Christophe wrote:It would also be interesting for texture set to be possible as add-ons, that is to define them outside of the body definition.
This is a very good idea . . . Otherwise alternate surface add-ons for planets in the base distribution will require and edit of solarsys.ssc.
I just checked in a change for mask textures. I actually decided to call them overlays. An example:
Code: Select all
"Ariel" "Sol/Uranus"
Texture "ariel.jpg"
OverlayTexture "ariel-lok.png"
The overlay should be a texture with an alpha channel; the base texture shows through where the overlay is transparent. As for a way to declare alternate surfaces, I think that the .ssc format could be extended to allow something like this:
Code: Select all
AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Mercury"
Texture "mercury.jpg"
BumpMap "mercurybump.jpg"
BumpHeight 4.0
OverlayTexture "mercury-lok.png"
If this is allowed, the for consistency it should also be permittable to start a body definition with the keyword Body. In order to be backward compatible, this wouldn't be enforced of course--there are simply too many add-ons out there to force everyone to change their .ssc files.
Christophe wrote:I was also thinking that once we have a central add-on repository a great feature would be to have a 'provide object' look-up for add-ons. For example you click on a cel:// URL referencing an object that does not exists in your installation, Celestia queries the repository for a list of add-ons providing that body and offers you to download and install one. Wouldn't that be neat?
That would be insanely cool!