Location Colours ?

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Location Colours ?

Post #1by Darkmiss » 24.07.2003, 16:53

Is it, or will it be posible to use different colours for locations?

EG: one colour for capital citys
another colour for major citys.... and so on ?
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Post #2by billybob884 » 24.07.2003, 17:07

well, in the future, that would be a good idea. but riht now isnt there a problem with all earth locations being specified as one thing?
Mike M.


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Post #3by JackHiggins » 24.07.2003, 18:29

everything on other bodies (like terrae, maria, craters etc) are also marked as "other locations"... How do you specify a feature as one of these?
- Jack Higgins
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Post #4by chris » 24.07.2003, 19:52

You can use the Type field in .ssc files . . . Here are the recognized codes:

Code: Select all

    { "AA", Location::Crater },
    { "VA", Location::Vallis },
    { "MO", Location::Mons },
    { "PM", Location::Planum },
    { "CM", Location::Chasma },
    { "PE", Location::Patera },
    { "ME", Location::Mare },
    { "RU", Location::Rupes },
    { "TE", Location::Tessera },
    { "RE", Location::Regio },
    { "CH", Location::Chaos },
    { "TA", Location::Terra },
    { "AS", Location::Astrum },
    { "CR", Location::Corona },
    { "DO", Location::Dorsum },
    { "FO", Location::Fossa },
    { "CA", Location::Catena },
    { "MN", Location::Mensa },
    { "RI", Location::Rima },
    { "UN", Location::Undae },
    { "RT", Location::Reticulum },
    { "PL", Location::Planitia },
    { "LI", Location::Linea },
    { "FL", Location::Fluctus },
    { "FR", Location::Farrum },
    { "LF", Location::LandingSite },
    { "XX", Location::Other },
    { "City", Location::City },
    { "Observatory", Location::Observatory },
    { "Landing Site", Location::LandingSite },
    { "Crater", Location::Crater },

The two letter codes are the ones used by the USGS. I also permit "Crater" instead of writing "AA"--I'll introduce similar aliases for the rest of the feature types. Any you would add a city like this:

Code: Select all

Location "Wellington" "Sol/Earth"
   LongLat [ 174.823 -41.275 0 ]
   Size 10
   Importance 500
   Type "City"


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Post #5by Darkmiss » 24.07.2003, 21:31

thanks Chris
I added the "City" code to the Earth-Citys.ssc file
So you can toggle them on and off from the locations menu now

:arrow: http://www.bt.homepage.btinternet.co.uk/Files/Earth-Citys.ssc

Jack may i ask you how you linked to your gallery, in your signature,
without having the whole url string showing ?
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Post #6by JackHiggins » 24.07.2003, 23:00

Thanks chris nice to know what to do now!

Darkmiss wrote:Jack may i ask you how you linked to your gallery, in your signature,
without having the whole url string showing ?

It's sorta like how you do quotes with names- in your signature write:

[ url = link_to_gallery_here ] displayed text here [ / url ]

except without all the spaces obviously!
- Jack Higgins

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Post #7by don » 26.07.2003, 01:09

To Chris, and others who are creating Location files . . .

Thank you Chris for the definitions!

I would like to suggest that you all get together and define a list of Size and Importance values for specific things. For example:

Size 1 = house?
Size 2 = commercial building
Size 10 = small city
Size 100 = medium city
Size 200 = large city

(ONLY an example!)

Same kind of thing with Importance.

Why? So that when a Location file has a gazillion entries in it, or the user has lots of Location files of different things, that the user can better control what labels actually get displayed.

For example, I'm using a couple of large Location files that Fridger (sp?) created, went to Hawaii, and every location on the big island is stacked on top of each other, with no way to manipulate the display to see them all (rotate, orbit, set Size value in dialog, etc.). It's just a big green blob <frown>.

By pre-defining a list of Size and Importance values for Location list creators to follow, it will allow all Location files, created by anyone, to be displayed the way the user wants via one set of end-user controls (the Locations dialog box).



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Post #8by Darkmiss » 26.07.2003, 10:31

JackHiggins wrote:It's sorta like how you do quotes with names- in your signature write:

[ url = link_to_gallery_here ] displayed text here [ / url ]

except without all the spaces obviously!

Thanks Jack that makes it look more tidy 8)

don wrote:Size 1 = house?
Size 2 = commercial building
Size 10 = small city
Size 100 = medium city
Size 200 = large city

(ONLY an example!)


This is a good idea Don G
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Post #9by JackHiggins » 26.07.2003, 18:22

I agree with don's idea- that's the same kind of thing as the "groups" idea for displaying orbits!
- Jack Higgins

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Post #10by don » 27.07.2003, 10:07

chris wrote:You can use the Type field in .ssc files . . . Here are the recognized codes ... The two letter codes are the ones used by the USGS. ...
Hi Chris,

Just spent some time looking for English definitions of the Latin terms you used, and found the following:

According to ...
Astrogeology Research Program Home
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
Descriptor Terms (Feature Types)
Feature Description Designation
Department of the Interior | US Geological Survey
URL: http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/append5.html
Last updated: 01/31/2003 12:20:56
Send comments, suggestions or questions to: Jennifer Blue, (jblue@usgs.gov)

... your current list is missing 20 items, which include . . .

Code: Select all

 AL Albedo Feature Geographic area distinguished by amount of reflected light
 CB Cavus, cavi  Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays or clusters
 CO Colles  Small hills or knobs
 ER Eruptive center  Active volcanic centers on IO
 FA Facula, faculae  Bright spot
 LA Labes  Landslide
 LB Labyrinthus, labyrinthi  Complex of intersecting valleys
 LC Lacus  "Lake"; small plain (MOON only)
 LE Lenticula, lenticulae  Small dark spots on EUROPA
 LG Large ringed feature  Cryptic ringed features
 MA Macula, maculae  Dark spot, may be irregular
 OC Oceanus  A very large dark area on the moon (MOON only)
 PA Palus, paludes  "Swamp"; small plain (MOON only)
 PR Promontorium, promontoria  "Cape"; headland promontoria (MOON only)
 PU Plume
 SC Scopulus, scopuli  Lobate or irregular scarp
 SI Sinus  "Bay"; small plain
 SU Sulcus, sulci  Subparallel furrows and ridges
 TH Tholus, tholi  Small domical mountain or hill
 VS Vastitas, vastitates  Extensive plain

Were these items omitted on purpose, or should they be added to your list?

Below, since most of us don't know Latin, I added the USGS English translation in parens for the items Celestia currently recognizes:

Code: Select all

AA Crater ........ (craters  A circular depression)
AS Astrum ........ (astra  Radial-patterned features on VENUS)
CA Catena ........ (catenae  Chain of craters)
CH Chaos ......... (Distinctive area of broken terrain)
CM Chasma ........ (chasmata  A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression)
CR Corona ........ (coronae  Ovoid-shaped feature)
DO Dorsum ........ (dorsa  Ridge)
FE Flexus ........ (A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern)
FL Fluctus ....... (Flow terrain)
FO Fossa ......... (fossae  Long, narrow, shallow depression)
FR Farrum ........ (farra  Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures)
LF LandingSite ... (Lunar features at or near APOLLO LANDING SITES)
LI Linea ......... (lineae  A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight)
ME Mare .......... (maria  "Sea"; large circular plain (MOON only)
MN Mensa ......... (mensae  A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges)
MO Mons .......... (montes  Mountain)
PE Patera ........ (paterae  An irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges)
PL Planitia ...... (planitiae  Low plain)
PM Planum ........ (plana  Plateau or high plain)
RE Regio ......... (regiones  A large area marked by reflectivity or color distinctions from
                    adjacent areas, or a broad geographic region)
RI Rima .......... (rimae  Fissure - MOON only)
RT Reticulum ..... (reticula  reticular (netlike pattern on VENUS)
RU Rupes ......... (Scarp)
TA Terra ......... (terrae  Extensive land mass)
TE Tessera ....... (tesserae  Tile-like, polygonal terrain)
UN Undae ......... (Dunes)
VA Vallis ........ (valles  Valley)

The "MOON only" entries denote where USGS says the entry is "Used only on the Moon".
The feature names in caps denote a feature used only on that specific object (ie. IO, VENUS, EUROPA).

After all this, do we really need features/codes like "Tile-like, polygonal terrain", "reticular (netlike pattern on VENUS)", and "Ovoid-shaped feature" in Celestia? Why not use simple things that everyone can relate to, such as Continent, Country, Ocean, Lake, etc., along with the features above that would be neccessary to describe "Locations", and not "Geologic Formations" on other objects?

Just curious <smile>.
-Don G.
My Celestia Scripting Resources page

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