well, download it when you can
Here's a variant with all the images opaque.
http://www.lns.cornell.edu/~seb/celestia/m16-v3.zip (8.5MB)
To appreciate this one most easily, we really do need a way to turn Nebula textures off and on easily. However, you can edit the .DSC file to turn off (comment out) the Mesh declarations of the pictures you don't want to see. The way they're arranged, disabling "eagle" and "phot-37a-01" lets you see the important parts of the other 4.
(As usual, these thumbnails link to much larger images)
The one on the left has all images enabled. It shows the ESA/ISO "eagle" image of cold gases in front of the NOAO false-color picture of the nebula.
The one on the right has "eagle" and "phot" disabled. This reveals the high-resolution ESO infra-red picture of the tip of pillar #1 over the NASA "Pillars of Creation" with the 2MASS mosaic atlas in the background.