
All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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Posts: 1709
Joined: 12.07.2003
With us: 21 years 7 months
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Post #1by don » 21.07.2003, 00:04

:P Welcome Everyone,

I would like to start off this new forum with a small announcement, that many of you may have already read on the other forums...

With the assistance of folks "in the know", like Chris, Selden and others, I am attempting to create a comprehensive Celestia .CEL Scripting Guide that can be used by all Celestia users, from non-programmers to programmers.

If you would like to help answer the many questions I've already posted, please visit the Developers forum and look through my question posts. I will be posting new scripting questions here in this forum.

If you know how to code a particular set of .CEL Script commands very well, like starting at position X, moving to position Y (without using goto), where the display keeps the viewer interested (different camera rotation, fast moving stars, etc.), I would love to see some code examples. When you post example code, please explain what it is supposed to do in plain terms, so that I, and all the other scripting newbies can understand too (smile).

Thank you all very much!


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