When converting right ascension from time to a float used in C++...what is the correct procedure?
eg. 12 : 40.0 (h:m) to float 12 + (40 hours in decimal format) Can't quite remember this was done...
And Declination?
eg. -11 : 37 (deg:m)
Conversion question...
Conversion question...
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!
It depends on what units you want in your float. Say you want hours, then
12h40m = 12h + 40m * (1/60) (h/m) = 12.667h
since 1h = 60m. Similarly, 1m = 1s -> 1h=3600s.
If you want to convert to degrees, you have to know that
360deg = 24h -> 15deg = 1h, so
12.667h = 12.667h * 15(deg/h) = 190.0deg.
Since 2*pi rad = 360deg, we have 1deg = pi/180 rad, so in case you want radians,
190.0deg = 190.0deg * (pi/180) (rad/deg) = 3.32 rad
For declination, the same procedure as for right ascension applies, i.e.
-11deg37' = -(11deg + 37') = -(11deg + 37'*(1/60)(deg/')) = -11.62deg
since 1deg = 60' (1' = 1 arc minute).
12h40m = 12h + 40m * (1/60) (h/m) = 12.667h
since 1h = 60m. Similarly, 1m = 1s -> 1h=3600s.
If you want to convert to degrees, you have to know that
360deg = 24h -> 15deg = 1h, so
12.667h = 12.667h * 15(deg/h) = 190.0deg.
Since 2*pi rad = 360deg, we have 1deg = pi/180 rad, so in case you want radians,
190.0deg = 190.0deg * (pi/180) (rad/deg) = 3.32 rad
For declination, the same procedure as for right ascension applies, i.e.
-11deg37' = -(11deg + 37') = -(11deg + 37'*(1/60)(deg/')) = -11.62deg
since 1deg = 60' (1' = 1 arc minute).