demo script

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demo script

Post #1by bg » 10.07.2003, 06:28

hi - as an amateur programmer i would get great value out of playing witht the celestia "run demo" script - thte one on the help menu in celestia. Can anyone help me out and supply me with it or tell me where i can get a hold of it?

thanks all :D


Post #2by Guest » 10.07.2003, 07:15

It's located in the Celestia directory. <i>demo.cel</i>


Post #3by Guest » 10.07.2003, 07:30

thanks a mil :wink:


Post #4by Guest » 10.07.2003, 07:38

just a question tho....howcome when u run demo.cel as a script it has no planet textures, but run it of the "run demo" option under help and there are planet textures?

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Post #5by JrzyCrim » 11.07.2003, 22:11

That's a good question. I tried it and I could not see the earth at the beginning of the demo. I could see the other planetary bodies, however.
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Post #6by -Shadow- » 12.07.2003, 00:54

At the start of the demo look to the top left corner of the screen it says Earth
Distance: 206.??? AU
Just click g (go) that will zoom in too earth.
I thik that's becasue you're starting Celestia from just the default location, before you Go to Io you travell to it right?
It may be that before you reac Io you are 200 AU away from it.

- Shadow

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Post #7by JrzyCrim » 12.07.2003, 01:33

That explains. Thanks shadow.
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Post #8by -Shadow- » 12.07.2003, 01:43

Your Welcome :mrgreen:
I've gotten used to the things in Celestia after almost a full year
October 22nd is me and My Celestia's anniverasry lol

- Shadow

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Post #9by billybob884 » 12.07.2003, 02:28

wow, an exact date. I only remember it being hte summer of 02
Mike M.


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Post #10by -Shadow- » 12.07.2003, 23:45

I keep it as a record.
Rass sent me an email containing Celestia's whereabouts.
The same day I installed it. That was a good email, one of the best I've ever gotten.

- Shadow

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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