I am hoping one of the Celestia developers (or someone else "in the know") could fill in the blanks below, as to what each of the possible variables stored in a Cel// URL are? This would help me to determine values to enter into a script. The "blanks" (no description) are denoted by the text "(???)".
For the seemingly encrypted data strings (?x, &y, &z), is it possible to provide a list of what values are possible in each of the string's positions, and a definition of what each one is?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to help me write a .CEL scripting guide!
Code: Select all
List of Cel:// URL Variables
Header (cel:)
String -- to be parsed. Consists of ...
* //<text> (???) What are all of the possible entries here?
(some possible entries from Selden's doc...)
- Freeflight
- Follow
- SyncOrbit
- Chase
- PhaseLock
- Equatorial & ObserverLocal = "Unknown"
- (???) others
* /<text> (zero or more objects/object paths depending on previous variable)
* /Date (Date)
* Ttime (Time)
?x: <?encrypted data> (???) ... Example: ?x=HBq/urajN5/EDA
Note: All variables below are actually prefixed with an ampersand (&), which had to be removed in order for the text to display properly here in the forum.
y: <?encrypted data> (???) ... Example: &y=9pEV0xeFCQ
z: <?encrypted data> (???) ... Example: &z=baLmLZOzTXkO
ow: <number> (???)
ox: <number> (???)
oy: <number> (???)
oz: <number> (???)
track: <object/object path> (Currently Tracked object)
select: <object/object path> (Currently selected object)
fov: <number> (Field Of View)
ts: <number> (Time Rate / X-factor)
rf: <number> (rf1 ???)
lm: <number> (lm1 ???)
ltd <number> (???)
rf: <number> (rf2 ???)
lm: <number> (lm2 ???)
??? Are there any other variables I missed?
NOTE: The duplicate entries of "rf" and "lm" are not typos. This list was generated by Celestia 1.3.1 pre6 when all Rendering options were turned ON, except Comet Labels (the checkbox does not stay checked). I reported this as a possible bug in the Bug forum.