The Moon

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The Moon

Post #1by ElPelado » 30.06.2003, 11:32

I have read this on a science forum. It's in spanish and I cannot transalte it, it has many wrods that I don't know even in spanish :oops:

I know that here are some people that know spanish. So if they can transalte it, everyone will understan it.
My personal opinion is that the person who wrote this, is insane.

El problema de la Luna: nuestro sat?lite natural, la Luna, se separa lenta y peligrosamente de la Tierra, debido a la atracci?n que sufri? por parte del planeta Venus cuando ?ste atravesaba la regi?n del sistema solar en el que se encuentra el sistema Tierra-Luna tras huir como luna de Urano debido a una descompensacionalidad gravitacionom?trica producida por el cometa Halley hace 3502 millones de a?os, cuya masa entonces deb?a equivaler aproximadamente a la del planeta Saturno. Venus producir?a entre otros efectos la destrucci?n de Faet?n, cuyos ultramasiv?ticos pedazos impactar?an contra la Tierra asesinando a los dinosaurios y atravesar?an la Luna para ser atra?dos por el Sol y la estrella Rigel. El sat?lite-planeta Venus se situar?a en su ?rbita actual debido a la fuerza del temible y desp?tico viento solar. En alg?n momento de este acercamiento a su ?rbita actual, Venus pasar?a entre la Tierra y la Luna produciendo un desequilibrio gravitacional que imprimir?a una ligera fuerza a la Luna. Esta es la raz?n del porqu? la Luna se aleja de la Tierra. El problema es que si la Luna llega alg?n d?a a alejarse m?s de 501.134 Km y 3 metros, quedar? totalmente desligada gravitacionalmente a nuestro planeta, generando un problema de fatales consecuencias para la raza hum?nica. A partir de ese punto, la Luna se iniciar? una separaci?n antigravit?tica por efecto de la ultraantidensidad invaciaria temporico-radial con circunscricci?n temporal normal, adquiriendo instant?neamente la velocidad de la luz. Nuestro planeta sufrir?a una descompesaci?n gravitacionopresionom?trica c?ntrico-infinita, de tal manera que se encoger?a hasta convertirse en un objeto de 2.59 mil?metros de di?metro que irradia radiaci?n verde y ondas de radio, ni siquiera sin poder ser salvado por un pacto entre los silicianos glabund?ticos y los escal?ricos. Naturalmente, tales circunstancias provocar?an perjudiciales consecuencias pol?ticas y sociales, adem?s de limitar bastante los recursos energ?ticos disponibles, por lo que es necesario buscar una soluci?n al respecto.

Mi soluci?n es la siguiente: los hombres del espacio, viajando en grandes naves de transporte de material, extender?n un gran cable que ser? fuertemente anclado en la Luna por un extremo y por el polo norte terrestre en el otro, disponiendo a la Luna en un punto fijo situado siempre por encima del polo Norte terrestre, a su distancia actual, pero sin girar en torno a la Tierra, aunque s? rotando sincronizadamente con nuestro mundo. Este cable permitir? tener atrapada la Luna en un punto fijo y evitar que si distancia a la Tierra aumente. Aunque existe la desventaja de que la Luna siempre se hallar? por encima del polo Norte terrestre y que no veremos sus fases como anta?o, contaremos con un cable que nos permirtir?a ascender hacia la Luna o descender hacia la Tierra siempre que dese?semos, evitando costosos y problem?ticos despegues de cohetes de combustible qu?mico.

Por otra parte, si paralelamente al cable disponemos una tuber?a especial que resista las condiciones del manto terrestre, se podr?a hacer intercambio entre el material del manto terrestre y el del manto lunar, lo cual permitir?a una mayor movilidad tanto de los silicianos glabund?ticos como de los escal?ricos, estableciendo una gran zona de libre comercio de glabundio y fomentando la paz entre ambas razas de seres antineutr?nicos.

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Post #2by marc » 30.06.2003, 11:53

Translated via babelfish.
The problem of the Moon: our natural satellite, the Moon, separates slowly and dangerously of the Earth, due to the attraction that suffered on the part of the Venus planet when this one crossed the region of the Solar System in which theTierra-Luna system is after fleeing as Uranus moon due to a gravitacionom?trica descompensacionalidad produced by the comet Halley makes 3502 million years, whose then mass had approximately to be equivalent to the one of the planet Saturn. Venus would produce among other effects the destruction of Faet?n, whose ultramasiv?ticos pieces would hit against the Earth assassinating to the dinosaurios and would cross the Moon to be attracted by the Sun and the Rigel star. The Venus satellite-planet would be located in its actual orbit due to the force of the frightful and despotic solar wind. At some moment of this approach to its actual orbit, Venus would pass between the Earth and the Moon producing a gravitational imbalance that imprimir?a a slight force to the Moon. This is the reason of porqu? the Moon moves away of the Earth. The problem is that if the Moon someday gets to move away more than to 501,134 km and 3 meters, will gravitationally be left to our planet, generating a problem of fatal consequences for the hum?nica race totally loose. From that point, the Moon will begin a antigravit?tica separation by effect of the temporico-radial invaciaria ultraantidensidad with normal temporary circunscricci?n, instantaneously acquiring the speed of the light. Our planet would undergo centric-infinite a gravitacionopresionom?trica descompesaci?n, in such a way that it would shrink until becoming an object of 2,59 millimeters of diameter that radiates green radiation and radio waveses, not even without power to be saved by a pact between the glabund?ticos silicianos and the escal?ricos. Naturally, such circumstances would cause detrimental political and social consequences, besides to limit enough the power resources available, reason why it is necessary on the matter to look for a solution.

My solution is the following one: the men of the space, traveling in great transport ships of material, will extend a great cable that strongly will be anchored in the Moon by an end and the terrestrial North Pole in the other, arranging to the Moon in a always located fixed point over the terrestrial North Pole, to their present distance, but without turning around the Earth, although yes rotating synchronously with our world. This cable will allow to have catched the Moon in a fixed point and to avoid that if distances to the Earth it increases. Although the disadvantage exists of which the Moon always will be over the terrestrial North Pole and which we will not see its phases like long ago, we will count on a cable that permirtir?a to ascend to us towards the Moon or to descend towards the Earth whenever we wished, avoiding expensive and problematic takeoffs of chemical propellant rockets.

On the other hand, if parallelly to the cable we arrange a special pipe that it resists the conditions of the terrestrial mantle, would be possible to be done interchange between the material of the terrestrial mantle and the one of the lunar mantle, which would as much allow a greater mobility of the glabund?ticos silicianos as of the escal?ricos, establishing a great zone of free commerce of glabundio and fomenting La Paz between both races of antineutron beings.

Sounds like a convincing argument for more funding. :)

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Post #3by ElPelado » 30.06.2003, 12:34

I saw many mistakes here, so this is the correction of what the "babelfish" transalte:

The problem of the Moon: our natural satellite, the Moon, separates slowly and dangerously from the Earth, due to the attraction that suffered by Venus when this one crossed the region of the Solar System in which the Earth-Moon system is, after fleeing as Uranus moon due to a "gravitacionom?trica descompensacionalidad" produced by the comet Halley 3502 million years ago, whose mass then was approximately to be equivalent to the mass of the planet Saturn. Venus would produce among other effects the destruction of Faet?n, whose "ultramasiv?ticos" pieces would hit against the Earth assassinating the dinosaurios and would cross the Moon to be attracted by the Sun and the Rigel star. The Venus satellite-planet would be located in its actual orbit due to the force of the frightful and despotic solar wind. At some moment of this approach to its actual orbit, Venus would pass between the Earth and the Moon producing a gravitational imbalance that gave a slight force to the Moon. This is the reason of why the Moon moves away of the Earth. The problem is that if the Moon someday gets to move away more than to 501,134 km and 3 meters, will gravitationally be left from our planet, generating a problem of fatal consequences for the human race totally loose. From that point, the Moon will begin a antigravity separation by effect of the "temporico-radial invaciaria ultraantidensidad" with normal temporary circunscricci?n, instantaneously acquiring the speed of the light. Our planet would undergo centric-infinite a "gravitacionopresionom?trica descompesaci?n", in such a way that it would shrink until becoming an object of 2,59 millimeters of diameter that radiates green radiation and radio waveses, not even without power to be saved by a pact between the glabund?ticos silicianos and the escal?ricos. Naturally, such circumstances would cause detrimental political and social consequences, besides to limit enough the power resources available, reason why it is necessary on the matter to look for a solution.




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Post #4by granthutchison » 30.06.2003, 14:26

This is a mad person. Ignore.


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Post #5by ElPelado » 30.06.2003, 14:46

I thought the same. And I also put a reply on that science forum telling him that i think that.



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Borg Collective
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Post #6by Borg Collective » 30.06.2003, 16:03

Moon... OK. Travelling... OK also. SPEED OF LIGHT?(!) ... No comment (on this stupidity).
What am I doing? Ah, nothing much. Just laying on my bed, watching the stars, and sky, and keep asking myself: 'Where the Hell is my Roof?'.

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Post #7by jamarsa » 30.06.2003, 16:31

This is from the same author discussed in this previous topic:

The same pseudo-scientific language, the same nonsense. :roll:

PS: Very good the part about the Halley: 3502 million years ago, it had a mass equivalent to Saturn!! And what about the Moon, reaching light speed? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And the compression of the Earth, to a 2.59 mm sphere!! :P :P :P

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #8by Evil Dr Ganymede » 30.06.2003, 17:04

Sounds vaguely like Immanuel Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" idea, which is silly but actually kinda entertaining. He was a Russian who said that a few thousand years ago, Venus was ejected from Jupiter (somehow. I forget the reason), came close to earth, jiggled it around lots, changed the orbit, and then both worlds settled into their current orbits. Kinda like a game of 'cosmic billiards'. He uses it to explain all the weird things that show up in the bible, like battles in the sky, the sun stopping in the sky so that someone important could build a city in a day, floods, and so on.

Like I said - silly, but entertaining. The intriguing thing is that assuming Velikovsky's historical research is at least vaguely accurate, there do seem to be some correlations between major events described in the bible, and other events described in the histories/mythologies of totally unrelated cultures, implying that something odd was was going on back then.

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Post #9by -Shadow- » 30.06.2003, 17:12

Our planet shrinking to 2.6 millameters and the moon hopping away at the speed of light? Someone should reserve him a room in the mental institution.

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