Search site for ad-ons and textures

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Post #21by Gordon » 11.06.2003, 09:36

I have had a major problem with the cheking link script on the free server, so I have temporally remove this feature.

Now it works find (and quick). Does anyone know a free and good php/mySQL hosting server ?


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Post #22by Gordon » 19.06.2003, 20:14


Some updates/modifications on the site :

1/ I have removed the rating thing, finally I was not fan of it, and done some cosmetic modifitions.

2/ I have filled the base with records of add-ons I have found here and there (thx selden for your site which was a big help doing this).

Maybe one of your add-on is on this list. You are still very welcome to register your add-ons and site. In case I woukd have already created a record for one of your add-on, you can retrieve it in your list thanks to a tranfer feature. You'll then be able to do what you want with it !

3/ I have done (and will update it it on regular basis) a backup of the add-ons and site database lists in CVS format at this adress Feel free to use it.



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Post #23by selden » 19.06.2003, 20:37

Gordon wrote:2/ I have filled the base with records of add-ons I have found here and there (thx selden for your site which was a big help doing this).

You are quite welcome, of course. I'm glad it helped.

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Post #24by selden » 20.06.2003, 21:48

A problem: I just noticed that the "tip" says that keywords must be more than 3 characters long.

How do I search for addons related to Io ?

The result of the search for Io says it didn't find anything, but I don't know if that's because there are none or if it ignored the request. If there is a length restriction, then it needs to generate an error message when it is violated.

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Post #25by Gordon » 20.06.2003, 23:00


IO ? you can't seach for it. We must change its name until mysql 4.1 is released ! :lol: The fulltext search with mysql 3.x is very limited.

But your are right and i'll try to make something to advertise people that the search is not correct. In fact I thaught that in this case the word was ignored but it's not the case.

thx for your feed back.


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Post #26by jamarsa » 20.06.2003, 23:03

What of searching Io<space> ? :-P

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Post #27by Gordon » 21.06.2003, 08:01

What of searching Io<space> ?

Doesn't work, even with 2 <space> !


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Post #28by marc » 21.06.2003, 08:10

Why dont you use 4.0.13?
In Mysql 4.0.13 the default minimum word length for a full text search is 4. This value can be changed though you will need to rebuild the fulltext index.

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Post #29by Gordon » 31.07.2003, 20:34

hello everybody,

So tomorow it is august and august means hollydays in France ! 8) This also means I will not update the database because i'll be on hollyday myself as i am french (something logical here :lol: )

The site is up to date right now but i know it will not be in 3 weeks. The point is that if you, Creators, want to update the database with your new creation, I remind you it's possible (I don't know why but I am not very optimistic on this one :lol: ). For those who would ask themself how much usefull it is to do it, in 1 month there was 754 visitors and 2574 queries were performed ...


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