Search site for ad-ons and textures

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Search site for ad-ons and textures

Post #1by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 12:18

Hi all,

I have created a site which aim to help Celestia users to find add-ons and textures files and sites.

In fact it is just a place where add-on and texture creators are able to publish information about theire works and put a link to it.

The usefull part is that there is a search page taht user can use to find specific add-ons. As you'll see it's very basic (it's my first site with php and mysql and i am not a professional - everybody can see that!) but i think it works and it's very easy to use.

For information, if you want to go in the registered part of the site without creating an account there is a test login (login=test, pwd=test). If you go there please don't remove the test site and the test add-on (real/texture for the search fields).

Here is the link :

If you find it usefull or not, tell me. If finally it is usefull i'd like to put it on the celestia webring



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Post #2by JackHiggins » 07.06.2003, 13:24

Definitely a good idea!!

A few problems- The entry fields for Addons & sites are in french only (still easy to understand though 'cos i speak some french) and it would be good if you could enter a big list of addons at once, instead of one at a time!
- Jack Higgins
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Post #3by selden » 07.06.2003, 13:28


I think this could be a very useful tool.
However, the descriptions of the fields in the entry form are confusing to me. I don't know what the "Id_site" is supposed to be, for example. Numbers? letters? Does it have to be unique among all the sites listed?

I think it would be very helpful if you could show an example down below the form. The example might include both a filled out form and what its entry looks like after a search for it.

Also, it would be nice if it let you specify the url prefix: some addons are only available using FTP, not HTTP. (e.g. )

I hope this helps.

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Post #4by JackHiggins » 07.06.2003, 13:39

Hm.... I'm having a few problems too...

My site hasn't been entered into the list, I think i may have entered something incorrectly...

Also, the text boxes cut off the end of locations for files & images I specify. I tried adding in my pioneer 10&11 model as a test ( ... ), and only shows up...

Another thing (and i'm not saying everything is bad, because it is a good idea) is that a few of the nature-addon fields overlap... Eg spacecraft, and probe, and "moon" could mean a model, or an ssc file.
- Jack Higgins

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Post #5by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 14:08


something I did is to check links before printing them on screen. Which means that if a link to a site or to an add-on is wrong, the site or add-on is not displayed.

This a script I found somewhere and "tortured" a little bit. On one side it's good because this means that user would have only good links, on the other side it makes the script a lot slower.

Maybe I should remove this.

I'll go see if that the problem and see for multi input at one time.

I come back when ready.


Corrections/ Modifications :

1 / I saw one problem was fot you both jack and selden the way to enter the link. The link should be entered without "http://", but I think now it could be ftp links I will change this.

2/ links were stored only with 50 characters, now it's 250, that should solve the problem Selden had.

3/ Field names in 'english' (as far as I can !)

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Post #6by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 16:08

Ok I have made lots of minor modifications. It should be better (far from perfect) now.

I'll still need to change the links to be able to handle ftp links and do the multi-insertion form.

Please tell me if it is usable like this or not . I'll take no offence of any comment.


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Post #7by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 16:32

JackHiggins wrote:
Another thing (and i'm not saying everything is bad, because it is a good idea) is that a few of the nature-addon fields overlap... Eg spacecraft, and probe, and "moon" could mean a model, or an ssc file.

Totally agree.

1/ I'll remove ssc file in the choice.

2/ Does spacecraft and probe overloap for you? Maybe should I regroup them.

Thanks for your feed back.


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Post #8by selden » 07.06.2003, 17:02


To answer one of your questions:

To me "spacecraft" means anything that travels in space, usually under its on power, but not necessarily. A "probe" is something that gets stuck (meaning inserted) into something else, usually to gather information. In this case it's a shortened form of "space probe", which is an automated spacecraft that gets sent off to stick its nose into ... umm, let's rephrase that ;) ... sent off to investigate objects in the solar system.

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Post #9by JackHiggins » 07.06.2003, 17:10


Works much better now. Thanks!

I think you should keep the thing to check broken links, that's a good feature.

Whe I said spacecraft & probe "overlap", i meant that they both mean pretty much the same thing! Theres no need to have a seperate field for "probe", just have one for spacecraft.

Heres a list of what I think would be good fields (but in whatever order you want):

    Spacecraft .xyz
    Other .xyz
    Spacecraft .3ds model
    Deep Space Object [nebulae etc]
    Planet/moon textures
    Minor moon/asteroid .3ds model
    .cel Script
    Orbital ssc (Any type)
    Positional type ssc
    Reference material/help file
    Misc add-on
- Jack Higgins

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Post #10by JackHiggins » 07.06.2003, 17:18

Didnt see Selden's post there- have to agree though!

Forgot to say that as well there should be another field for objects like new star catalogs, .stc files that aren't exactly "Deep Space" but still pretty far away.
- Jack Higgins

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Post #11by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 17:52


ok I understand.

I have a little problem with your list. i'll try to explain.

As I have ALL your great great add-ons, I know that you separate models and ssc files. So each time I have to d/l the two and then do my job on my side :) . I understand almost why you do this, e.g. to be able to make different ssc with the same model. And it's quite easy on your site to find models and ssc related to this model because of your site presentation.

In the case of the search site, I think that users are going to look for a 'total' add-on, specifically new users. By 'total' I mean they are going to look for a complete add on (model + ssc+ whatever), and it could be very complex for standard user (that i am near to be) to find all different parts in different searches (that means at least that you know the list of the different part needed - not obvious).

So I see 3 possibilities on this point :

1/ take your list as it is (i can be totally wrong above)

2/ take your list but regroup Spacecraft model and Spacecraft .xyz (in this case it is always possible to put .xyz or whatever in the description or keyword field to enable a specific search on this terms for advanced users.

3/ take list 2/ and add a new field with options .xyz / .ssc / .3ds / NULL

In any case, I know the list needs to be changed.


Thanks for your space + english lesson :)



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Post #12by Jeam Tag » 07.06.2003, 19:13

Hi hall,
I never post again, my english is too awful, but can I submit you, if it can help, a little listing that i have recently try about Celestia Addons in french.
Please, see some pages (not a great work: for the moment it is just for personnal archiving, w some questions, comments etc. always " in progress")
Catalogue/Celestia/Addons or ... Addons.htm
What do you think about?
(Yeah: i know, i have started by SF and crafts, but this is the part of i whitch is working as a science fiction illustrator!

(in french)
Ce pourrait etre une base pour ?tablir un catalogue des addons en fran?ais, non?
Avec des commentaires explicatifs (pour l'installation, ou sur les objets ainsi ajout?s)?
Les commentaires (et l'aide, pour ?tablir des "fiches" sur les addons que je ne peux pas tester, faute de carte Nvidia, par exemple) des amis francophones du forum est bienvenue :lol:
Si cela vaut le coup, j'essayerai d'en faire des pages propres pour un site.

Jeam Tag, Celestia addict
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #13by Gordon » 07.06.2003, 20:08

Hi Jeam,

your english is as good as mine (even better certainly) :wink:

Your site is great.

It seems that you have a more 'Total' view on add-ons (as I do) ... but not sure it's right for the search site .....

In any case you're more than welcome if you want to put a link to it on the site I created (just create a site and no addon). There are not that much of Celestia sites in french so that would be nice.



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Post #14by JackHiggins » 07.06.2003, 20:23

Jeam Jag,

Good site you've got there! I must admit it looks funny seeing all my stuff described in French...!! Ulysses being launched from a "positionnement g?n?rique"... :wink:


I agree that my add-ons are structured a little differently to everyone else's :wink: so your idea to just have one spacecraft field is probably better! (Of course it's up to you to do the list whatever way you want anyway!)
- Jack Higgins

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Post #15by Jeam Tag » 07.06.2003, 22:28

Bonsoir Gordon, Hello all Celestians:
Gordon wrote:It seems that you have a more 'Total' view on add-ons (as I do) ... but not sure it's right for the search site .....
Sure: This is, anyway, a maneer to me -as i say on the front page- to understand, steps by steps, how this fucking Fantastic, extraordinary program operates (remember: i have difficulties to read english, and at all, i have no a performed computer). So, i try to place on line, not a real site, for the moment (i have no time for) but my "work in progress" compilation...

Gordon wrote:In any case you're more than welcome if you want to put a link to it on the site I created (just create a site and no addon). There are not that much of Celestia sites in french so that would be nice.

I hope, later, to transform it as a real site, a sort of "Catalogue raisonn?" of Celestia Addons in french. I explain what i'm hopping for:
1/ little view of what the add-ons are
2/ Explanations for the installation, especially when corrections of the Celestia Princeps' folders are requiered.
3/ as possible, summary of what the objet is
It seems to me, effectively, that it could be a good complement (hm, no sure of that term in english?) to your remarquable repertory project (I must say that i am started my proper notes because i don't find a similar stuff, and loosed manny add-ons, in the first times :oops:

Bref, " ? suivre"

Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

Jeam Tag M
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Post #16by Jeam Tag » 07.06.2003, 23:17

Hello, Happy Meshsmaker :D

JackHiggins wrote:Good site you've got there! I must admit it looks funny seeing all my stuff described in French...!! Ulysses being launched from a "positionnement g?n?rique"... :wink:

Ah, oui, mais non :)
For the launches, i try a silly placement of your first probe+IUS, to get an avaible picture for the catalogue. So, Grant suggest here a more reasonnable one, of course and, fast, i notice that. (are there accurates probe launches "positionnements"?)
"positionnement g?n?rique" is for the cruise trajectory. I explain:
this is one one my difficulties with Celestia (and understanding the english language :wink: ) As i haven't understand very well ,I do not know to explain/sum up the differences between a general trajectory/orbit(?)
vs some ubiquitous placements (Probe 11/22/09, Probe 02/13/04...) an so on...
There are a lot of little details that i must repair, until transforming these tiny notes to a real Catalogue: All comments are welcome!

Jeam Tag
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #17by Gordon » 08.06.2003, 08:08


I have add

- a 'copy' fonction for easier add-on creation
- ftp links are now possible
- changed nature categories

So now the site is usable.



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Post #18by JackHiggins » 08.06.2003, 13:09

For the launches, i try a silly placement of your first probe+IUS, to get an avaible picture for the catalogue. So, Grant suggest here a more reasonnable one, of course and, fast, i notice that. (are there accurates probe launches "positionnements"?)
I know what you mean! Well, I have a book from a few years ago with info on each shuttle mission, and on STS-30:
NASA wrote:Primary payload, Magellan/Venus radar mapper spacecraft and attached Inertial Upper stage (IUS) deployed 6 hours, 14 minutes into flight.

STS-30 launched at 2:46:59pm E.D.T on may 4th '89, so magellan was deployed at... um... 9:00:59pm E.D.T!

Working out the landing times is different again, since mine gives a time in P.D.T... If I get it all into UT & then julian, hopefully I can recreate the mission somewhat realistically, with grant's help from that other topic!
- Jack Higgins

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Post #19by JackHiggins » 08.06.2003, 13:26


Just noticed- theres no type field for things like minor moon & asteroid models! Any chance you could add one?
- Jack Higgins

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Post #20by Gordon » 08.06.2003, 22:36

Added !


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