MER-B "Opportunity" xyz trajectory

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MER-B "Opportunity" xyz trajectory

Post #1by JackHiggins » 08.07.2003, 22:04

Hey all

Haven't had much time for making addons lately, and this will probably be my only one for some time too...

It's an xyz for MER-B "Opportunity"!

Get it off the spacecraft page on my site

The zip file is the 3rd one in the mars rovers section, and also includes an ssc update, to REPLACE any mars rover ssc you have already. If you don't change the ssc you won't be able to see MER-B. Also the trajectory only runs until august 7th or so, not all the way to mars....

Anyway enjoy!!
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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Post #2by jamarsa » 08.07.2003, 22:46

Launched just in time... a few days more, and you would have to make a easier trajectory... to NASA's store until 2007. :wink:

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