Why not have them as sub-categories under "Land Mass", like the following list shows.  I would choose to give Continents the second highest Size and Importance values since they are second in size only to Oceans (at least on Earth):

  Object                         Size   Importance  Example
------------------------------  ------  ----------  -----------------------------
* Land Mass (Continent) ......   20000  NextHighest North America
  * Mountain .................    9000              Rocky Mountains
    - Range ..................                      Wasach
    - Peak ...................                      Pike's Peak
  * Valley ...................    8000              Grand Canyon
  - Country ..................    7000              United States of America
    - National Forest Land ...                      Rocky Mtn. National Forest
    - National Park ..........                      Yellowstone
    - Gov't Headquarters .....                      Washington, D.C.
  - State/Region/etc. ........   6000               Colorado
    - State Capital ..........                      Denver
    - State Attractions ......                      Aspen (skiing)
  * City
    - Large ..................   5000               Population ? to ? (NewYorkCity)
    - Medium .................   4000               Population ? to ? (Denver)
    - Small ..................   3000               Population ? to ?
    - Town ...................    900               Population ? to ?
  - Airports (?) .............                      Denver International
  - Amusement/Theme Park (?)..                      Disneyland, etc.


What's the First Step?
It would seem that the first step would be to figure out who will be in charge of this "meeting of the minds" (one of the developers?) so that all of us can submit to that person, our list of objects (items) to be added to the list. The list of location objects will then be compiled and updated / posted / e-mailed to all group members for comments. It doesn't have to be like a Webster's Dictionary, but should include basic items to be labeled on a planet or moon. Should it also include items in orbit, asteroids, deep space objects, etc.?

Once the initial list of items is finalized (agreed upon), each location item on the list will need to be assigned values for Size and Importance.

How to Use a Location File
In order to use a Location file, you must be using Celestia version 1.3.1 pre6 or higher, which can be downloaded from

Then ...

1. Download the Location file(s) you want (see below).

2. Move the Location .ssc file(s) into Celestia's "extras" directory.

3. Run Celestia and goto the object (planet, moon, etc.) you downloaded the Location file for.

4. Turn on Location labels with the "&" key (On/Off toggle).

5. Move close enough to the object to see the Location labels.

Existing Location Files (as of July 27, 2003)
By Chris:
* Location files for Eros, Jupiter Moons, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Neptune Moons, Saturn Moons, Uranus Moons, and Venus: http://www.shatters.net/~claurel/celestia/files/locations/

By Fridger:
* 500 precise locations on Earth: http://www.shatters.net/~t00fri/earth.ssc.zip
* LARGE file, converted from UN ECE data: http://www.shatters.net/~t00fri/earth-UNECE.ssc.zip

By Darkmiss (Paul Roberts):
* Work-in-progress, major Earth citys (no observatorys or telescopes): http://www.bt.homepage.btinternet.co.uk/Files/Earth-Citys.ssc

[ADDED July 31, 2003]
If you use multiple Location files, and find that several labels overlap on a given location, please remember that this is a brand new, pre-release Celestia function and these files are currently on the "bleeding edge", so please don't get too upset <smile>. Some changes may be on the way that will help this, but for now you can do the following things yourself ...

If you find a location that is trying to display multiple labels get the Longitude and Latitude for that location (use Navigation/Go To... dialog) and then use a text editor to search one or more of the Location files for that specific location (Longitude and/or Latitude). There may be several to find, so make sure you search the entire file making a note of the object names.

Then, go back through the file and change one or more of the following until it gives you satisfactory results:

* Size
* Importance
* Longitude (small changes)
* Latitude (small changes)

Size and Importance are used by Celestia to determine at what altitude to show the label. So, you could change either Size or Importance for all identical entries, except for the most important one, to be a very small number. This will allow the important one to be displayed first (highest altitude).
For those folks who are interested in creating their own Location files...

Creating a Location File
The filename format for a Celestia Location file is <filename>.ssc, where <filename> is any filename you define.

Here is the correct syntax to define a Location of Type=City, from Chris:

Code: Select all

Location "Seattle" "Sol/Earth"
    LongLat [ -122 47.5 0 ]
    Size 10
    Importance 100
    Type "City"

From Chris Laurel:
Size is the diameter of the location and is used to determine how close to the location the camera needs to be before a label should be rendered. Importance can be used to override size for small locations that you still want visible from a distance, like a lunar landing/crash site.

[ADDED Aug 1, 2003]
Altitude Value
Altitude is specified as the third number value in the LongLat Parameter.

From Chris Laurel:
Altitude is the distance of the location above an object's surface. There are occasions when you might want to label a location that's above the surface of a planet. For example, you could place locations to mark the various rings and gaps in Saturn's rings.


According to Chris, the current pre-release (1.3.1 6 or 7) includes recognition of the following 2-letter values for the Type entry, listed in alphabetical code order:

Code: Select all

Type USGS Definition
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AA   Crater, craters  A circular depression
AS   Astrum, astra  Radial-patterned features on VENUS
CA   Catena, catenae  Chain of craters
CH   Chaos, Distinctive area of broken terrain
CM   Chasma, chasmata  A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression
CR   Corona, coronae  Ovoid-shaped feature
DO   Dorsum, dorsa  Ridge
FE   Flexus, A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern
FL   Fluctus, Flow terrain
FO   Fossa, fossae  Long, narrow, shallow depression
FR   Farrum, farra  Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures
LF   LandingSite, Lunar features at or near APOLLO LANDING SITES
LI   Linea, lineae  A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight
ME   Mare, maria  "Sea"; large circular plain (MOON only)
MN   Mensa, mensae  A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges
MO   Mons, montes  Mountain
PE   Patera, paterae  An irregular crater, or complex one with scalloped edges
PL   Planitia, planitiae  Low plain
PM   Planum, plana  Plateau or high plain
RE   Regio, regiones  A large area marked by reflectivity or color distinctions
     from adjacent areas, or a broad geographic region
RI   Rima, rimae  Fissure (MOON only)
RT   Reticulum, reticula  reticular (netlike) pattern on VENUS
RU   Rupes, Scarp
TA   Terra, terrae  Extensive land mass
TE   Tessera, tesserae  Tile-like, polygonal terrain
UN   Undae, Dunes
VA   Vallis, valles  Valley

Additional Celestia Types
XX = Other

Currently listed by the USGS but missing from Celestia
AL  Albedo Feature Geographic area distinguished by amount of reflected light
CB  Cavus, cavi  Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays
    or clusters
CO  Colles  Small hills or knobs
ER  Eruptive center  Active volcanic centers on IO
FA  Facula, faculae  Bright spot
LA  Labes  Landslide
LB  Labyrinthus, labyrinthi  Complex of intersecting valleys
LC  Lacus  "Lake"; small plain (MOON ONLY)
LE  Lenticula, lenticulae  Small dark spots on EUROPA
LG  Large ringed feature  Cryptic ringed features
MA  Macula, maculae  Dark spot, may be irregular
OC  Oceanus  A very large dark area on the moon (MOON ONLY)
PA  Palus, paludes  "Swamp"; small plain (MOON ONLY)
PR  Promontorium, promontoria  "Cape"; headland promontoria (MOON ONLY)
PU  Plume
SC  Scopulus, scopuli  Lobate or irregular scarp
SI  Sinus  "Bay"; small plain
SU  Sulcus, sulci  Subparallel furrows and ridges
TH  Tholus, tholi  Small domical mountain or hill
VS  Vastitas, vastitates  Extensive plain

From Chris Laurel:
The two letter codes are the ones used by the USGS. I also permit "Crater" instead of writing "AA"--I'll introduce similar aliases for the rest of the feature types. You would add a city like this:

Code: Select all

Location "Wellington" "Sol/Earth"
   LongLat [ 174.823 -41.275 0 ]
   Size 10
   Importance 500
   Type "City"
Last edited by don on 01.08.2003, 15:23, edited 2 times in total.
-Don G.
My Celestia Scripting Resources page

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Third zero

Post #2by alan_federman » 31.07.2003, 00:53

What does the third field in the location refer to? Elevation?
Alan Federman

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Re: Third zero

Post #3by chris » 31.07.2003, 01:19

alan_federman wrote:What does the third field in the location refer to? Elevation?

Yes. Specifically, it's the altitude above the surface in units of kilometers.


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Re: Third zero

Post #4by don » 31.07.2003, 04:41

chris wrote:Yes. Specifically, it's the altitude above the surface in units of kilometers.

Hi Chris,

Can you explain how/when this altitude value would come into play, since Celestia also uses the Size and Importance values to determine when the location label is displayed? Thank you.
-Don G.

My Celestia Scripting Resources page

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Post #5by don » 01.08.2003, 02:38

To All,

If you use multiple Location files, and find that several labels overlap on a given location ... I edited the first post in this thread to include instructions on how this can be avoided. The added portion is marked "[ADDED July 31, 2003]".

Location file creators:
You may want to test your files to see if this happens (I know it does in Fridger's UNECE file), and make the appropriate changes.

If you change the Long or Lat, please add a comment with the original values and the reason for changing them, so someone doesn't think the file is messed up and change them back <smile>.

Hope this helps.
-Don G.

My Celestia Scripting Resources page

Avatar: Total Lunar Eclipse from our back yard, Oct 2004. Panasonic FZ1 digital camera (no telescope), 36X digital zoom, 8 second exposure at f6.5.

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Re: Third zero

Post #6by chris » 01.08.2003, 02:41

don wrote:
chris wrote:Yes. Specifically, it's the altitude above the surface in units of kilometers.
Hi Chris,

Can you explain how/when this altitude value would come into play, since Celestia also uses the Size and Importance values to determine when the location label is displayed? Thank you.

Altitude is the distance of the location above an object's surface. There are occasions when you might want to label a location that's above the surface of a planet. For example, you could place locations to mark the various rings and gaps in Saturn's rings.


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Post #7by billybob884 » 01.08.2003, 04:53

well, to make it easy for us all, so no one has to go through all 8000 of hte earth locations, could you make a bit of code that one could put at the top of hte document that would make all height things 0, no matter what they are set at?
Mike M.


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Re: Third zero

Post #8by don » 01.08.2003, 15:11

chris wrote:Altitude is the distance of the location above an object's surface. There are occasions when you might want to label a location that's above the surface of a planet. For example, you could place locations to mark the various rings and gaps in Saturn's rings.


Ahhhhhh, gotcha! Very clever :D

Thanks Chris,
-Don G.

My Celestia Scripting Resources page

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Post #9by jamarsa » 01.08.2003, 18:57

Very Interesting thread!! Perhaps you should make it Sticky, don...

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Post #10by don » 01.08.2003, 21:22

Good idea Javier, however that is not an option when I edit the message.

Maybe Chris could make it sticky?
-Don G.

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Post #11by boo » 17.08.2003, 06:53

How many locations are stored in the UN ECE file?

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Post #12by don » 18.08.2003, 06:00

See: http://shatters.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2742 for Fridger's original post.

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